
loyal, I will stand

@theclaymoresway / theclaymoresway.tumblr.com

Fantroll roleplay blog for the brightside AU


( In search of a dualscar for the timeline. Most be 18 or more years old. Must comply with all timeline rules. He’s already designed and we would need to talk about his past with Al and the other members. The culture information already developed is also free to be used by you. He is ‘dead’ at the moment so we would have to talk about how he comes back.

Responsibilities Include:

Maintaining a active blog.

Posting four monthly culture head canon post.

Assisting me in timeline development.


0---[=A'm are borit.==>

Are turtles just frogs with shells or are they a different animal all together?

….they’re like…dry toads. wi’ shields. smart beasties. know to defend thaimselves.

Yeah…You Fucking get it. I like you now. You get me.

whit else wood they be?

Apparently just a turtle.

Aye? Whit world, they do remind one o' toads. But dry. An secure.


0---[=A'm are borit.==>

Are turtles just frogs with shells or are they a different animal all together?

….they’re like…dry toads. wi’ shields. smart beasties. know to defend thaimselves.

Yeah…You Fucking get it. I like you now. You get me.

whit else wood they be?


"So t'night some ween tried to tell me there is no keep called a'baveloch. What kind of nonsense is that? The lass cant have been older than 10 sweeps, but she was a trained guardsperson she should have known.


Does this mean even the memory of my home is fading? Am i now really the last a'baveloch survivor, outlived even the name of the keep? "

Caelan put down his pen with a trembling hand, his eyes damp as he looked at the moon, leaning against a tree. He hestitated and then closed the journal he had decided to start keeping. If nothing else would, he might as well record his own story, and this was the first entry. More than usual, he missed his hame. The place he had grown up in no longer existed, the keep he identified himself with now nothing but a distant name, it hurt him deep.


Our muses are stuck in an elevator together. What happens?

Caelan probably ignores jev for a bit, starting to panick after a while, and then slumps on the ground grumpily accepting his defeat....that's probably when he notices jev is there and may strike up an annoyed conversation


Pretend you're my muse's parents and tell them what you think of their life choices




i will follow and ask things as gentlepirate with a ~blogname on the end yours, Ask-manxman, TheClaymoresWay, F-iddlethistle and Vannin-rp <3



Cerulean keeps are in constant war with each other. Alliances and trading convernants broken and remade are part of the flow of things. Unsurprisingly, warfare has adapted. Almost all cerulean made tools can double as a weapon if needed, so everyone that is trained to handle a tool also has knowledge of a weapon, but one of the thing you wont know if you have never faced or been in a cerulean army is that they have militarised musical Instruments. When charging to the battlefield they will use drums and wind instruments in attempt to make their army sound more menancing. Though those are usually discarded when battle begins there are accounts of trolls that were beaten to death with a set of alternian bagpipes. In battle, it is important you know who belongs to who. Keeps have three main ways to differentiate from one another. The first is clothing. Every keep has Its own official tartan pattern and a keeps logo must always been worn on a trolls sock flashes (if they are wearing socks that allow this) but because this is all still cerulean blue this devider is only very usefull to the trained eye in periods of peace.  The second is flags. Each keep has its own, and they are worn to battle to identify which keep am army came from. Flags are usually tied to polearms, (like spears and scythes) so they dont need extra flag bearers. Flag designs vary greatly and are also flown over their keeps at all times. A keep is regarded defeated if their flag is taken down.  The third way is different. Its facepaint. Each keep knows two patterns. One to be used in battle, the other to be used in peaceful gatherings and celebration.The facepaint is infamously made from genetic material, and wearing your facepaint in another colour than ones own is completely accepted, though one might be teased for it.  Headcanons are a part of the brightside AU, a project of @purplepimpryda, and should not be shared outside of the timeline. thank you for your understanding.


In a bit of exploration moment proteus had ported out of the island and with a black cloak like thing. Something he had for a long while and stopped using once he got to the yellow city and his new block. He needed to stretch his legs. He had some currency in his pockets to buy some stuff as well and honey in his bags if he ran out of currency to trade with trolls.

Eventually he found himself in a city that looked really nice. He entered the city after explaining why he was there and just to find the markets. This was somewhere he hadnt been before.

Caelan just so happened to be on his way to Reekie Town. To visit a blacksmith and then take a transportaliser to this jevith guy. At the city gate he spotted the smaller figure and frowned, something was familiar about the guy. He couldnt just pass the guards, though, so after haven stated his name, home keep and purpose of visit, he had to powerwalk a bit to end up next to proteus. “Oi'ere furreigner” he boomed in a friendly cerulean brogue “ye headin fer th'market?” if nothing else he could make a few spare coins as a city guide, he chuckled to himself. He didnt look the part of a city guide, however, not with the gigantic sword on his back and the impressive fly hanging on his back marking him as a guardsman. The cityguards wore one of those too but theirs where full black, whereas his was woven into the a'baveloch tartan.

Proteus heard the walking up behind him and looked back at him “Oh uh hey.” he said and stopped walking as he turned around to see this new troll his ears twitching some as he listened “Yeah i was on my way to the market to see what goods this place has for sale. Ove never been here. Looks pretty nice”

he beamed. “Welcome t’New Reekie toown then!” he coughed slightly, trying to restrain his accent a little. “ye— yoo will want t’ gae—go to the harbour then. that’s where most wares are sold. ah—I am heading there me—my-self. Reekie is a great place for sales, but you should be aware of scammers”

He couldnt hold back a small chuckle as he listened to the other “Alright. Sounds like a good deal. Say you help me figure out whats a scam in this place and i can give you some stuff from where i live. Its a speical kind of honey”

He pursed his lips slightly. See, Im being taken for a suitable guide now, he thought to himself. The prospect of honey sounded appealing, however. He could have it fermented and get some sweet sticky alcohol…now that sounded good.

“Awwricht” he nodded, forgetting to pay attention to his voice. “Ahll show ye roond.” he paused for a moment thoughtfully before repeating himself “alright, I will show yoo around… This way” he gestured towards one of the canals, a small path (barely wide enough for two trolls to walk side by side) on the left leading landinwards.

He watched him and then starts to follow him through the canal and looked around the place “This place looks pretty well built.” he stated talking to himself more then anything else as he looked around staying slightly behind the other troll to make sure they didnt run into each other

Cealan gestured at the mucky water aside the path. “this, is build to the harbour of keep Reekie, but muir an mui-more people settled ‘ere.” he explained. he didn't know everything himself either, but he could share what he knew. “the canals are ta move boats truw. they're a maze, basically, an only one leads t’the ships. keeps the more...fishy....visitors oot” he grinned, looking over his shoulder. a bit later the path got wider, and they stood in what looked like a crossroad of water. they'd have to cross a bridge, but a rather large merchants ship wanted to pass through as well, so they couldn't continue. the ship was made out of what looked like tar smeared wood, with large wing like structures mounted to the sides of the hull, that would keep the thing stable in the water but were folded up now so the ship could pass the reekie canals. On the front of the ship a huge beast head was carved, with piercing eyes made of green gemstones shimmering in the moonlight.  “a sferdrose ship” caelan spoke, a bit uneasy. while it was strictly forbidden to take keep conflict into the city, and the men of sferdrose where not currently at war with a’baveloch, because the latter no longer existed, they had never been allied and caelan was trained to be wary. 


In a bit of exploration moment proteus had ported out of the island and with a black cloak like thing. Something he had for a long while and stopped using once he got to the yellow city and his new block. He needed to stretch his legs. He had some currency in his pockets to buy some stuff as well and honey in his bags if he ran out of currency to trade with trolls.

Eventually he found himself in a city that looked really nice. He entered the city after explaining why he was there and just to find the markets. This was somewhere he hadnt been before.

Caelan just so happened to be on his way to Reekie Town. To visit a blacksmith and then take a transportaliser to this jevith guy. At the city gate he spotted the smaller figure and frowned, something was familiar about the guy. He couldnt just pass the guards, though, so after haven stated his name, home keep and purpose of visit, he had to powerwalk a bit to end up next to proteus. “Oi'ere furreigner” he boomed in a friendly cerulean brogue “ye headin fer th'market?” if nothing else he could make a few spare coins as a city guide, he chuckled to himself. He didnt look the part of a city guide, however, not with the gigantic sword on his back and the impressive fly hanging on his back marking him as a guardsman. The cityguards wore one of those too but theirs where full black, whereas his was woven into the a'baveloch tartan.

Proteus heard the walking up behind him and looked back at him “Oh uh hey.” he said and stopped walking as he turned around to see this new troll his ears twitching some as he listened “Yeah i was on my way to the market to see what goods this place has for sale. Ove never been here. Looks pretty nice”

he beamed. “Welcome t’New Reekie toown then!” he coughed slightly, trying to restrain his accent a little. “ye— yoo will want t’ gae—go to the harbour then. that’s where most wares are sold. ah—I am heading there me—my-self. Reekie is a great place for sales, but you should be aware of scammers”

He couldnt hold back a small chuckle as he listened to the other “Alright. Sounds like a good deal. Say you help me figure out whats a scam in this place and i can give you some stuff from where i live. Its a speical kind of honey”

He pursed his lips slightly. See, Im being taken for a suitable guide now, he thought to himself. The prospect of honey sounded appealing, however. He could have it fermented and get some sweet sticky alcohol...now that sounded good.

"Awwricht" he nodded, forgetting to pay attention to his voice. "Ahll show ye roond." he paused for a moment thoughtfully before repeating himself "alright, I will show yoo around... This way" he gestured towards one of the canals, a small path (barely wide enough for two trolls to walk side by side) on the left leading landinwards.


In a bit of exploration moment proteus had ported out of the island and with a black cloak like thing. Something he had for a long while and stopped using once he got to the yellow city and his new block. He needed to stretch his legs. He had some currency in his pockets to buy some stuff as well and honey in his bags if he ran out of currency to trade with trolls.

Eventually he found himself in a city that looked really nice. He entered the city after explaining why he was there and just to find the markets. This was somewhere he hadnt been before.

Caelan just so happened to be on his way to Reekie Town. To visit a blacksmith and then take a transportaliser to this jevith guy. At the city gate he spotted the smaller figure and frowned, something was familiar about the guy. He couldnt just pass the guards, though, so after haven stated his name, home keep and purpose of visit, he had to powerwalk a bit to end up next to proteus. “Oi'ere furreigner” he boomed in a friendly cerulean brogue “ye headin fer th'market?” if nothing else he could make a few spare coins as a city guide, he chuckled to himself. He didnt look the part of a city guide, however, not with the gigantic sword on his back and the impressive fly hanging on his back marking him as a guardsman. The cityguards wore one of those too but theirs where full black, whereas his was woven into the a'baveloch tartan.

Proteus heard the walking up behind him and looked back at him “Oh uh hey.” he said and stopped walking as he turned around to see this new troll his ears twitching some as he listened “Yeah i was on my way to the market to see what goods this place has for sale. Ove never been here. Looks pretty nice”

he beamed. “Welcome t’New Reekie toown then!” he coughed slightly, trying to restrain his accent a little. “ye— yoo will want t’ gae—go to the harbour then. that’s where most wares are sold. ah—I am heading there me—my-self. Reekie is a great place for sales, but you should be aware of scammers”

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