
Ebony's Imagines

@ebonysimagines / ebonysimagines.tumblr.com

ASKS OPEN ||  Imagines blog for Haikyuu and Hellsing           Masterpost / Rules and Guidlines /
Anonymous asked:

Thank you so much for the Integra sister imagine, I loved it!

Was my pleasure!!


Ho! If that's okay may i request Ryo with a s/o who is his and Akira's childhood best friend? they know about demons and decide to help them. Also, i think he would be slightly more open to phisical contact since he's known them since they we're children (kinda like Akira) also Sorry my english it's bad gsuagsjsgsh


Hi! Unfortunately, I don't write for Devilman Crybaby anymore. I apologize for the inconvenience.


If you're still doing mashup can I have one with Hellsing. I'm more of the quiet type, the one that sits near the back or closest to the door. Sometimes people forget I'm even there. I love art, music and reading fan fiction. I can be cold at times because I find it difficult to make friends since I'm not into the things most people are. But once you get too known me I can be quite talkative. Especially about facts about space and the universe inside. (1/2)

I don't want to ramble too much because I'm scared that I might give someone an existential crises. Also I might be interested in supernatural. (2/2)
Oh god I forgot to add this but I guess I'm kinda tall compared to most woman. I'm 5'9" (3/2)
  • I think you would be a good fit for Pip Bernadotte! He doesn’t mind when you’re in your quiet moods, and when you do go on and on about space he finds it endlessly endearing. 
  • He initially noticed you back when you first joined Hellsing and were a wallflower while they spoke tactics, and then he approached you when he saw you doing art in one of the manor’s gardens. 
  • He was definitely not off-put by your coldness at first, in fact, I was one of the first times a woman has been cold to him. 
  • He finds your height even more endearing, especially since he doesn’t have to crane his neck when he wants a smooch. 

Can you do a nezu bnha lemon? I has a plot, the reader was also the first animal to have a quirk, her quirk was high specs, and she looked like nezu, they both ascaped but went diffrent ways, they see eachother again in the future and it was love at first sight, if you can do the ze lemon ill be greatfull! ✌


Hi, thank you for the ask but currently, I only write for Hellsing and Haikyuu. Due to my dropping the manga, I feel ill-prepared to write for the fandom and I have forgotten some things. I apologize.


I hope I am doing this right? But if not I'm sorry. Hellsing crew with a time traviler s/o headcannons?


Sorry, I’ve been so slow to post these, I just finished up the semester so I’ll def be more frequent from now on!! Song recommendation: iron // woodkid

                      -Admin Ebony

Pip Bernadotte:

  • He’s pretty easy to startle, so whenever you pop out of thin air after time traveling he will always be startled until he regains himself and starts doting on you
  • He’s less interested in the time period you visit but rather focuses on what you did and what you ate, he’s a bit of a gourmand
  • He really likes to brag to people that you’re so cool, but honestly, he’s a bit off-put about it because there is so much power in your abilities and he worries about your safety

Walter C. Dornez:

  • Another worrywart in the lot of them, but he worries more along the times of your unintentionally taking something back that you weren’t supposed to
  • You once told him about how you accidentally scared Hele of Troy to death and had to impersonate her for weeks before you could return to your time period. That alone made him fearful that you’re so beautiful that you caused a war
  • He packs you food and period-appropriate gear for each of your trips so you don’t find yourself too put out

Integra Hellsing:

  • She's very adamant about you studying and learning all you can about a time period before traveling there since it could potentially mean the difference between you living and dying if the situation ever comes to that
  • She also stresses the fact that you shouldn’t alter history in any way, but she will give you as many cuddles as you want if you successfully dismantle the Holy Roman Empire before they can commit any atrocities
  • She’d also really like to time travel with you and discover what Alucard was like when he was Dracula 


  • He’s so fucking stoked, he’s even more impressed than you thought he would be
  • He asks questions about all your journeys and has a particular affinity for the ones about you traveling to the future. He’ll listen with a slight smile while he massages your aching muscles
  • Has definitely tried to time travel with you, even after you warn him it might rip him in half. He doesn’t quite understand the science behind it, he just wants to be where you are all the time

Seras Victoria:

  •  She gets so nervous on your behalf, constantly worried you might get hurt and there might not be someone who can help you.
  • She’s naturally curious, so she knows a good chunk of history, but loves to hear you talk about the era yourself.
  • Please bring her some fashion from whatever era you visit, she just wants to have a fun fashion show with you and relax for once. 
Anonymous asked:

Hi there beautiful! Whenever you have time, could you do a jealous Hans x reader? Or if you want head cannons of him jealous? (Ik it might be hard but maybe the scenario could be uhh.. him getting jealous of his fem s/o wanting to know more or speak to Alucard?) sorry if it’s confusing lol

I just went ahead and did headcanons mostly cause I feel like this quiet boy would get silently jealous about a lot of things. Song recommendation:  scott street // phoebe bridgers                                    

                               -Admin Ebony

- He’s so silent that his jealousy is never verbal, but rather in the longing way he looks at you and how he towers over you the minute he can push you into a corner, with blazing eyes and hands clamped tightly around your waist

- He’s a big pouter when he gets jealous, just standing behind you holding your hand as you converse with others. You can almost see a pair of ears and tail drooping

- He turns into a big puppy when you’re surrounded by people, which is definitely different from how Hans is normally aloof and distant in the presence of others 

- Alone, however, he’s a mix between lustful and touch-starved, but either way, he will have his hands all over you

- He drags you into his lap, while you can’t help but giggle at the giant of a man pressing his face into your neck like he can fuse with you

- “Hans, you know you can let me know when you’re jealous, but I can’t guarantee I can stop speaking to the other members of Millenium.” He’ll just give a big huff and walk off with you swept up into his arms

- If he gets jealous after a failed mission or a lost fight, he’s a lot more aggressive and angry. He’ll never snap at you, he’s too soft for that

- One time, however, he picked up a soldier by the neck and tossed them out a window after they made  pass at you and you looked even remotely uncomfortable

- He’s a naturally possessive man, but he truly becomes frightening if you happen to run into Alucard and he teasingly flirts with you. He’s ready to rip Alucard in half at that point

Anonymous asked:

Hello, would you write a Hellsing imagine? The reader is Integras younger long lost sister, while starting to settle in Hellsing somehow everyone comes to her with their problems. Recruits don't feel fit enough, they got a shoulder to cry on; Seras got an exestential crisis? The reader is there for her and do on. But one day Seras, Alucard and Walter witness that the reader, their rock also wavers once in a while and confort her. (Perhaps a friend turned Ghul and the reader tries to act tough)?

It feels good to finally be writing again, even though I feel like my skills have decreased some since I’ve taken a break. Song recommendation: falling short // alter.

                                          -Admin Ebony

  You were sweet, a soft kind of sweet, like milk and honey. Your smile is radiant as dawn’s edge, clipping above the tree line and blinding. These were facts no one in Hellsing dares deny, lest they meet their end at the hand of your sister. Integra was not a woman who smiled, her lips only turning up to make a snide comment or a smug smirk. But for you, they would smile, albeit it was a small smile that lasted for mere moments, but it was a smile nonetheless. Her beloved sister, who was gone for so many years only to suddenly join the family business once again.

You were essentially a glorified counselor, or at least, that’s what it seemed like. Always on the giving end of comfort and advice. Especially when Seras suddenly felt the world ending around her at the loss of Pip or even the loss of her humanity. When Pip questioned his purpose and wondered if he was only good at cocking a gun. Recruits having breakdowns over their jobs and friends who’ve died on missions as quick as they were recruited.  Your shoulder was always open to those who needed it, the top of your shirt always damp with tears and sadness. 

One time Integra had come to you, her eyes glazed over in a trance and her steps echoing in the halls as she walked to your room. Her hand turned the knob and she entered, almost immediately falling into your arms. 

“This organization leaves me empty sometimes, (Y/N). It truly does, between Alucard’s damages and forcing the budget out of those pompous fucks in the government. I want a break but that would just be running away with my tail behind my legs like some fucking coward.”

Her exclamations were spoken breathily and you could hear the sheer exhaustion in her voice. You didn’t berate her for complaining, instead, you only held her tighter and whispered reassurances in her ear.

Now almost a week later, it seemed like no one would do the same for you, as you barely held yourself together in the back corner of the armory. You felt tears spill over your eyes as a sense of hopelessness filled you. Recently, you had made great friends with one of the mercenaries from Pip’s crew, only to suddenly lose him during a raid. You saw his blood spill before your eyes, his body viscously ripped apart by those detested ghouls. 

Everything you could ever love was always ripped from you, and just as things got better and you felt yourself trusting again the cycle started anew. Your honey and milk smile turned cold as wails left your mouth. 

The door burst open with a bang, bouncing off the back wall as Alucard and Integra, with Walter close behind, entered with panicked expression and weapons at the ready. They had never heard you cry and immediately assumed the worst, but this may have been your death. The broken expression on your countenance broke their hearts. They slowed to a stop until you reached out to grab onto them for support. The three of them coddled you and as they sunk to the floor with you in their arms. You felt someone’s hand running through your hair and someone else telling you that they would hold a memorial for them and that you would be okay. 

You sniffled and smuggled into their hold, closing your eyes and basking in comfort you never thought you would receive. As you drifted off to sleep you didn’t even notice the soft look Integra and Walter were giving you and the protective aura washing off of Alucard.

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any oikawa in a relationship headcanons?

- Oikawa is a gentle lover, and most of it stems from his own insecurities that oftentimes get projected into the midst of your relationship.

- He moves slowly in relationships, even holding your hand and feeling the warm skin might overwhelm him.

- He’s definitely not exceedingly jealous, but when faced with others of his caliber that might vie for your attention, he just needs some praise and love

- Dates with Tooru often mean stargazing or walking downtown, with his face half-buried in his scarf and he tries to hide his gleeful smile as you talk animatedly about something.

- When you get to the point where things have matured, he loves to cuddle. His love language is physical affirmation, so this doesn’t really come as a surprise. 

- Please, come to his game in his backup jersey, it motivates him like nothing else.

- You and Iwaizumi love to team up to bully Oikawa during practice, Makki and Mattsun think you’re godsend for this. 

- His kisses are surprisingly rough, he just has such a yearning for you that he doesn't understand how to control his feelings.

- I actually don’t think Oikawa is experienced in love, especially with his focus on volleyball, so you both are walking through it together and he often gets shy.

- Oikawa is determined to protect you against the most aggressive of his fangirls, the moment he gets wind of them harassing you, he's glaring down at them with rage in his eyes.

Anonymous asked:

U ok, bby?

I am! I've just been very busy lately, unfortunately. Thank you for the concern, hun 💚💚

Anonymous asked:

hello uh can you do a oneshot with aoyama (bnha) where he has a huge crush on the reader but the other students get in the way then one day he lashes out at everybody (including reader) and the reader is terrified and runs away buy aoyama says sorry and confesses and reader says yes? i would love that

I'm sorry, but currently I only take requests for KnY, Hellsing, and Haikyuu


Castlevania matchup please? I’m a 18 year old. 5’4 Leo INFJ-T autistic Muslim girl. I’m don’t like to wear girlish (I usually wear black or grey turtleneck and long sleeve shirt). I’m smart, quiet, passionate, and strong-willed. I can be anxious (such as talking for a presentation and being in an loud area). I can be funny. I’m mature (but I can be childish at times and also stubborn). I can be also at time be melancholic and depressed. I’m an empath and a kind-hearted person.


I'm sorry, but currently I only take requests for KnY, Hellsing, and Haikyuu

Anonymous asked:

Hello, sweetheart! Could I please get a OPM and VLD matchup? I’m a straight female, 5’4, ENFP, ♉️. I’m a very kind-hearted mom friend of a person who cares very deeply for everyone around her. I always look at the world with an optimistic view but am not afraid to tell it like it is. I’ve been told that I’m a funny person. I take a lot of enjoyment from criticizing movies, shows, books, etc... with my friends. Im also a big musical theatre and true crime fan! thank you so much in advance!! 😊🌸✨

I'm sorry, but currently I only take requests for KnY, Hellsing, and Haikyuu


Heyoo~~ I dont know if you still do Devilman Crybaby headcannons.. but if you do, could you maybe do one where s/o is really sleepy and calls Akria "daddy" or something similar to that. Ack I'm sorry xwx. I'll see myself put x.x


I'm sorry, but currently I only take requests for KnY, Hellsing, and Haikyuu

Anonymous asked:

This blog is really amazing. Keep up the great work.😊 First time doing a request though could I get poly hc request for ryo, akira, with a fem s/o for relationship hcs. If they is okay with you.>~

I'm sorry, but currently I only take requests for KnY, Hellsing, and Haikyuu


Demon Slayer and Haikyuu Requests

Despite popular belief, I am alive. I went through 15-month long writer’s block where I just felt like I had lost the ability to write but I’m back and I’m here to inconsistently stay. However, a few things have changed in these months. I no longer do Castlevania and DMCB imagines due to a disconnect and general falling out of love with the fandoms themselves. 

Regarding BSD, BNHA, and OPM I am very behind in the mangas and I’m personally not comfortable with writing for them until I catch up with the mangas. In the time being, I will take requests for Hellsing, Haikyuu, and Kimetsu no Yaiba. 

On another note, I want to focus on Haikyuu and Kimetsu no Yaiba because those two have been my main fandoms and sources of enjoyment for the past months.

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