
The Oral History of Take This To Your Grave – transcription under the cut

The pages that are just photographs, I haven't included. This post is already long enough.


If someone calls you thunder thighs you should take it as a compliment because you have been gifted by thor and he probably thinks you’re beautiful


When Tony asks Strange how many they win out of the 14 million possible futures, and, oh god, that look Strange gives Tony when he says, “One.” It was sorrowful. Like he was apologizing to Tony in particular. 

Strange knows whatever future it takes to beat Thanos will be incredibly hard on Tony. I mean, until that moment, Strange called Tony “douchebag,” referred to him with detachment (”Stark”), but then there? At the end? He softly calls him, “Tony for the first time while making sure Tony knew that, “There was no other way” with a solemn shake of his head. He’s so fucking sorry Tony is about to go through whatever’s to come next, but Strange knows it’s all resting on Tony’s shoulders from here on out. Whatever Strange saw made Tony earn his respect. 


Ebony Maw reveals that no being before Thanos has ever even managed to wield two Infinity Stones, let alone all six. From this, it can be assumed using the Infinity Gauntlet requires a lot of energy and power. Heck, it even seemed to make Thanos seethe in pain when he put the last gem into the slot. 

… If this is the case, who left of the heroes could even hope to wield it to undo Thanos’s damage with a full, six-gem Gauntlet? 

I speculate there’s only two: Thor and Tony Stark


Avengers 4: Tony's gonna survive, and here’s why

I know many are fearful about Tony’s fate after Avengers: Infinity War, but despite my thinking Tony’s going to wield the Infinity Gauntlet, I still think he’s going to survive the events of Avengers 4.

Here’s yet another compilation post (because I can’t help myself). Under the read more.


Avengers 4: Infinity Gauntlet Theory

A comprehensive list of evidence Tony Stark is the one to wield the Infinity Gauntlet (since I’ve spattered this content through like 5 posts now):


Thoughts on fates of characters in Infinity War and Loki

Spoilers for Infinity War (Beware, lots of text ahead)



What if Avengers 4 is actually titled ‘The Last Avenger’ and it’s Tony going back in time to save his friend’s lives after they all die in infinity war.

It would explain why Thanos says,

‘I hope they remember you’.


do you guys remember that theory about how the element in IM2 that tony rediscovered (from his dad) to replace the palladium arc reactor wasn’t actually an element, but was instead an infinity stone?? (thus the REAL reason why loki’s sceptor didn’t work on him in A1, in contrast to it just being clinky arc reactor metal in the way of tony’s heart?)

well, my head is spinning bc although this promo poster doesn’t “prove” anything, it surely adds more reason for speculation. and i’m over here like:

1) what does this mean for tony stark vs. thanos during infinity war?

2) is this why we’ve been getting those photos/trailer clips of what looks like tony with his arc reactor back in his chest?? and

3) did howard stark mean to create an infinity stone? if so, for what purpose? why did he never tell anyone else directly??? i have so many questions ugh

i really don’t know what to feel at all! @marvelentertainment i’m pained lmao

(twitter source: here)


infinity war spoiler/theory ahead;






There is only one reason why I refuse to accept the fact that Loki’s really dead, he is the GOD of mischief (of which they reminded us so many times in Thor Ragnarok). It is completely unrealistic that the God of mischief believed that he could take down Thanos with just a knife, he could literally have chosen anything yet he chose a knife. Loki, who has experienced first hand how evil Thanos is (that was without any infinity stones).

Loki must’ve been expecting Thanos to come after him seeing as he failed in New York meaning he had to have been prepared for this moment since like 2012.

If he is really dead, I’m sorry, but that’s just lazy ass writing because Loki has more potential and power than just a knife; understands the extreme level of Thanos and has done since 2012.

ALSO, Loki knew there was no way he was gonna be able to escape Thanos alive, he knew he was probably gonna ‘die’ yet still proceeded to say “the sun will shine on US again brother,” that ‘us’ also gives me hope.


The Grand Infinity War Theory

My current theory for Avengers 4 and Dr. Strange’s plan has come down to the following points you need to pay attention to.

1. Gamora’s soul is bound to the soul stone. She was bound because she was sacrificed in exchange for the stone.

2. After The Snap, Thanos found himself at a quiet, orange colored, watery place, where he briefly speaks to Gamora as a child. This place was inside the soul stone, and it was Gamora’s soul. Note that the color fits.

3. Everyone who became dust and Gamora’s soul can be saved. Other manual deaths may be permanent.

4. Dr. Strange has seen the one possible future where the heroes succeed. Strange is planning to set up everything so that this timeline occurs.

5. Likely on Titan, Dr. Strange travels into the past via the Time Gem and recruits Heimdall, The Hulk and possibly Loki.

6a. The Hulk is crucial for the victory timeline, and he must do something at the right moment. For this reason, Heimdall sacrificed himself to send Hulk back to Earth, and Hulk refuses to show himself until the time is right. If Loki was recruited as well, his job was to ensure Thor’s survival, because he is crucial for the victory timeline.

6b. Note that Dr. Strange had Heimdall send Hulk to himself on Earth, so Strange knew beforehand that someone had sent Hulk, and he may have realized later that it was himself. This is how he knew what to do.

7. Dr. Strange sacrifices the Time Gem at to correct moment to save Tony, because Tony is required for the victory timeline, saying to Tony: “It was the only way.”

8. Furthering point 7, all the major technicians (Rocket, Tony, Bruce, Shuri) are still around. They may be required to combine their brilliance in order to beat Thanos.

9. For each infinity stone, a character sacrificed themselves or someone they loved, at least attempting to do so. These sacrifices usually happened in the presence of a particular stone. It may be that these sacrifices make different characters the real masters of the stones.

Power Gem: Groot sacrifices himself out of love (Guardians vol. 1) Space Gem: Loki for Thor Reality Gem: Quill -> Gamora (attempted in presence of the gem) Soul Gem: Gamora -> herself (for Nebula, but not in presence of the gem) Mind Gem: Wanda -> Vision Time Gem: Strange -> unclear at this point (maybe himself & his duty)

Even with Dr. Strange’s sacrifice being unclear and Gamora not being in the presence of the soul gem, all of this is a pattern, and pattern implies purpose. This leads me to consider that these characters, when working together, have full control over all the stones, and the stones may refuse Thanos even if he wields them.

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