Girls Gang™

@girlsgang /

A network to empower everyone by promoting diversity, self-love, and support for the LGBTQ+ community. We track #girlsgang so tag us!
- our new Instagram: @OUR.GIRLS.GANG -
to anyone who needs to hear this

you are ENOUGH. you are LOVABLE. you deserve to be LOVED. you deserve KINDNESS and CARE.

be kind. be you


I cannot stress how important it is to be intersectional about your feminism. listen to black women, listen to trans women, listen to disabled women, and please acknowledge the fact that there are different types of women who go through different types of struggles than you


Big Warning

If you see a police car or a cop with a speaker looking thing on it, FUCKING RUN. It’s known as an LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device), a device that, when activated, can permanently damage your hearing and cause serious harm. If you’re too close, you’ll be left in a lot of pain and squirming on the ground permanently deaf. Ear plugs do not work. Unless you have one of those shooting range headphones, you do not stand a chance against them. Again, if you see them pull up, RUN. This is what they look like.

Stay safe.


To the comments asking if this is real/can cause hearing loss. Not only is it real, but the NYPD lost a federal lawsuit in 2017 for using it on peaceful protestors, during the Black Lives Matter protests for Eric Garner in 2014, and caused them permanent damage. It was spotted again at protests this week. 


Said this in an earlier post but if you see this thing RUN FROM IT IMMEDIATELY IN A HORIZONTAL DIRECTION (left/right from it). The best earplugs will not help, they only protect about 30 decibels of sound and these things shoot 160, and are effective for about a mile. Earplugs will do very little (better than nothing ig!) so the best move is to keep your mouth closed and GET OUT OF THERE. They will cause headaches, panic, vomiting and PERMANENT hearing loss. They used these in Portland yesterday (6/5), so yes, it’s a real thing cops are using now.

Let’s be clear, these LRADs are being used as weapons by police and other law enforcement entities against the protesters. Some people will say that it’s “non-lethal”, but the damage that these devices can do don’t seem like a small deal and it shouldn’t to you.

Word through the grapevine, they’re being deployed through Orlando too.

As OP stated, ear plugs WILL NOT work, & there’s more than enough firsthand accounts online + science on how LRADs work.

Also from the thread:

I haven’t watched the video the user included but here it is in case you would like to.

(Also if your otic cells are damaged in such a way that they deteriorate, you lose them forever; you will never regenerate them. So please take care of your ears.)



There’s an extension called Tab for a Cause that donates money to charity every time you open a new tab (on Chrome or Firefox).

  • Basically, it puts two or three small ads on your new tab page and then donates the ad revenue to charity.
  • You’ll get Hearts every time you open up a page, which act as “votes” that you can donate to various charities to tell Tab for a Cause where you want your money to go.
  • There are a few charities that are always available for donations, but Tab for a Cause also “spotlights” a new charity every month – and starting today (June 2), in support of the BLM movement, the spotlighted charity is the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.
  • Also, did I mention it’s incredibly gorgeous and functional, too? You can customize your new tab background, take notes, create to-do lists and more (I’ve been using this extension for several years and I still have yet to get sick of it)!!
  • For those concerned about possible scams, this extension is super transparent. All of its code is open-source (x) (x) (x), and you can see all its quarterly financial reports right here.

Seriously, this is so so so easy – I usually hate posts that are all “there’s no reason not to do this!” but right now, I genuinely cannot think of even a single reason not to do this. 

That said, if there is somehow something standing in your way, you can still help by boosting this post like crazy – I’m not a big blog, so every share counts. Otherwise, please take 30 seconds and install Tab for a Cause by clicking this link or typing into your search bar.

(By the way, that if you use the specific link in this post, it’ll register as a referral for me, which will give me 250 bonus hearts to donate to NAACP… just saying.)

Anonymous asked:

Nah dude, some police are genuinely trying to make the world a better place. They go through a lot of shit so that they can try and help people. I hate most of the shit police do. I don't like being told what to do either. But people are fucking killing cops. That's people killin people and it's fucked. You're the death of your own cause if you condone violence and murder ya dumb fuck. Black lives matter, let's protect them by not murdering good people and giving nazis any sort of argument.

Gonna break down this response as clearly as possible. 

The origins of the police are evil. 

It has been shown repeatedly that the police were formed to oppress the working class and (1, 2) and enforce white supremacy (1, 2, 3). In fact, the early U.S. police grew directly out of slavery.

The police aren’t the people you think they are.

The police don’t care about you – they don’t even have a constitutional duty to protect you. They’re allowed to take your property without your consent (the NYPD seizes so much property they can’t even log it in their computers). In fact, cops are more likely to steal your property than burglars are. They commit hundreds of crimes and human rights violations against people like you & me and get away with it because they cover for each other.

Cops tend to be unusually aggressive, authoritarian, and secretive (Greene & Heilbrun, 2011). They are more than twice as likely to commit domestic violence than the rest of the population, and (once again) they cover for each other when doing so. The police are on the side of neo-Nazis (1, 2). In fact, many times the police themselves are the neo-Nazis/klansmen (1, 2, 3). And even besides all this, cops do all kinds of other shady shit – for instance, undercover police are used to instigate fights during protests and rallies.

The police terrorize those of us who are marginalized.

The police disproportionately arrest Black people for drugs even though white people use drugs more often. They disproportionately pull Black people over for traffic stops. The police terrorize people with disabilities.They are viciously anti-indigenous – and always have been. Police terrorize sex workers. There are countless examples of police brutalizing homeless people (1, 2, 3). The police have a lengthy history of brutality against the LGBT community (1, 2). They terrorize women of color and get away with it (1, 2, 3). They kill massive numbers of people each year – and a disproportionate number of their victims are Black and native. On top of that, recent data suggests cops may kill up to twice as many people as we even thought they did. And while police love to defend themselves by saying they have the most dangerous job, that’s not even close to being true.

The police’s best kept secret: We don’t need them! 

A world without the police is completely possible (1, 2, 3, 4). We have resources for resolving violence as communities without the need for state intervention (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 – as some examples). We as communities are better capable of resolving violence than the police are, because we don’t have the vested interest in the status quo that they have. Even if a few cops are well-intentioned here or there, it doesn’t change that the role of the police is to work against the vast majority of us in the interests of the (white) elite few. 

Why are you so invested in the police when they are complicit in your dehumanization?


Breonna Taylor’s birthday is this Friday, June 5th. There are still no arrests or charges for her murder and little attention paid to her case. On Friday, here are a list of actions you can do:

Please celebrate her and continue seeking justice for her.



Via Aptheangel on Instagram.


questions to ask yourself when you want to use an unhealthy coping mechanism

  • why do i want to hurt myself? what will blaming myself reinforce? who taught me i am not allowed to make mistakes? who benifits from this?
  • am i feeling overwhelmed? what’s really bothering me? can i write it down? what am i avoiding thinking about?
  • am i reacting rationally? what would i tell a friend who was experiencing this? what can i learn from this? isn’t that what’s important?
  • am i god? do i control everything? is worrying going to serve a purpose?

Happy Lesbian day of visibility

Here are some of my favorite femme looks!!!


🕌🌙 Have a Blessed Ramadhan 🌙🕌
|| A Month of Prayer, Reflection, and Community ||

From April 24 to May 23, muslims everywhere will fast each day along with the sighting of the crescent moon.

Ramadhan is a month to exercise not just patience and self-control, but also charitable deeds within a complete lunar cycle. As the crescent rose, becomes a full moon, and wanes once again, adherents of the faith will learn gratefulness for what they have and compassion for those with less.

This is a month of charity and care towards others, and self-love towards yourself as you reflect on what to improve.

For non-muslims, here are a few ways to show your allyship during this month:

🌙 Refrain from discussing or posting pictures of food and drinks, and tag them accordingly if you do

🌙 Keep NSFW content properly tagged

🌙 Check on your muslim friend to see how they're doing, especially nowadays when groceries are scarce. Make sure they have the means to open and break their fast.

🌙 Practice the month's message of patience and compassion, for you and the people around you

🌙 Have love and respect towards our beliefs

Salaam 🙏💚


//Muslims, feel free to add. Non-muslims are encouraged to reblog.//


Your depression doesn’t make you less worthy of being loved.

Source: cwote
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