
hey baby girl


Abbie UK 17
criminal minds, bi and posts study notes sometimes 💀

JeonsLilMonster’s Masterlist

Social Media aus: 

  • 🌺Jikook Soulmate auoriginal post - {  When you turn 17, a tattoo that represents your soulmate appears on your skin. The amount of colours is proportional to the love your soulmate has for you.}

  • 🌈Jikook Neighbour au - { Jungkook moves in a new apartment and everything there is perfect: especially the cutie next door that keeps scolding him. }

  • ✨ Jikook Dream au - { The first time Jungkook dreamt about him, he was confused. The fifth time he was creeped out. The twentieth time he was absolutely terrified. }

  • 🥀Jikook Rose au - { “But he who dares not grasp the thorn, should never crave the rose” }

  • 🐾Jikook Calico au -  { “I just hope my cat doesn’t tell you how much I am in love with you” }

  • 🔮Jikook Hogwarts au, Protego - {“Slytherin: cunning; ambitiuos; resourceful; determined; shrewd. Ravenclaw: intelligent; wise; sharp; individual; witty. But Jungkook is dumb.”}

  • 🌀{Mozzafiato;breathtaking} - YoonKook au-  { Yoongi slips a cute note under the door in front of his apartment, hoping that his ex girlfriend would give him another chance.Bro missed the memo she left and someone else lives there now. }

  • 💋Pleasure Au - { in which Jungkook goes every day at the Pleasure shop to make fun of the objects on his Instagram page. But Jimin thinks the guy keeps coming back to his shop because he has a crush on him. }


Compilations-Appreciation posts

Hotch: How’s Reid dealing with the whole getting kidnapped/tortured/anthraxed/shot/watching his girlfriend die thing?
Morgan: He’s coping. Nothing really phases him anymore. Watch this. Hey kid?
Spencer: yo?
Morgan: An asteroid is heading to earth. Death is imminent.
Spencer, sipping on a juice box: wig.

The Maze Runner but everytime Thomas does something stupid Minho looks into the camera like he’s in the office


Favorite Stiles Scenes, Season 3B: Riddled - Stiles’s Nightmare & McCalls rescue him

Or more actually, look at me! I finally figure out how to do more than just lighten so we can actually see what goes on in the dark scenes.


a body count not as in homicide nor as in sexuality but as in the trail of people from my childhood and adolescence i should’ve been a better friend to and taken better care of but i was too busy being caught up in my own heartache to recognize their own and therefore our relationship tapered off in an extremely unsatisfying way that continuously manifests itself as a thrumming sense of grief in my chest. anyway which restaurant chains have the best free pre-meal bread?

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