
I'm back


out from the dark in with the bright side of the new Si ablo español haha 🇲🇽 im 20 plz no roleplay it's cringe for me I swear 😭😭

Hello My Starlights, Anything new ?....

All I had is gone and is a relief to start fresh. Please hope to show myself and my skills my new style. All the art i had here is gone and is okay. Maybe there will be a chance....


Yes it's them again finally

I do still ship it but I like them to be in my way

The appropriate way than the original crew from u know who...🙃 they're both flirting but cups is the type to be flattered quickly, bendy shows abit of dominance (cuppy likes it) they're be a upcoming ask au of them and the other characters too which includes the brothers, friends the accuracy from the games and the show.

I'm actually taking questions and requests In the mean time while I get ready for the upcoming au, so plz ask anytime but will be rules...

  • No roleplay
  • No NSFW or sfw ( will be something I'll be creating only on my soon patreon) because I don't want minors involved
  • Don't ask the most out of pocket questions that came make you look wrong 🤨
  • If I don't answer your question is either someone asked already or I just don't got the time or something u perhaps said that I don't wanna answer😭 okay
  • U can ask me questions too but please if theirs something personal you are asking I will respectfully let you know I'm not giving you the info okay thank you 🥴✨

Human version of Bendy

Bendy is short, but not like a dwarf like how we known him as he can be at least average like 5.5 still the Shortest from the fandom. he doesn't talk much, but if he is comfortable, he is a yapper. used to be an actor with his father being the head boss of a big studio company but didn't want to continue since he just wanted a normal life. he likes to dance and draw.

There will be more doodles of him, and more description of his character, more accurate type from the game, will include more characters too.


first time drawing cups omg.....

i have a lot of headcons of cups, even mugs but his not in this picture lol anyways cuphead is a hot headed but is silly and really irresponsible ofcs getting this from the cuphead show his in his own world if things get out of hand or if you are getting his last straw your done for

when angry he will boil hot like too hot to touch, you will burn your skin

when sad he will spill liquid to show he is emotional right now really sad a waterfall.

he can handle heat since his glass lava may not really bother him. okay maybe might melt him but you know what i mean

he can be shattered if not too much to worry he can be put together with strong glue, if like he loses pieces or too damaged to be taken care of he can be remodel, if loses a hand for example build him a new one oh yeah and pain doesnt exist to him so he wont feel pain physically but can feel emotionally

i think this is cool for him and mugs cups is strong but mugs can be stronger tbh but idk imma see how that goes again my headcons for cups but mugs too just not the personality 😅


Hello everyone

I'm starting to notice that everyone is still liking my last post here and proves to me I need to continue here to feed you more of them I honestly wanted to keep going but sadly my stylus on my tab is not working and I tried to use my fingers but that's also a problem i got a feeling my tab isn't longer useful since i had it for like 7 years 😭🧍🏽‍♀️but imma buy another pen and see what happens thank you again.


Hello starlight's

I have some internet issues and can't use my tablet without it so idk how long it'll take but I'm hoping soon. I was ready to keep going with the rest of gang designs but I can't continue until my internet comes back 😭


This is the best i could draw of my full body I really tried my best it’s kinda hard to draw hands


This I took reference on Google and drew the lines but yeah you can use your hand and draw those on you if you wanna look more real because atonomy is important when drawing sometimes but that's something no one needs to do theirs no force its just a tip and it's more professional which I'm getting better at, it just makes your drawing more realistic or more detailed to your character.

This is the easy and quick thing I do when I draw doodles or my art style because atonomy it's alot of work and practice and we sometimes don't got the time to be detailed or dont want to now.

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