
the oof generator



I’m reading the first chapter of my Ichthyology book for homework and so far my favorite quote is:

“Humans are not the pinnacle of evolutionary progress but only an aberrant side branch of fish evolution.”


women want me, but fish? fish pity me


Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming

does anyone on this godforsaken website ever think before they speak


Happy juneteenth does your academia only include white people? Does your idea of valuable culture only mean rich Europeans? Where did you acquire the idea that white people's art is more sophisticated and their literature more intellectual and why do you still perpetuate it? What ways has white supremacy colored your love for learning and what will you do to diversify?


Sometimes reminiscing about pre-quarantine I feel like minor Russian royalty reminiscing about pre-communist revolution times. I’m like…ah yes I used to wear different beautiful outfits to work every day and shake the hands of many people without fear. I would simply leave my house and stroll into a bar for a last-minute cocktail with a friend. I would knock back oysters, sitting elbow-to-elbow with others at the counter. there were plays and concerts I never went to. The tzar invited us over often and had a GIANT chandelier

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