
Safa Ann

@safaannissa / safaannissa.tumblr.com

24 // She/her

Gratitude is the fastest way to transform your entire reality. Gratitude is the frequency of receiving, the frequency of abundance. When you’re grateful, you send out a strong signal of abundance into the Universe, and as a result, receive more abundance. Feeling gratitude every day will allow you to elevate your entire reality.

Be grateful for the smallest, most insignificant things. Be grateful for things that make you happy. Be grateful for your passions. Be grateful for all the things you love. Ignite gratitude in your heart. Allow gratitude to permeate your life. The more you feel gratitude, the better your reality becomes. Gratitude is the quickest way to get anything you want. Gratitude allows you to connect to higher frequencies.


Just want every young person terrified of becoming older than 23-25 to know that I'm currently 32 and my 20s were fucking miserable and while life isn't wholly perfect right now I wouldn't trade my 30s for my 20s for the LIFE of me. The idea feels as ridiculous as trading my 20s for being in high school. FUCK no. And I'm sure at 42 I'll feel similarly to my 30s and so on and so forth. Embrace the passage of time and be grateful that you get the privilege of growing old, bitch. Life's sooooo much better past your mid 20s.


You deserve a warm life, a cozy life, a life free of pain and full of people who genuinely care. A world where, when you experience pain, people are still there for you. You will find a soft future. It will be a slow process, full of missteps and fumbling, but someday you will look around and realize that you were right to keep on going.


It's a lot healthier to go for a daily walk than to sign up for a gym membership you won't be using because you hate that kind of exercise. It's a lot healthier to eat a frozen meal than to skip a meal because you were too tired to cook something healthy. It's a lot healthier to take a quick shower than to procrastinate an elaborate routine for days. Don't aim so high that you won't be hitting anything!


one day you'll wake up and think, "life is okay". it'll happen gradually. you'll start to notice flowers blooming in a new light. your evening shower will be a sweet refuge. your morning coffee will warm your soul. things will seem bright and beautiful, and you'll wonder how you ever wanted to leave such lovely things behind


i cannot emphasise enough how much you need to create something. anything. it doesn't matter if you suck. you don't need to monetise it, or make it your career. you can restart an old hobby; you can start from scratch. it doesn't matter. you just need to hold something and be able to say "i did that". baking, drawing, painting, writing, coding, crafts, whatever. make something ! you cannot have all your hobbies be a form of consumption. it's fun, it's great in its own right. but the single best action to make yourself feel better, to calm your mind, to gain self esteem, is to Create


Whether you approach arts and media as a creator, a fan, a professional, or a hobbyist, you are probably very well aware of the rapid growth of AI in many areas of creative life and the conversation surrounding it. Whether we are talking about fiction or text of any kind, visual arts like painting and drawing, music composition and performance, sound design and audio editing - in all of these fields AI is something we now have to deal with, and there are many unanswered questions. How do we protect our livelihoods and practices as artists? What control can we have over our own work and its incorporation into machine learning tools and datasets? How do we as lovers of art and music determine if what we are reading, watching, or listening to is made by humans? Or how do we denote the particular degree of involvement of humans in a work of art?

It’s a complicated issue because it can be hard to say exactly where to draw the line. For example, well before the current conversation about AI, composers like Brian Eno were incorporating generative and algorithmic elements into their work. Does this mean such work is not “essentially human made”? Does it matter if the non-human components of a piece are created by randomness, or by natural elements gathered in e.g. a field recording, vs. being created by a computer program?

Those kinds of questions are more about the philosophical side of the issue. There are more pressing questions to do with how AI affects our ability to actually survive as artists. And, as the technology grows more powerful and the distinction between AI-generated or AI-enhanced material and human made material or basic documentation of reality itself, what methods do we use to signify that a given piece of media is or is not AI made, and what are the exact qualifications of that? Should the label “AI art” apply to work that is entirely generated by a computer, or should that label also be applied to any art that uses AI tools in any context - e.g. the new tools in Photoshop that make it easier to remove a specific object from an image and fill it in with background. What about the world of video games, where AI has been used for decades for things like pathfinding but is new and controversial when it comes to using it for story/dialog elements or certain visual assets?

We are, I think, still very much in the early days of all this, so it’s hard to come up with firm answers as the field changes so rapidly, but this is an essential conversation to be held now. I’ve been talking to a friend who put together a survey for an organization called Verified Human, who are looking specifically into the issue of how do we determine - going forward - whether a piece of art or media is “essentially human made”, and the question of how that should be communicated.

The idea of this survey is to gather as many points of view as possible for this conversation. I know a lot of the people that follow me here are artists and lovers of art, of all different kinds, and to me it is absolutely essential that creators of all kinds be involved in this conversation from early on. Please take a few minutes and fill out the survey via the link below, and if you are interested in helping out, please spread the word. And if you have any questions or would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you.



Just so you know, by the way: Hollywood lied to you.

Happy Endings where everyone gets what they want is actually not cringey. Happy Endings where the couple that everyone was rooting for actually ends up together and neither of them die is not cliche or childish.

Let yourself believe in Happy Endings because Hollywood has been trying to convince you this entire time that the only "acceptable" way to end a story or a character arc is by having someone fucking die or lose whatever it is they've been fighting for this entire time.

And fuck Hollywood.

We deserve some fucking Happy Endings.

healing is personal...

...and it's a process.

you don't have to share it. you don't have to hide it. you don't have to speak about it. you don't have to do it a particular way.

all you need to do, is acknowledge it from time to time. let yourself feel it. affirm it to your mind, even if it's only 1% better right now.

don't ignore the efforts of your existence


And the most important thing to remember is that you have time. Time to discover new people and new projects and new places; time to heal from your past and your wounds. You might feel like you’re getting nothing done and nothing is happening, but you have time to discover your soul. It will happen for you <3


10 Truths to Live By

1. It’s your life not their life.

2. You’re stronger than you think.

3. You’re not the lies you believe about yourself.

4. You’re not your past – and your past is not your future.

5. No-one else is going to solve your problems for you.

6. You have the power to turn your life around.

7. You are worthy of success and you can reach your dreams.

8. Don’t put up with mistreatment and abuse.

9. Treat yourself with respect and require respect from others.

10. Keep searching till you find unconditional love; there are people who will love you just because you are you.


7 Signs that show you’re negatively attached to the past

1. You can’t, or won’t, talk about it.

2. You’re constantly being hit by “those same old feelings.”

3. You can’t relax and be yourself with certain people from your past.

4. You’re attracted to partners who treat you negatively.

5. You over-react, and find it hard to calm down.

6. You have poor boundaries, and always feel you’re being used.

7. You’re always making poor decisions, and repeating old mistakes.

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