
To The Barricade!

@permets-tu-not-permettez-vous / permets-tu-not-permettez-vous.tumblr.com

Greetings citizens, I am Rebecca and this is my Les Mis sideblog that kind of turned into my main blog. She/her or they/them pronouns, nonbinary, ENFP, pansexual, history buff, Greek mythology nerd, and bookworm. Once a tumblr users mom said my hair was cute and it was the proudest moment of my life.

when you're just trying to function in class normally but you remember how grantaire couldn't even finish saying "is your life just one more life" to enjolras because his voice broke when you saw it on the west end


Saw Les Mis live for the first time at a high school and I did the most godawful thing during Drink With Me. I literally had a soda and I accidentally made the LOUDEST slurping noise ever and like EVERYBODY (except the actors) looked at me I'm never gonna live that down SFHSKLFHSJKDHFK


Enjoltaire and Courferre double dates always end up with Enjolras and Combeferre having calm (but very intese) talks about philosphy and politics while Grantaire and Courfeyrac have the most detailed gossip sessions known to man.


I was suddenly reminded of that scene in Les Mis where Cosette cries for like two hours and Marius stands banging his head a tree because she’s going to England

anyway more people should really read the brick

The apartment was deserted, and nothing was stirring in it. Nevertheless, by dint of gazing intently he thought he perceived on the ground something which appeared to be covered with a winding-sheet, and which resembled a human form. This form was lying face downward, flat on the pavement, with the arms extended in the form of a cross, in the immobility of death. One would have said, judging from a sort of serpent which undulated over the floor, that this sinister form had a rope round its neck. The whole chamber was bathed in that mist of places which are sparely illuminated, which adds to horror.
Jean Valjean often said afterwards, that, although many funereal spectres had crossed his path in life, he had never beheld anything more blood-curdling and terrible than that enigmatical form accomplishing some inexplicable mystery in that gloomy place, and beheld thus at night. It was alarming to suppose that that thing was perhaps dead; and still more alarming to think that it was perhaps alive.

— Les Misérables, II.V.VII Illustrated by Adriano Minardi (Italian Edition, 1930)


Enjolras: this is Feully, our dearest brother, we heard him speak of the toils of labour one day and begged him to join us in our fight for freedom. He is beloved by all

Enjolras: and this is Grantaire, he jumped out of the dumpsters in the back one time and he never left, we think he has rabies


In the spirit of encouraging people to comment on fanfics while also making it easier to do so, I feel obliged to share a browser extension for ao3 that has quite literally revolutionized the comment game for me.

I present to you: the floating ao3 comment box!

From what I've seen, a big problem for many people is that once you reach the comments at the bottom of a fic, your memory of it miraculously disappears. Anything you wanted to say is stuck ten paragraphs ago, and you barely remember what you thought while reading. This fixes that!

I'll give a little explanation on the features and how it works, but if you want to skip all that, here's the link.

The extension is visible as a small blue box in the upper left corner.

(Side note: The green colouring is not from the extension, that's me.)

If you click on it, you open a comment box window at the bottom of your screen but not at the bottom of the fic. I opened my own fic for demonstrative purposes.

The website also gives explanations on how exactly it functions, but I'll summarize regardless.

  • insert selection -> if you highlight a sentence in the fic it will be added in italics to the comment box
  • add to comment box -> once you're done writing your comment, you click this button and the entire thing will automatically copied to the ao3 comment box
  • delete -> self explanatory
  • on mulitchapter fics, you will be given the option to either add the comment to just the current chapter or the entire fic

The best part? You can simply close the window the same way you opened it and your progress will automatically be saved. So you can open it, comment on a paragraph, and then close it and keep reading without having the box in your face.

Comments are what keep writers going, and as both a writer and a reader, I think it's such an easy way of showing support and enthusiasm.



install UserScripts from the app store, follow the steps to add it as an extension to safari, open the code in a tab on safari, open the userscripts extension, select the option to add the script, then go back to your ao3 tab and refresh. et voila. I did find that the “insert selection” part didn’t really work? but the floating minimize-able comment box part? yes it doooo



Finally ! I’m finally done !

Song is We all go the same, by Radical Face (big big thanks to bro @yahtomingan who sent me this with “do you have a fandom where people die ?” Why yes, I do. Thank you for enabling me !)

I’ve wanted to illustrate it for a long, long time because it just…. fits. But it was a huge project, and I staled, until I finally threw myself in it. I took some inspiration from Tardi’s comics about WWI for the color schemes. 

It’s the first time I’ve ever done something so… ambitious .I’ve never drawn a comic (or comic-like thingie) before, so I was very unsure. Surprisingly, I learnt a lot about building the pages, flow, faces, focuses, color theory and surely a ton of other things on the Bad Webcomics Wiki. 

I know that there are probably a lot of errors, anatomy, weapons, etc…. But eh. I also mixed inspirations a little, between the book, the 2012 movie, etc…. following what fit the best. 

I’m still super happy with the result ! (but it was so painful to do)

(I finally replaced my handwriting with typed text because I just suck at lettering)

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