
Wearing A ♔

@yyubrk / yyubrk.tumblr.com

Jang Yeeun 24. Don't stand in my way. Dancer @ AOS. Crowned Sep. 1st. 2014. TRC Trainee Guide ( Public Trainee ) SINGING (+198) || DANCING (+272) || RAPPING (+382) || CHARISMA (+254) || CREATIVITY (+253) || Debut (+237)

johnseo ⌚ 2019.04.23 

Is this why @thequeenyub has disappeared from the face of the planet for a long time?! Anyway, congrats drummer queen. You’re finally debuting. I’ll be sure to get a copy of your album once it’s out. 

Please support K.arma once they debut! 

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new blog / yubinrk - rkjy! - the end of an era

hey loves! we’ve gone and did it and k.arma has officially debuted :>

take a look under the cut. 

i mentioned during the face claim that i was preparing a new blog and i finally have. in this chapter of her life, i wanted a fresh blog! i’ve also been preparing k.arma’s 1st fansite! so check out both with the links below.




she thought about it for a moment. just the image of a child dancing in the box to k.arma’s music and she couldn’t but grin. “they’ll do some type of editing trick. a bunch of close up shots to our faces and then a long spanning shot.” and then she thought about it a little more. “and then when they do show the full body, it’ll be quick shots.” all they had to was crawl around in. “i think i’ll worry about the lip syncing. trying to make music video ready faces while wondering how i’ll look inside the box.” 

“as i am honored to be by your side.” yubin took the chance to take a step back and returned ness’s bow. “it’s funny. i always wanted to debut...but until the time came, i didn’t realize what i wanted it to be or who i would debut with. and now..we’re k.arma.” then she giggled. “sorry, i think i’m going to keep getting emotional over k.arma.” 


pack,unpack / doyeon & yubin

“she’s been managing her store here from the states?” yubin looked clearly impressed. “i wouldn’t have had in me but i didn’t know you went through the show and everything with your parents not in korea. it’s must’ve been hard.” there wasn’t any pity in her voice, mainly awe. “well, if i were your parent. i would be very proud of you.” and with that, she finally pulled herself up. 

“yeah, that’ll be cool. it’ll be everything my mom dreamed about.” she was that type of mother, but she rarely knew the got to meet the parents of yubins friends. “hopefully, while you’re here. she won’t try and bust out the baby photos.” this time she finally started to move towards the door. “just think, our parents could become close and hang out with each other.” she knew some idol parents did that. and then she was gone for a second, there was the sound of the door opening and another voice could be heard. followed by the face of an older woman trailing behind yubin. “momma, this is doyeon, my soon to be group member and doyeon, this is my lovely mother who i hope didn’t arrive with things to embarrass me.” 


step it up ;

sohee wasn’t the most confident about this filming. dose wasn’t a strong point for her. although she practised until she fell over, she knew that hip hop was just a weak point for her. that’s what she was dragged for for months before k.arma’s lineup was finalised. even if she worked hard, she was still called terrible and said she didn’t improve.
a part of her is absolutely terrified of filming and being the cause to having to start over.
so she was trying to focus on little things to make her happy. like her clothes and hair and the thrill of debut being that much closer. it was all she could do considering. she wasn’t expecting yubin to feel particularly nervous at all. mostly because yubin so clearly deserved all this.
“why would this be a joke? you worked hard for this. even in the beginning you were told that you were ready to be a part of the group.” that was still something that deeply wounded sohee. not that she was jealous. just that at no point during the predebut process – even the very end – was she ever told that she was good enough to be a part of k.arma. not a single time. in fact, she was told more how much of a disappointment she was. how she was only there because she was a trainee for so long. nothing more.
“ah, thank you unnie,” sohee said softly. there was a small pout on her face if only because yubin didn’t seem to believe in herself. “you probably are biased.” sohee had to chuckle even a little bit. “i don’t look like a hip hop dancer because i’m not. i probably look silly! like i’m dressing up for halloween.”

she shrugged her shoulders and looked over sohee’s head. “i guess it’s a mental thing.” even if she was way beyond the point of guessing. yubin knew it was a mental problem. it was easy to wrap herself in her thoughts, good or bad. and they were all mostly bad. “i don’t think our ceo would be mean enough or that hayoon would willingly waste her time to string me along...” there was a but there. she just wasn’t that sure of what it was. 

“but i guess, after everything that happened. it’s hard to me to think that good things would come my way. or thinking that after every time something good happens, something horrible will happen.” yubin shrugged her shoulders again, tapping her fingers on her legs. nerves. they always got her in the best and worst of times. “i also guess i can’t help but be biased when it comes to you.” but she also knew when someone looked good. 

“i’ll be honest. you might not look like a natural born hip-hop dancer but that’s when we finally dance, and i won’t look like it either. my focus is in contemporary dance. but i do when know someone looks like a..” she leaned, just sohee could hear her. “looks like a bad bitch~ and you do. you look good, now we just have to get you feeling good. bad dancers or not, confidence is what really carries it.” 





humming, vanessa shuffles forward so she can loosely throw her arms around yubin, shooting a small sheepish smile to one of the stylist’s who shoot her the evil eye. she precariously sets her chin on the older’s shoulder, singing the tune of news under her breath as she looks over the staff and the rest of the girls. 
“it’s so exciting.” she gushes, sighing dreamily. though she knows she’s not out of the woods yet; she was in this same position, happy and thrilled over debut so many years ago, only to have it ripped from underneath her. vanessa tries not to think about how it could happen again, and dispells the thought as quickly as it came. instead she sways the two of them side to side– chuckling before she lets go of yubin. she doesn’t want to irritate the stylist by messing up their hardwork. 
“the box one is…” her nose scrunches up. “it’s kinda…uncomfy, but i hope it comes out okay. but the outfits are nice.” she clicks her tongue, snorting at the older girl. “oh, true? tiger jk just gonna let you do that?” she muses, before cracking a grin, shaking her head. “you’re great, unnie. thanks– seriously. meant it then, mean it now. thanks for letting me count on you.” she winks at the other, teeth bared in her trademark grin.

automatically, yubin reached up to back the back of ness’s hair. thankfully, she was dressed in more of a suit that looked like a dress, than an actual dress. there wasn’t as much room for error. “it is!” yubin knows she’s supposed to sound excited, and she does. but the nerves are also there, the idea that it might not be real. she doesn’t want to think about it too much. 

“i get how you feel.” it wasn’t uncomfortable personally, but she understood why ness and maybe some of the other girls wouldn’t like it. if you already weren’t a fan of small spaces, this wouldn’t help much either. “you just have to focus on doing your best right?” that’s all they could ask for in the end. 

“hmm..it might not let me...so we’ll have to get a little creative.” she tilted her head to the side, grinning. “we’ll pull the fire alarm and run out. that’ll delay it a bit. every time we have a box music video scene...of course my leader-nim, you can always count on me.” 


pack,unpack / doyeon & yubin

“i guess…” doyeon compromised, shrugging it off and folding another t-shirt. the truth was that yubin was completely right; they would spend all their time practicing for their debut and had nowhere to wear pretty clothes, so packing lightly would be the smarter decision for now, then when things were settled, they would figure out what would be their needs as idols
it’s like the older could read her thoughts and doyeon couldn’t help but smile fondly at her words. although she went through all the phases and at this point she could believe it, from time to time she was reminded that it was really happening soon. “crazy, isn’t it? not to say scary…” doyeon chuckled as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. she barely talked about debuting with any of the girls, maybe because the idea was still a bit foreign to her and she didn’t want to get too emotional right now, especially because it brought back memories that bothered her. lightly, she shook her head, a soft smile still gracing her features.
doyeon’s eyes looked around the living room, the piles of clothes visibly smaller now. “the perks of being minimalist,” she said in a joking tone, winking playfully at the girl. a small pause to stretch her neck and the tall female turned her attention back to the pants waiting to be folded, aiming to finish her part quickly so they could just relax and chat – something that was rare lately. “ah your mom is the best! i can’t wait to meet her,” her words were honest. “it’s been a while since i saw mine. she was here for the mga’s finals and left again, but they’re moving back next week. i’m excited!” 

“I guess that is a big perk.” Yubin hadn’t been a big shopper herself, though she had moved onto online shopping if she did do anything. But it seemed like they would be making pretty good progress. It helped that she had done most of the work and she knew that she wouldn’t need much. And she wanted to be respectful of the other girls. She had to room with two girls compared to the others one.

“My mom is very awesome.” Yubin didn’t want to brag, but her mom. She was the only person that gave her unconditional support. She opened her mouth to say something, only to be cut off by her phone ringing. That was her, the call only lasted a second. “It looks like she’s about to pull up.” With that, Yubin pulled herself up and stretched a bit.

“You’re parents aren’t in Korea? Where are they? If you don’t mind me asking.”


step it up ;

“ah…” sohee pouted at her reflection in the mirror. she wasn’t accustomed to dressing like this. it wasn’t her style in particular (she was more high fashion than super casual street fashion like this). her midriff was exposed but it wasn’t like it showed the abs that she had finally gotten from the gym workouts. it seemed like a waste but she knows the modesty was for the sake of the promotional video. the outfit wasn’t terrible (thankfully) so sohee didn’t have many negative comments about it.

she turned to yubin, who was looking good in her own outfit for the choreography video. “unnie look i got pigtails!” sohee says with a bright smile. her fingers wrap around both tied locks of hair and swings it about to prove her point. “i wish the shirt fit a but differently but i like this outfit. i just don’t wear stuff like this a lot.” she was mostly musing out loud but yubin’s opinion would be beneficial for her in return. she wasn’t the type to dress like this ever. she hoped it wasn’t obvious that she was out of her element.

“are you excited? are you ready? it’s the first official filming!” although it wasn’t for their music video itself, it was for their teaser. that was just as good because this content was being released sooner. “it seems to be happening all at once.”


“it really does.” yubin grinned and took a moment to take sohee in. out of all the girls, sohee was the closet to her. it was one thing to really debut, it was another thing to debut with sohee. “even now, i still can’t believe it.” it was unreal, this was going to be for their debut. 

their debut. 

“i am excited but i’m also nervous because...” she trailed off, trying to think about why she would be nervous. “i don’t know,. i think i’m scared this is all some big cosmic joke or i’ll mess and they’ll put me out. it’s hard to be believe the good things that are happening.” it was hard for her to accept any good thing without wondering what would follow that was bad. “but i’m debuting with you. it’s the best thing that could happen to me.” then she walked a bit closer and paid with sohee’s pony tails herself, staring at the girl with love in her eyes. “and you look perfect. but i could be biased, you’ve always been perfect to me.” and the fondness in her voice. 

[ Outgoing: Drummer Queen ] 
- Congratulations noona! 
- I just saw the teaser pics. 
- Should I start calling you Yeeun sunbae now? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[ txt - jhonny  ] thank you! :> 

[ txt - jhonny ] did they look good? i feel like i didn’t come off well 

[ txt - jhonny ] i want to be someone's bias

[ txt - jhonny ] but really thank you, i didn’t realize i felt so alone until the photos came out 

[ txt - jhonny ] you can call me yeeun-hyung, jy-hyung or just hyung




they’re filming for their debut music video. they’re actually filming something– they have a song recording and a dance and it’s really happening. vanessa is overwhelmed by the thought of it, quiet and thoughtful and stressed as the days pass by and come closer and closer to the final day. shifting on the set, she looks over the staff and cameras place around them–gearing up for the next round of shots. vanessa shifts, reaching down to adjust the hem of the dress she’s wearing. she grimaces when she straightens back up, arms crossed loosely as she moves over to where yubin is standing. 

“unnie, we’re really here~” she sing songs softly, flashing her teeth in a grin as she comes to pause where the other girl is. looking back over the cameras and then the set, she returns her stare to yubin with a warm grin. “and we’re looking pretty great too, if i do say so myself.” she bats her eye in a wink at the other, nose scrunching up with the force of her smile. “though the mirror scene is kinda freaking me out.”


at some point, she did interact with the other girls. the staff and their manager but at some point, yubin settled off to the side. it was a strange feeling, but one she enjoyed as well. this was her debut music video. their teaser photo’s had been released, confirming her as a member. it was really an overwhelming feeling. it still felt like a lot to process. 

“yes!” it had been the first thing to come out of her mouth when she realized someone was speaking to her. “we’re filming our debut music video.” even saying it out loud didn’t feel real. “i’m really...at a lost for words.” what could she say? she had waited a long time for this. “but we do look good, honestly..i’m looking forward to the mirror scene but i think i like the box one the best.” she got to use shiny pants. “still, if you need me. i’m here. i’ll set the place down. music video cut.” 


one time / ness & yubin


vanessa flashes a wide grin, snickering as she nods her head. she doesn’t blame yubin, some of the lyrics she was given required a lot of vocal work. even she’s somewhat worried, but she knows with enough practice she’ll do alright. “hey, you have a nice singing voice. i mean, your rapping is–” she makes the motion for a chef’s kiss, a loud puckering noise in the air as she giggles. “superb! but you have a nice voice as well. i’m sure if you wanted to, you could hit those notes too, and well, practice makes perfect?” she grins cheekily. 
letting out an excited noise, she claps her hands and bounces a bit. leaning close, she cups her chin in her hands and stares– watchful and eager. when yubin repeats it, a wide grin crosses her face. she lets out a loud coo, tugging her hands off her cheeks to smack at her legs. “the wink, oh my god.” the english slips out before she can help it. “you’re so cute. like, a powerful cute? like a don’t mess with me, i’m that cute.” she’s babbling nonsense in a way that’s so vanessa that she doesn’t get flustered over it. “i mean, being cute is pain, right?” she winks back at the other. “i think you’re doing a stellar job. pain makes you stronger~”

“thank you.” there was a but coming, yubin knew that she wasn’t the worst vocalist. she had a nice tone at least but singing was better left to the other girls. “but your voice is the...” she repeated the move ness did, giggling after. “one day hopefully, i’ll be able to make a song a for us.” and then she could show off everyone’s strengths as well. 

“not too much of a pain, when it’s just us.” behind the scenes with the girls. “but on camera...i feel like people won’t think it matches me. y’know?” she was trc’s girl crush, she already had a scandal to her name. “and it’s been a while since i’ve acted cute..i’ve acted more like a ghost.” then she shrugged, “but maybe...just maybe i’ll keep the wink.” 


pack,unpack / doyeon & yubin

“alright~ i think we can finish it today,” the younger female stated with a grin. doyeon was easily distracted, but once she set her mind to something and started doing what she had to do, she could focus and talk less than normal for the sake of being productive – this time it was folding yubin’s clothes carefully and helping the older pack for the dormitories they would be sharing soon. looking up from the newly folded t-shirt, she opened her lips to say it wasn’t needed, but yubin was faster than her, so she just nodded. “thank you unnie!” 
although she wasn’t exactly thirsty, the girl gladly accepted a bottle of water and took a few sips before returning to the folding session. a small chuckle escaped between her lips as yubin reacted to her amount of suitcases. “i swear it’s not that much, but sneakers and boots use a lot of space,” even if she knew it was too much, she couldn’t help but try to sound like a reasonable person. “i guess i’ll make it two then… and send the rest to my parents’ place,” she shrugged lightly at the defeat. 
her face lit up; shopping was one of her favorite things and not something she had been doing a lot lately due to her lack of time and energy for this, but moving into a new place was the perfect excuse for this. “the ones i have won’t fit because my current bed is larger, so i can’t help it. so mm let’s go shopping after training this weekend? if we’re not too tired, of course…”

even though she was a little down, yubin couldn’t help but find the pout on doyeon’s face slightly cute. well very cute. “it won’t be too bad, i mean it’s not a better thought but...” yubin trailed off. “we won’t have time to really wear different looks, you won’t want anything but tennis shoes after they run us into the ground.” she was sure they’d only want their beds and proper rest but she was looking forward to it. 

“we’re really debuting.” 

it still sounded like a dream to her, one that wouldn’t be real until she made it to her debut stage. “it won’t take too much time, we’ll have time to relax.” she didn’t want this night to be purely packing, she wanted to hang out with doyeon outside of the company. “we can order..we won’t have to order food. i have a feeling my mom will show up and she’ll show up with a feast.” yubin couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory. “she wanted to come over but i told her i had a friend coming over...she’s going to make her way here. it’s been a while.” 


move in / ky & ks & sm


[ order: yubin - sejeong - sana ]
sana steps away from the others to start opening cabinets, blinking in slight surprise when she finds that several of them are already stocked with basic dish and cooking sets – really just enough plates, bowls, and cups for all of them to eat at once, plus a couple of basic cooking pots and pans. it’s not much, but it’s still nice to know they don’t have to go shopping for dishes and cookware before they’ll be able to eat. “i can cook,” she admits. “though i usually do it with my mom. and i don’t know any korean dishes, really, just american and japanese ones, but i think i’m pretty good at it.” she’s actually excited to get to try to cook for the others – it’ll be fun to share with them the foods she grew up with. 
she can’t help but snort out a laugh at sejeong’s flirtatious joke, and sana playfully leans into her side, digging her elbow into sejeong’s side with just enough gentle force to make her rock a little. “stop it,” she laughs, moving past the elder and taking her hand as she moves up to yubin and hooks her arm through hers as well. “come on, we still haven’t looked at the living room! they gave us a tv, which is nice despite the fact that i’m sure we’ll never have time to watch it,” she babbles, tugging the elder members out of the kitchen after her. 

“i’m good at american dishes as well, and a few korean’s ones but i don’t often.” she couldn’t help but admit it. “if i had my way, i’d just quickly eat take out but my mom won’t have it. so we’ll have food soon, from what i know. she already has a few meals planned to bring over.” and when it was about her mom, that  might have been the most talkative they would’ve seen her. “we should have a shopping trip soon, maybe record it for v-live.” it’d be a fun idea. 

and when sana grabbed, yubin simply let herself be dragged along. it was nice being about such bubbly girls, it felt they’d get her to interact more. it was good to have lively roommates. she felt happy just watching them. “we should have a movie night. it’d be fun..to see tv at least once you say. hmm....i don’t know if i should say but i talked to doyeon about bringing my pole.” 

K.ARMA - Teaser Photo, Photoshoot

this wasn't her first photoshoot but it was the one that carried the most weight. her first photos as a member, her first interaction with staff members. that would hopefully have a good impression of her. it seemed like they were all in different stages, she just finished both hair and makeup and her first outfit. now it, was just a waiting game until they called her to the set.


dose practice solo

she had to do well this time around. she had few center spots and this would be her official introduction to as an idol. along with the other girls, their first official video as k.arma. it had to be perfect. so there was no surprise that she left the dorms just a little earlier than everyone.

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