


Just say no

Please please please I know we all love Friends and Chandler was our favourite character and Matthew always put a smile on our faces and that’s all amazing but can we please please please talk about this:

“I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life. I'm still working through it personally, but the best thing about me is that if an alcoholic or drug addict comes up to me and says, 'Will you help me?' I will always say, 'Yes, I know how to do that. I will do that for you, even if I can't always do it for myself! So I do that, whenever I can. In groups, or one on one.

And I created the Perry House in Malibu, a sober-living facility for men. I also wrote my play The End of Longing, which is a personal message to the world, an exaggerated form of me as a drunk. I had something important to say to people like me, and to people who love people like me.

When I die, I know people will talk about Friends, Friends, Friends. And I'm glad of that, happy l've done some solid work as an actor, as well as given people multiple chances to make fun of my struggles on the world wide web...

but when I die, as far as my so-called accomplishments go, it would be nice if Friends were listed far behind the things I did to try to help other people.

I know it won't happen, but it would be nice.

- Matthew Langford Perry

(August 19, 1969 - October 28, 2023)

Learn To Keep A Calm Demeanour

One of the most insidious pathologies of our generation is the erratic mind and the loud character. Social media and the general culture have wired us to have multiple, and at times conflicting, thoughts racing through our brains and keeping us in a constant state of emotional distress.

Learning to tame our minds, to take deep breaths and look at things from a calm, composed, and rational perspective is a lost art in our world. When we can hit the breaks to our racing thoughts and the irrational behaviour that often follows them, we can make decisions, view things, and experience life in a much more appropriate and mature way.

There is no need to feel like you constantly have to be on your nerves, or to feel like everything needs a strong reaction from you. It's ok to go through life at ease, at your own pace, and with the conviction that there is a time and place for everything.


i’d say the best thing i have learned this year is to just let people be who they naturally are. no psychoanalyzing them, no overthinking my actions, no asking what i could possibly do to keep their presence in my life. i just bring my best self to the table and always move from a place of love and respect. how that person responds is ultimately up to them. if that causes them to exit my life, i just let it happen. i will never be in the business of changing people. people are only ever ready to change when they’ve made the conscious decision to. all i can do is check myself and be kind always.


Femme Fatale Guide: How To Build Unshakeable Self-Confidence

Here are some practical, no-frills mindset reframes to help you begin cultivating higher, healthy self-esteem. Consider these tips the building blocks of enduring, self-confidence. Save & share to engage in some self-love and help yourself (& others) feel your best xx

  • Remember Your Self-Perception is Magnetic
  • Discover What You Love About Yourself
  • Invest In Your Appearance & Social Skills
  • Remember You're Irreplaceable

Remember Your Self-Perception is Magnetic: Others will perceive you similarly to the way you perceive yourself. In other words, you need to tell yourself that you're a confident woman and the hottest, the most well-spoken woman in the room at all times. While it will still take some practice to maintain good posture and conversation, changing your mindset is the first (and most important) step to overcoming this confidence roadblock. Discover What You Love About Yourself: Consider your talents, skill sets, unique personality traits, appearance, sense of style, etc. Write out a list of the qualities you love about yourself. These characteristics can range from a great sense of humor and understanding subtext to a knack for mental math, cooking, or styling an outfit. Remember the valuable qualities that you bring to the table. While we're all of inherent worth, a regular reminder of our special talents can boost our confidence and make us feel more competent in different life areas/situations. Keep this list visible and read it over at least once a day until you internalize this unbreakable sense of confidence in your capabilities. Invest In Your Appearance & Social Skills: Life is about growth, progress, and personal development. So, one of the most practical ways to level up is to be more mindful of how you put yourself together daily and present yourself to others. Always ensure you look clean and polished with freshly-washed hair, manicured nails, and wrinkle-free outfits. Refine your personal aesthetic, beauty routine, and signature scent. Learn how to hold your head up high, your shoulders back, and maintain direct eye contact. Control your emotions, embrace a sense of humor, tact, and smile when appropriate. You will gain respect and instantly become magnetic. Remember You're Irreplaceable: Uniqueness makes the world go round, so always remember that you offer certain qualities and talents that add value and make others feel special. Internalize this truth and allow these gifts to be shown. You're worth it.

Build upon these mindset shifts & fully embrace your self-confidence journey with my guide: How To Cultivate Self-Love & Boost Self-Esteem. Hope this helps xx

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