
ant queen: iam so dehydrated and full of eggs can smebody get me a class of water.... ogf

the HUD in the corner of her vision at all times: larva3847 has begun to pupate! 😯 larva3848 has begun to pupate! 😯 antwarrior234579 has died in battle! 😨 antwarrior225680 has died in battle! 😨 antwarrior234236 has died in battle! 😨 larva3849 has begun to pupate! 😯


you would make this post

antwarrior214267 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214268 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214269 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214270 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214271 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214272 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214273 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214274 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214275 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214276 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214277 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214278 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214279 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214280 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214281 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214282 has been deployed! 😈 GREATERANTWARRIOR425 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214283 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214284 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214285 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214286 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214287 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214288 has been deployed! 😈 GREATERANTWARRIOR426 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214289 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214290 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214291 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214292 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214293 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214294 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214295 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214296 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214297 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214298 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214299 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214300 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214301 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214302 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214303 has been deployed! 😈 antwarrior214304 has been deployed! 😈


Comparing the rotations of objects in the Solar System. Just look at them lol.✨🪐

To everyone that's confused, the planet Venus rotates very very slowly, with a single revolution taking about 243 Earth days, and Mercury rotates slowly, but not as slow as Venus.

i was like "i wish mercury and venus were still animated tho" and then when i opened it to reblog the image was in starting position with mercury's eyes off to the side and i realized they ARE animated. super slow.


the earth's eyes are drawn in a different place every rotation



i looked up the source for this and its from an anime where a dude has to keep a constant boner for a month straight or he loses his house

is this the episode where he lost his house

I have not stopped thinking about this even once for the last 8 years


i feel so bad whenever the alphabet completionist guy shows up on a post and the post is so close to getting all the letters. like if it were me i would throw in a "quiz" or a "xylophone" or a "veracity" just for that guy. who cares if the post doesn't make sense 100%ing the alphabet matters more.

violator of the spirit 🫵



If anyone's up to the task of 100%ing ASCII, first place is still open (then again, I haven't been going for very long lol)

" % '() , ./012 6 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

64/94 total (68%)

8/32 symbols (25%)

4/10 digits (40%)

26/26 capital letters (100%)

26/26 lowercase letters (100%)

hi ‌


73/149186 total (0.0004893220543482632%)

72/128 Basic Latin (0.5625%)

0/128 Latin-1 Supplement (0%)

0/128 Latin Extended-A (0%)

0/208 Latin Extended-B (0%)

0/96 IPA Extensions (0%)

0/80 Spacing Modifier Letters (0%)

0/112 Combining Diacritical Marks (0%)

0/144 Greek and Coptic (0%)

0/256 Cyrillic (0%)

0/48 Cyrillic Supplement (0%)

0/96 Armenian (0%)

0/112 Hebrew (0%)

0/256 Arabic (0%)

0/80 Syriac (0%)

0/48 Arabic Supplement (0%)

0/64 Thaana (0%)

0/64 NKo (0%)

0/64 Samaritan (0%)

0/32 Mandaic (0%)

0/16 Syriac Supplement (0%)

0/48 Arabic Extended-B (0%)

0/96 Arabic Extended-A (0%)

0/128 Devanagari (0%)

0/128 Bengali (0%)

0/128 Gurmukhi (0%)

0/128 Gujarati (0%)

0/128 Oriya (0%)

0/128 Tamil (0%)

0/128 Telugu (0%)

0/128 Kannada (0%)

0/128 Malayalam (0%)

0/128 Sinhala (0%)

0/128 Thai (0%)

0/128 Lao (0%)

0/256 Tibetan (0%)

0/160 Myanmar (0%)

0/96 Georgian (0%)

0/256 Hangul Jamo (0%)

0/384 Ethiopic (0%)

0/32 Ethiopic Supplement (0%)

0/96 Cherokee (0%)

0/640 Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics (0%)

0/32 Ogham (0%)

0/96 Runic (0%)

0/32 Tagalog (0%)

0/32 Hanunoo (0%)

0/32 Buhid (0%)

0/32 Tagbanwa (0%)

0/128 Khmer (0%)

0/176 Mongolian (0%)

0/80 Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended (0%)

0/80 Limbu (0%)

0/48 Tai Le (0%)

0/96 New Tai Lue (0%)

0/32 Khmer Symbols (0%)

0/32 Buginese (0%)

0/144 Tai Tham (0%)

0/80 Combining Diacritical Marks Extended (0%)

0/128 Balinese (0%)

0/64 Sundanese (0%)

0/64 Batak (0%)

0/80 Lepcha (0%)

0/48 Ol Chiki (0%)

0/16 Cyrillic Extended-C (0%)

0/48 Georgian Extended (0%)

0/16 Sundanese Supplement (0%)

0/48 Vedic Extensions (0%)

0/128 Phonetic Extensions (0%)

0/64 Phonetic Extensions Supplement (0%)

0/64 Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement (0%)

0/256 Latin Extended Additional (0%)

0/256 Greek Extended (0%)

0/112 General Punctuation (0%)

0/48 Superscripts and Subscripts (0%)

0/48 Currency Symbols (0%)

0/48 Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols (0%)

0/80 Letterlike Symbols (0%)

0/64 Number Forms (0%)

0/112 Arrows (0%)

0/256 Mathematical Operators (0%)

0/256 Miscellaneous Technical (0%)

0/64 Control Pictures (0%)

0/32 Optical Character Recognition (0%)

0/160 Enclosed Alphanumerics (0%)

0/128 Box Drawing (0%)

0/32 Block Elements (0%)

0/96 Geometric Shapes (0%)

0/256 Miscellaneous Symbols (0%)

0/192 Dingbats (0%)

0/48 Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A (0%)

0/16 Supplemental Arrows-A (0%)

0/256 Braille Patterns (0%)

0/128 Supplemental Arrows-B (0%)

0/128 Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B (0%)

0/256 Supplemental Mathematical Operators (0%)

0/256 Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows (0%)

0/96 Glagolitic (0%)

0/32 Latin Extended-C (0%)

0/128 Coptic (0%)

0/48 Georgian Supplement (0%)

0/80 Tifinagh (0%)

0/96 Ethiopic Extended (0%)

0/32 Cyrillic Extended-A (0%)

0/128 Supplemental Punctuation (0%)

0/128 CJK Radicals Supplement (0%)

0/224 Kangxi Radicals (0%)

0/16 Ideographic Description Characters (0%)

0/64 CJK Symbols and Punctuation (0%)

0/96 Hiragana (0%)

0/96 Katakana (0%)

0/48 Bopomofo (0%)

0/96 Hangul Compatibility Jamo (0%)

0/16 Kanbun (0%)

0/32 Bopomofo Extended (0%)

0/48 CJK Strokes (0%)

0/16 Katakana Phonetic Extensions (0%)

0/256 Enclosed CJK Letters and Months (0%)

0/256 CJK Compatibility (0%)

0/6592 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A (0%)

0/64 Yijing Hexagram Symbols (0%)

0/20992 CJK Unified Ideographs (0%)

0/1168 Yi Syllables (0%)

0/64 Yi Radicals (0%)

0/48 Lisu (0%)

0/320 Vai (0%)

0/96 Cyrillic Extended-B (0%)

0/96 Bamum (0%)

0/32 Modifier Tone Letters (0%)

0/224 Latin Extended-D (0%)

0/48 Syloti Nagri (0%)

0/16 Common Indic Number Forms (0%)

0/64 Phags-pa (0%)

0/96 Saurashtra (0%)

0/32 Devanagari Extended (0%)

0/48 Kayah Li (0%)

0/48 Rejang (0%)

0/32 Hangul Jamo Extended-A (0%)

0/96 Javanese (0%)

0/32 Myanmar Extended-B (0%)

0/96 Cham (0%)

0/32 Myanmar Extended-A (0%)

0/96 Tai Viet (0%)

0/32 Meetei Mayek Extensions (0%)

0/48 Ethiopic Extended-A (0%)

0/64 Latin Extended-E (0%)

0/80 Cherokee Supplement (0%)

0/64 Meetei Mayek (0%)

0/11184 Hangul Syllables (0%)

0/80 Hangul Jamo Extended-B (0%)

0/896 High Surrogates (0%)

0/128 High Private Use Surrogates (0%)

0/1024 Low Surrogates (0%)

0/6400 Private Use Area (0%)

0/512 CJK Compatibility Ideographs (0%)

0/80 Alphabetic Presentation Forms (0%)

0/688 Arabic Presentation Forms-A (0%)

0/16 Variation Selectors (0%)

0/16 Vertical Forms (0%)

0/16 Combining Half Marks (0%)

0/32 CJK Compatibility Forms (0%)

0/32 Small Form Variants (0%)

0/144 Arabic Presentation Forms-B (0%)

0/240 Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (0%)

0/16 Specials (0%)

0/128 Linear B Syllabary (0%)

0/128 Linear B Ideograms (0%)

0/64 Aegean Numbers (0%)

0/80 Ancient Greek Numbers (0%)

0/64 Ancient Symbols (0%)

0/48 Phaistos Disc (0%)

0/32 Lycian (0%)

0/64 Carian (0%)

0/32 Coptic Epact Numbers (0%)

0/48 Old Italic (0%)

0/32 Gothic (0%)

0/48 Old Permic (0%)

0/32 Ugaritic (0%)

0/64 Old Persian (0%)

0/80 Deseret (0%)

0/48 Shavian (0%)

0/48 Osmanya (0%)

0/80 Osage (0%)

0/48 Elbasan (0%)

0/64 Caucasian Albanian (0%)

0/80 Vithkuqi (0%)

0/384 Linear A (0%)

0/64 Latin Extended-F (0%)

0/64 Cypriot Syllabary (0%)

0/32 Imperial Aramaic (0%)

0/32 Palmyrene (0%)

0/48 Nabataean (0%)

0/32 Hatran (0%)

0/32 Phoenician (0%)

0/32 Lydian (0%)

0/32 Meroitic Hieroglyphs (0%)

0/96 Meroitic Cursive (0%)

0/96 Kharoshthi (0%)

0/32 Old South Arabian (0%)

0/32 Old North Arabian (0%)

0/64 Manichaean (0%)

0/64 Avestan (0%)

0/32 Inscriptional Parthian (0%)

0/32 Inscriptional Pahlavi (0%)

0/48 Psalter Pahlavi (0%)

0/80 Old Turkic (0%)

0/128 Old Hungarian (0%)

0/64 Hanifi Rohingya (0%)

0/32 Rumi Numeral Symbols (0%)

0/64 Yezidi (0%)

0/64 Arabic Extended-C (0%)

0/48 Old Sogdian (0%)

0/64 Sogdian (0%)

0/64 Old Uyghur (0%)

0/48 Chorasmian (0%)

0/32 Elymaic (0%)

0/128 Brahmi (0%)

0/80 Kaithi (0%)

0/48 Sora Sompeng (0%)

0/80 Chakma (0%)

0/48 Mahajani (0%)

0/96 Sharada (0%)

0/32 Sinhala Archaic Numbers (0%)

0/80 Khojki (0%)

0/48 Multani (0%)

0/80 Khudawadi (0%)

0/128 Grantha (0%)

0/128 Newa (0%)

0/96 Tirhuta (0%)

0/128 Siddham (0%)

0/96 Modi (0%)

0/32 Mongolian Supplement (0%)

0/80 Takri (0%)

0/80 Ahom (0%)

0/80 Dogra (0%)

0/96 Warang Citi (0%)

0/96 Dives Akuru (0%)

0/96 Nandinagari (0%)

0/80 Zanabazar Square (0%)

0/96 Soyombo (0%)

0/16 Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A (0%)

0/64 Pau Cin Hau (0%)

0/96 Devanagari Extended-A (0%)

0/112 Bhaiksuki (0%)

0/80 Marchen (0%)

0/96 Masaram Gondi (0%)

0/80 Gunjala Gondi (0%)

0/32 Makasar (0%)

0/96 Kawi (0%)

0/16 Lisu Supplement (0%)

0/64 Tamil Supplement (0%)

0/1024 Cuneiform (0%)

0/128 Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation (0%)

0/208 Early Dynastic Cuneiform (0%)

0/112 Cypro-Minoan (0%)

0/1072 Egyptian Hieroglyphs (0%)

0/48 Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls (0%)

0/640 Anatolian Hieroglyphs (0%)

0/576 Bamum Supplement (0%)

0/48 Mro (0%)

0/96 Tangsa (0%)

0/48 Bassa Vah (0%)

0/144 Pahawh Hmong (0%)

0/96 Medefaidrin (0%)

0/160 Miao (0%)

0/32 Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation (0%)

0/6144 Tangut (0%)

0/768 Tangut Components (0%)

0/512 Khitan Small Script (0%)

0/128 Tangut Supplement (0%)

0/16 Kana Extended-B (0%)

0/256 Kana Supplement (0%)

0/48 Kana Extended-A (0%)

0/64 Small Kana Extension (0%)

0/400 Nushu (0%)

0/160 Duployan (0%)

0/16 Shorthand Format Controls (0%)

0/208 Znamenny Musical Notation (0%)

0/256 Byzantine Musical Symbols (0%)

0/256 Musical Symbols (0%)

0/80 Ancient Greek Musical Notation (0%)

0/32 Kaktovik Numerals (0%)

0/32 Mayan Numerals (0%)

0/96 Tai Xuan Jing Symbols (0%)

0/32 Counting Rod Numerals (0%)

0/1024 Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (0%)

0/688 Sutton SignWriting (0%)

0/256 Latin Extended-G (0%)

0/48 Glagolitic Supplement (0%)

0/96 Cyrillic Extended-D (0%)

0/80 Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong (0%)

0/48 Toto (0%)

0/64 Wancho (0%)

0/48 Nag Mundari (0%)

0/32 Ethiopic Extended-B (0%)

0/224 Mende Kikakui (0%)

0/96 Adlam (0%)

0/80 Indic Siyaq Numbers (0%)

0/80 Ottoman Siyaq Numbers (0%)

0/256 Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols (0%)

0/48 Mahjong Tiles (0%)

0/112 Domino Tiles (0%)

0/96 Playing Cards (0%)

0/256 Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement (0%)

0/256 Enclosed Ideographic Supplement (0%)

0/768 Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs (0%)

0/80 Emoticons (0%)

0/48 Ornamental Dingbats (0%)

0/128 Transport and Map Symbols (0%)

0/128 Alchemical Symbols (0%)

0/128 Geometric Shapes Extended (0%)

0/256 Supplemental Arrows-C (0%)

0/256 Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs (0%)

0/112 Chess Symbols (0%)

1/144 Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A (0.006944444444444444%)

0/256 Symbols for Legacy Computing (0%)

0/42720 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B (0%)

0/4160 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C (0%)

0/224 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D (0%)

0/5776 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E (0%)

0/7488 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F (0%)

0/544 CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement (0%)

0/4944 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G (0%)

0/4192 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H (0%)

0/128 Tags (0%)

0/240 Variation Selectors Supplement (0%)

0/65536 Supplementary Private Use Area-A (0%)

0/65536 Supplementary Private Use Area-B (0%)


This one is pissing me off because there’s cheese in it. I’m not sure there’s a period of Chinese dynastic history wherein the type of dudes likely to be having rap battles would also have been familiar with hard cheese. There’d be political fucking implications to that. Fermented dairy products were often seen as uncivilized foods, and were associated in particular with northern “barbarian” cuisine (see: <lactose intolerance in Eurasia>), whereas competitive poetry was viewed as a civilized and scholarly pastime appropriate to civil servants and courtiers. Mentioning cheese in a verse which also references the heavens could be seen as an effort to legitimize the presence of these dangerous foreign elements within Chinese society, and, thus, as seditious. If dairy were to become a common theme in rap battles, it might be viewed as a dangerous sign of poor morale and defeatist thinking among the literati. “Emperor, we have got to move the capital to the south. The scholars are rapping about cheese. It’s all falling apart.”


Now this is a fucking post


Goldeen/Chandelure fusion sprite I made for pokemon infinite fusion.

This took me. Ages. It's one of the two most complicated sprites I've done so far, and I'm not done the other yet. I ended up making 11 different versions of this sprite. This is the main one, using the closest I could get to goldeen's gen 5 colours, which is the style that Infinite Fusion sticks to. I'll reblog this tomorrow with some of the other alts I made, I think.

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