
Welcome to me and the shapes I can throw.

@recipeforconcentrateddarkmatter / recipeforconcentrateddarkmatter.tumblr.com


tumblr is special because I can make someone unhappy just by writing down my thoughts & then they'll thank me and ask me for more

How dare you be right about this. Please continue

due to plaque buildup, human arteries are sometimes crunchy. also, the arteries themselves are made of a smooth, elastic (possibly gummy?) type of tissue.

therefore, I imagine that eating a diseased human artery would be a similar experience, texture-wise, to slurping one of THESE babies


anyway that put me in a Mood, and combined with my other recent post it reminded me of an experiment I've been pondering for years

google hits for the various permutations of ordering the individual words within 'Spongebob Squarepants':

Spongebob Squarepants - 35,900,000 but that one's kinda expected, not what I'm interested in. Squarepants Spongebob - 843,000 but see below Bobpants Spongesquare - 3,680 Spongepants Squarebob - 2,550 Squarebob Spongepants - 989 Spongesquare Bobpants - 516 Bobsponge Squarepants - 443 Bobsponge Pantssquare - 433 Bobsquare Spongepants - 128 Bobpants Squaresponge - 104 Pantssquare Bobsponge - 83 Squaresponge Bobpants - 55 Pantsbob Squaresponge - 54 Spongepants Bobsquare - 53 Bobsquare Pantssponge - 36 Pantsbob Spongesquare - 33 Spongebob Pantssquare - 10 Spongesquare Pantsbob - 7 Squaresponge Pantsbob - 6 Squarepants Bobsponge - 5 Pantssquare Spongebob - 5 Pantssponge Bobsquare - 3 Squarebob Pantssponge - 1 Pantssponge Squarebob - 1

Squarepants Spongebob gets a ton of false positives from things like The Origin of SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants: The Complete First Season (DVD)

also literally like half of these are the titles of YTPs or other forms of youtube shitpost

here's a chart of all the positions and how many times each word appears in them though (again, excluding those first two lines for being basically irrelevant to this exercise):

1 2 3 4 Sponge 3136 941 4835 283 Bob 4824 1087 715 2569 Square 1056 775 3152 4212 Pants 179 6392 493 2131
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