
I Have An Obsession

@imahomeslice / imahomeslice.tumblr.com

I write on my other account @homeslices
I reblog here :)))

Modern College AU virgin!Choso x fem!reader

A/N: Hey y’all back from the dead lol, I also redid my theme so yayyy (sorry this took so long I just went through hell week and now I’m on winter break wooo) Sorry if this seems rushed

Summary: College AU Choso smut headcannons

Pairings: virgin!Choso x fem!reader

Word Count: 1.2k

Warnings: I mean smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), needy Choso

Anonymous asked:

Hey I love your best friend writing with chishiya. Was wondering if you could do a before the borderlands how they became friends. You said they met in collage so I guess they meet there and become friends. Maybe when they very first enter the borderlands as well. Like what they were doing before the fireworks.

Best Friends 0

♡︎ - Part 1 Here
♡︎ - Part 2 Here
︎ - A/N: I finally got this done!!! If I’m being honest I’m not 100% sure how I feel about this because it is all before the show, romance, and smut, so any feedback would be amazing. Also I’m not sure how ooc Chishiya is in this, I’m sorry 😭
♡︎ - Summary: This is apart of my Best Friend series. This is Pre-Borderland, and mostly just mutual pining.
♡︎ - Pairings: Shuntaro Chishiya x Fem!Reader
♡︎ - Word Count: 1.8k
♡︎ - Warnings: None

Best Friends

♡︎ - A/n: This is my first smut so any feedback would be extremely helpful idk what I’m doing 😭 also happy New Years!!
♡︎ - Summary: Just some good old Chishiya smut, he may or may not be slightly ooc but I tried. And maybe some best friends to lovers 😏
♡︎ - Pairings: Shuntaro Chishiya x Fem!Reader
︎ - Word Count: 1.2k
♡︎ - Warnings: Smut

Ahhhh yay!! I love you for this

Okay so I have an idea for Will- and it’s like when him and fem reader are in public they always are at each other’s throats and they seem like they hate each other- but when they’re alone and it’s just the two of them they’re all like cute and stuff with one another

For example: Will reading to reader while cuddling

Anyways I’ve been craving some Will Herondale and there has been literally nothing so thank you very much for doing God’s work <3

Also I have a couple other ideas if you are interested :)))


I’m making this a headcannon because I’ve done so much work today my brain hurts.

  • Ok so we all know that William Herondale is a little shit.
  • He refuses to let you fight in a single battle
  • Whether it’s Mortmain or a single demon, he is screaming at you to leave
  • Everyone just rolls their eyes and tells him to shut up
  • You’re the only one who can knock some sense into the man
  • You literally put up with none of his bullshit
  • Jem is always amused by the two of you
  • He can lowkey tell that something’s going on between you guys but he never pushes it
  • He just let’s you believe he is under the impression that you hate each other’s guts
  • Even when you want to punch Will in the face (which is quite often), he constantly makes you smile
  • He makes it a goal of his to be as ridiculous as possible just to hear you giggle under your breath
  • God, he loves that sound
  • I can’t stop picturing the moment when he finds out that Demon Pox actually exists
  • Like your suppressed smile while you’re watching him be an absolute idiot
  • Back to the point
  • Will is just really protective of you
  • And after the curse he hates showing his emotions
  • So you keep your relationship a secret
  • The boy would do absolutely anything for you and it honestly scares him he just wants you to stay safe even if he pisses you off
  • The boy is an absolute drean
  • Even though every interaction with him is a dream
  • Will lives and breathes for you
  • He NEEDS to be touching you at all times. The second that the door closes he has you wrapped in his arms.
  • Even if you’re not the biggest reader, you have him read his favorite books to you
  • His Welsch accent always comes out when he gets really into it
  • It’s the perfect time to just sit there and admire the boy’s beauty
  • You can’t believe how freaking lucky you are to have him in your life
  • You guys still banter
  • You talk about anything and everything
  • The two of you plan your future together
  • One day you’ll tell the rest of them about your relationship
  • For now, the two of you are in your own little world and you wouldn’t have it any other way:)

It's been a while since I've written fanfic so I really hope that you enjoyed! Please send me any requests you want written, the more the better.


Thank you so much- this is amazing <3


Hi- so I was wondering if you could please do Maven from the Red Queen books x reader with the whole “touch her and you die” trope and what he would do if put in that situation- I really think that trope is fitting for him lol- thank you so much <3

Ooff! Great trope for Maven!

When You Are In Danger - Maven Calore

Fandom: Red Queen
Pairing: Redeemed!Maven x Reader
  • Maven and you were something.
  • You did not know what, though.
  • However, he did know what you were to him.
  • You are the only person he thinks he could trust one day, the thought of you keeps him sane, your company makes him feel at ease, your kisses make him feel alive.
  • He likes to have you around
  • He tries to have you around.
  • He didn't try hard enough today, though. This were the consequences.
  • You were nowhere to be found and he had decided to go look for you himself with a couple of guards.
  • He knew people were angry. Trying to retaliate against anyone who had anything to do with him or his family.
  • And what he had feared was a reality. He was sure of it now.
  • The pain he felt in his stomach the moment he found your coat lying next to the river, in the middle of the forest, was stronger than anything he ever felt before.
  • It was completely soaked. Had they drowned you?
  • He could swear he was seeing red.
  • His legs kept moving forward, as if they were automated.
  • He was afraid of what he could find, but he was also furious.
  • And that was when he heard it. That voice he fell asleep to every night.
  • He had never ran this fast in his whole life.
  • Two guys were trying to hold you still while you kept screaming and trying to fight them off.
  • And then one of them took out a knife.
  • "If you touch her, you'll die."
  • You would recognize that voice anywhere, but the cold tone that he used was totally new.
  • Both men froze on the spot.
  • "Let her go. Now."
  • One of the guys looked at the other with pleading eyes. He wanted to get away from the shadow of the flame.
  • But the other one was hesitant, he looked at the young prince with hatred in his eyes.
  • Maven noticed this, and he created a huge flame to scare the guy off.
  • After long seconds, both men gave up and ran away from the prince as fast as they could.
  • Maven motioned his guards to go after them.
  • He rushed up to you and wrapped his own coat around your shoulders.
  • He didn't say one word as you both walked back to the palace. "Are you mad at me?," you asked.
  • He looked at you as if you were insane, with a glimpse of disgust. Then he kissed you. He kissed you with the passion of a drowning man, even a bit possessively.
  • "I was scared."
  • It might not sound like something too meaningful, but it was. He was never this open about how he felt.
  • This was a huge step on whatever you both had.
  • When you arrived to the palace, he made sure to light up the fireplace in his room and tend to your wounds; that comfortable silence embracing both of you.
  • You could finally undestand what you were now. You were two people who belonged together. No need to give it a name. That was more than enough.

I love this so much, thank you 💕


Can you do Kenma x fem reader fluff- like cuddling him while he’s playing video games? Love your writing btw <3


ok so maybe this went into a different direction, but it still has cuddling and gaming in it so! also thank u sm for requesting!!


Hhagsiejeid I love this so much, thank you 💕

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