

@mythologi / mythologi.tumblr.com

i am ashes where i was once fire

okay but waking up in the middle of the night to soft rain and knowing you’ve got hours to sleep, when you’re toasty warm and comfortable and sleep has made you forget all your worries and you go back to sleep feeling as content as ever.

“The white light splutters and pours. Carnations; chrysanthemums. Ivy in dark gardens. Wherever I go, I see you, turning the corner, you, you, you. I hasten, I follow. This, I fancy, must be the sea. Grey is the landscape; dim as ashes; the water murmurs and moves. If I fall on my knees, if I go through the ritual, the ancient antics, it’s you I adore; if I open my arms, it’s you I embrace, you I draw to me—”


is anyone else just going through life like “yeah i just gotta get past this last difficult week and then it’s smooth sailing from there!” but like… every week


u kno when every single app on ur phone is so boring and u think what’s the fucking point. What’s the point of any of this shit. Why do we post photos of ourselves online why do we care what strangers are up to. Why do we keep seeking validation from strangers why is this all happening and why does it matter so much to so many of us


INTJ vs. INFJ emotional advice

INTJ: Cease this behaviour. You’re obviously destroying yourself emotionally in the process. *throws undeniable facts, several charts, and twelve scientific publications on the table* Stop living a lie.
INFJ: Hey there you. I just wanted to say, not to be rude, but maybe this isn’t such a good idea because *stares into your soul and throws your bleeding heart on the table for you to see* But that’s just my view on things

Haha true! And yet these seem very similar in practice, which is why infjs can be mistyped as intjs….

Be never heard of an intj being mistyped as an infj though 😂


Each type’s biggest fear

So I’m pretty sure your biggest fear is determined by your loop functions. Based on that, the biggest fears of each type are probably something like the following…


Enfj: Fe-Se - Scared of not making a difference in people’s lives

Infj: Ni-Ti - fear of losing safety and being insecure

Entj: Te-Se - Fear of not making a difference in the world

Intj: Ni-Fi - Fear of becoming a failure

Enfp: Ne-Te - fear that nobody needs them

Infp: Fi-Si - Fear that they won’t know who they are

Entp: Ne-Fe - Fear that people will think poorly of them/fear of humiliation

Intp: Ti-Si - Fear they won’t know what they think

Esfj: Fe-Ne - Fear nothing they do will help anyone

Isfj: Si-Ti - Fear of never thinking anything original

Estj: Te-Ne - Fear that nothing they do will ever matter

Istj: Si-Fi - Fear of never being original

Esfp: Se-Te - Fear of being useless to society

Isfp: Fi-Ni - Fear of causing personal misery

Estp: Se-Fe - Fear of being an outcast in society

Istp: Ti-Ni - Fear of censorship/thought police/lack of freedom


some of you never played online dressup games while sitting in a huge beat up desk chair while being yelled at by your mom when you were kids and it shows. grow up


your bare minimum isn’t actually that bare or minimum. my dad once told me that there’s nothing in this world that’s easy and that’s true tbh. everything we do takes energy, time, and effort. even the little things. if you feel like you’re not doing enough please try to think about your circumstances and what’s currently available to you: chances are, there’s something that’s diverting or otherwise draining you. and to pull away from that and get something done regardless? well, i think that’s really admirable! please try to take pride in the things you do accomplish in a day, no matter how small or trifling you perceive them to be. you can’t be proud of your growth if you don’t notice where you already are!


You’re not over exaggerating. You’re not too sensitive. You’re not too much. If it hurts you it fucking hurts you. If it makes you angry, then it makes you angry. There’s nothing wrong with you for feeling.

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