
We stan one (1) snake boi


Hi yes hello!!! You may call me Blue and I use they/stars/she pronouns!! I am a menacing blend of orchestra, choir, and theater kid. I draw… write… I am experienced in torturing characters hehe. Feel free to say hi!!!

The sink is designed to contain the faucet. The faucet is built to test the limits of the sink. This is what's known as a relationship, or dynamic, or something


“how did you get into writing” girl nobody gets into writing. writing shows up one day at your door and gets into you


this is like how people always say “oh this would kill a medieval peasant” girl you strongly underestimate the resilience of these fuckers. they would embrace your challenge with love and curiosity

it’s always “this modern thing would kill a medieval peasant” whereas it should be “this medieval thing would kill the modern gamer”


So whats up guys


the sky

You know what, fuck you. How dare you. NO one knows what the say after that shit. Am I supposed to laugh at that joke? If anyone has ever laughed at that joke, they were LYING to you. They were being nice because they felt SORRY for you. You just wanted to end the conversation early. Got somewhere to go bozo? You a busy man?

Damn, and I thought my jokes were bad


we should legalize polyamorous marriage  for all the other reasons we should but also because I wanna see what polygamous divorce looks like

as a family law attorney i can tell you that the one time my family law class in law school got Absolutely Lit was the day our professor came in, dropped the casebook on teh table, looked at all of us, and said, “tell me why polygamy is *il*legal in the united states.” and a bunch of people came up with answers (monogamy is the cultural preference, christianity, etc) and she swept her hand and went “WRONG! it is because if you have polygamous marriages then the family and trust & estates law systems as we know them today would DIE A HORRIBLE PAINFUL EXCRUCIATING DEATH” and i think about that class every day

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