
God what


Emma | INFJ | :D | She/Her | I love my made up kids

two characters: have a sun/moon dichotomy going on

me: (wheezing, grappling for breath) i am but a humble peddler, besotted by thy starlike metaphor,


everyone is legally required to stan derek stephen prince


So I’ve been ruining my kids lives by saying “weird flex but ok” to everything and when I do it they scream no and tell me they’re running away and I made this lovely photo lemme get it

Ok so I need some help coming up with the absolute worst “to flex on” live memes ever to pretend I’m an even more really lame parent. they don’t have to make sense but they need to be absolutely awful yet believable enough that it isn’t obvious I’m intentionally trying to be more lame

Here’s the ones I came up with so far

“You ever just eat a well balanced diet and exercise daily to flex on heart disease?”

“You ever just boil chilies to flex on your eyes?”

“You ever just be cool to flex on your kids?”

“You ever just use sanitizer to flex on 99.9% of all bacteria and viruses?”

“You ever just turn all the lights and up the heater to flex on Dad?”

Catholic edition:

“You ever just like receive the sacraments frequently to flex on Satan?”

“You ever just like love your Mom to flex on Protestants?”

So I executed the first one in the kitchen then I dabbed and my son didn’t say anything he just set down his pomegranate and walked out the front door with no shoes on and now he’s walking down the street

Ok so I walked down the block and I found him

Your son is named Egg.

Every part of this is hilarious

Me: why didn't I get full points for annotations
English teacher: you just wrote "savage" every time Lady Macbeth spoke

I think the best piece of character design advice I ever received was actually from a band leadership camp I attended in june of 2017. 

the speaker there gave lots of advice for leaders—obviously, it was a leadership camp—but his saying about personality flaws struck me as useful for writers too. 

he said to us all “your curses are your blessings and your blessings are your curses” and went on to explain how because he was such a great speaker, it made him a terrible listener. he could give speeches for hours on end and inspire thousands of people, but as soon as someone wanted to talk to him one on one or vent to him, he struggled with it. 

he had us write down our greatest weakness and relate it to our biggest strength (mine being that I am far too emotional, but I’m gentle with others because I can understand their emotions), and the whole time people are sharing theirs, my mind was running wild with all my characters and their flaws.

previously, I had added flaws as an after thought, as in “this character seems too perfect. how can I make them not-like-that?” but that’s not how people or personalities work. for every human alive, their flaws and their strengths are directly related to each other. you can’t have one without the other.

is your character strong-willed? that can easily turn into stubbornness. is your character compassionate? maybe they give too many chances. are they loyal? then they’ll destroy the world for the people they love.

it works the other way around too: maybe your villain only hates the protagonist’s people because they love their own and just have a twisted sense of how to protect them. maybe your antagonist is arrogant, but they’ll be confident in everything they do.

tl;dr “your curses are your blessings, and your blessings are your curses” there is no such thing as a character flaw, just a strength that has been stretched too far.

This is such a fabulous flip side of what I’ve always known about villians. That their biggest weakness is that they always assume their own motivations are the motives of others.

This is brilliant!!


He’s gonna be a serial killer when he grows up. Who the fucks shoots and person for any reason and than mocks him for being in pain holy fuck

How to tell someone is privileged and has never been victim of violence 101


I don’t know why that article says he mocked him, as if he was standing over his body and insulting him. He didn’t. The boy commented that the guy was crying after the fact.

The man who robbed his house was a methhead and had done so multiple times to his house and others in the area. The intruder was armed and told the boy that he was going to kill him. The boy got his gun but the intruder didn’t take him seriously until he fired.

The intruder was shot in the leg as he started to run and he was taken to the hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening. The boy later said the intruder was crying like a baby. 

Dude got a taste of his own medicine, threatening to kill an innocent child with a gun. He wasnt mocked but he absolutely fucking deserves it because he wouldn’t be crying if he shot that kid and killed him. 

“who the fuck shoots a person for any reason”

well i dunno, someone breaking into someone’s house armed and threatening to kill them’s a pretty good reason in my opinion

Bakugou: Conflict and war is the crucible through which we evolve.
Bakugou: [Eats Todoroki's leftovers and puts the empty container in Midoriya's room]
Bakugou: Let it begin :)

For a hot second I wondered if I added too many sparkles but no, it’s what Aoyama would’ve wanted

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