

@languagedreamin / languagedreamin.tumblr.com

19 | native finnish speaker living in germany | learning german, english and swedish

to my black followers,

i love you, you are important, your life matters. and i’m so sorry for how america, and the world treats you.

I support you and I’m sure the equality will win! ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻


One of the best feelings is getting to a point where you can turn off subtitles and still understand basic plot in your goal language.


languages exist in our lives through association. we pick a language and associate it something– an experience, a feeling, an idea– we decide and the language gets meaning. people don’t just open a grammar book and fall in love with verb conjugations. even if you don’t speak the language, if you can associate a good feeling with it through media representation or personal experience, you’ll come to like the language. the same way, if you associate a negative idea or feeling with the language or its people, you will find yourself disinterested or displeased by the language. if you’ve only seen people abuse others in X language, X language itself will become a trigger to you. Similarly, if you’ve only seen Y language be used in casual conversations and don’t know of plays, movies, novels in that language, you may consider Y language to be inferior or lacking in a way compared to other languages. languages aren’t sweet, soft, harsh, romantic, annoying, threatening, inferior, or special– we put the labels.


Algunas expresiones interesantes en español 🎰🪀📉

recordar con cariño - to remember fondly

si mal no recuerdo - if I remember correctly

¡Te vas a acordar! - You’ll see. / You’re going to remember this moment. 

gastarse un dineral en algo - to splash out on sth

infringir una ley - to violate a law

en cada esquina - on every corner

la casa de apuestas - gambling house

la confianza en sí mismo - self-confidence

el amanecer - dawn

un acierto - good call, good decision

rebelde - rebellious

expulsado de la escuela - expelled from school

una temporada - a period of time

estar interno(-a) - to live in a boarding school

estrictamente - strictly

adinerado - wealthy

un antepasado - an ancestor

de renombrado prestigio - renowned

unos ojos penetrantes - sharp eyes

fracasar - to fail

Todo lo que sube baja. - What goes up must come down (un dicho)

A mal tiempo buena cara. -  To bad weather, good face (un dicho)

el / la escolar - a pupil, schoolchild

una tutoría - tutorial

en torno a algo - approximately / relating to sth

a través de los ojos de alguien - through the eyes of sb, from one’s perspective

estar ajeno a algo - to be unaware of sth

una compañía emergente - a start-up company

vía internet - via the internet

una inversión modesta - a modest investment

un referente - a benchmark

un refranero - a collection of sayings

un refrán = un dicho - a saying

creciente - rising

escalofriante - hair-raising

un impulsor - driving force, a promoter

un licenciado - a college graduate

el postgrado - postgraduate degree

apuntar algo - to indicate sth

el portavoz - a spokesperson

poner algo en marcha - to launch

to satifacer al cliente - to satisfy the client

el nicho de mercado - a niche market

los gastos de desarollo - developement costs

de media - on average

salir adelante - to get ahead

nada desdeñable - nothing negligible

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Swedish Song Recommendations: June

I was thinking about starting a monthly list of Swedish song recommendations. This will be my first one, if this post is appreciated I will make another one at the beginning of next month. This post will also be a little introduction to the concept of these posts and how they’ll be formatted. If you have any genres you would like me to find Swedish songs in, or if you have any good ones you would like me to include, write me! ^ω^

Kaffe och en cigarett Miss Li

Apelsinskal (feat. Newkid) Tjuvjakt, Newkid

Klär av dig Viktor Leksell

Ja må du leva Darin

En säng av rosor Darin

Dö ung Hov1

Jag hade en gång en båt Allyawan, Näääk

Non-Swedish song of the month:

How You Like That Blackpick

This is a new release from the south korean girlband Blackpink. I especially like the beginning of the song, as it starts of pretty dramatically and is bound to catch your attention.


@shootingforgold tagged me to list ten songs that I really like, each by a different artist (solo songs of band members count as a different artist than the band). 

1. How You Like That - BLACKPINK

2. Dance Dance Dance - Astrid S

3. Living With No One - Phil Good

4. Mehr davon - LOTTE

5. Stay Gold - BTS

6. This City - Sam Fischer

7. The List - Maisie Peters

8. Übermorgen - Mark Forster

9. Rain On Me - Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande

10. Bad Friend - Rina Sawayama

I’m tagging @hannahbeelanguages @language-aholic @gaelstudies @fluencylevelfrench @your-casual-langblr & anyone who wants to do this (i just randomly tagged blogs i like, no pressure if you don’t wanna do this!)


Miscellaneous Tasks

that make for good language practice

  • translate captions on Instagram photos/ tweets
  • translate headlines from news websites
  • watch a movie trailer for a new/ your favorite movie
  • type vocab words into google images to understand subtle differences
  • translate text in photos of stationary 
  • shop Amazon in your target language, focusing on sections and item descriptions
  • read menus and advertisements
  • watch commercials and look for context clues
  • say the date and time in your target langauge (e.g. your birthday, when you wake up, when you are supposed to meet someone)
  • learn the sounds animals make in different languages
  • see what’s trending in a country of your target language (YouTube, Facebook, News, Spotify, etc)
  • letter game: pick a letter/syllable/character and write as many words as possible that start with that
  • switch social media page or an app to target language and record vocabulary/sentence templates
  • practice ordering food in your target language
  • translate your favorite book quotes or music lyrics
  • read the comments on videos/posts from native speakers
  • try to name as many objects as possible as you pass by them (good for a long bus ride or walk)
  • listen to let’s play videos/ gaming videos
  • look up something in wikipedia, then read the same article in your target language
  • find out what the titles of your favorite books or movies are in your target language

5 essential tricks for language learners

  • Speak more often then read or write something.
  • If you can`t memorize a word or a phrase, a) sing it, b) shout it, c) pronounce it as the rudest swear word in your native language.
  • Read aloud the articles and essays you really love. In the beginning, our tongue will ache as fuck, but your pronunciation will really get better. Even if there`s no one near to point your mistakes.*
  • If you see a word with abstract meaning, immediately make a collocation with a “simple” noun. e. g. Instead of learning what “to accustom” means, learn something like “I accustomed myself not to cry because of the high taxes” or “I`ve never been accustomed to working hard and I`m not going to start”
  • Watch the useless and strange videos on YouTube in your target language. There are many advantages in the crap like “Get Ready With Me” or “What is in my back?” First of all, they all contain almost similar phrases and word collocations. Watch 5 GRWM-videos and you`ll know for sure how to say “Hi, guys!”, “make-up”, “lipstick”, “really good” etc. Secondly, vloggers typically talk as if their audience is full of idiots. They repeat the same phrases dozens of times. And that`s! Don`t hesitate to feel foolish for 5 or 10 minutes straight. Surprisingly, the most unintellectual content will make you more competent and actually intellectual.

*If you feel that you really need a responsible buddy for language practice, join the #tumblrexchange challenge. Introduce yourself, your goals and preferences, and let`s practice together!

Here`s the detailed post about the language exchange. And here`s my own introduction (I offer to help with Russian and seeking smb to practice advanced English with).



requested by anon

ursäkta? - excuse me?

va? - what?

vad sa du? - what did you say?

jag missade det där - i missed that

jag hörde inte det där sista - i didn’t hear that last part

kan du ta det igen? - could you repeat that (you’re literally saying “can you take that again”)

kan du prata lite långsammare? - could you speak a bit more slowly?

kan vi prata engelska istället? - could we speak english instead?

oj - oops

vad sa du nu? - what’s that?

vad betyder det? - what does that mean?

jag förstod inte det där ordet - i didn’t understand that word

jag vet inte vad det betyder - i don’t know what that means

hur uttalar man det här? - how do you pronounce this?

kan du förklara det här? - can you explain this?

skulle du kunna förklara det här? - can you explain this? (a bit more polite, not that the first version is impolite)

tack! - thank you

snälla?  - please?


DREAMY VOCAB in swedish

the painting is Sol och skugga på bergen, by Gustaf Fjaestad, 1927. study this post to the second movement of Beethoven’s Pathétique for the ultimate experience 

click here for flowers in swedish

(en) dröm - dream

att drömma - to dream

att dagdrömma - to daydream

att drömma sig bort - to get lost in ones thoughts while daydreaming

(en) stjärna - star

(ett) stjärnfall - shooting star

(en) mångata - the long reflection over water made by the moon late at night

(en) måne - moon

(en) sol - sun

himmelen - the sky

(ett) moln - cloud

vacker(t) - beautiful

snö - snow

norrsken, polarsken - northern lights

sensommar - latesummer

eterisk - etheral

fager - fair

(en) fe - fairy

pastell - pastel

(en) natt - night

(en) afton - evening

(en) blomma - flower

flora - flora

(ett) ljus - light

poesi - poetry

musik - music

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