

@pixelives / pixelives.tumblr.com

Sean Dack//Multimedia Artist///Director////Music Producer+DJ as Pixelife/////Digital+Analog//////NYC

Fuck your themed party. Piggybacking on the work of others. Lazy…


I’m never on here anymore. Hi everyone


My new EP on Samo Records is now out! You can get it here: http://www.juno.co.uk/products/pixelife-chimeras-in-the-matrix/638329-01/


Going through an old hard drive to try and reconstruct a bunch of lost data in an other hard drive. C. 2010


I've deleted fb from my phone and am increasingly fed up with other social sites. I sort of gave up on things over here, but maybe this is the exact place to be at this time and place.


is a blues rock song,[16] which consists of a repeating verse/refrain structure, broken up by a guitar solo acting as a bridge. For the first eight bars, the tonic note D is repeated, eventually moving to the V chord and then to the IV chord. It then moves to the VI minor chord. The refrain in actuality is three bars long, because the melody keeps going after the last A5 chord and comes to rest on the D5 chord after that. F# is introduced in the melody with a B minor triad. The tonic is held for four bars between each verse and is the same as the contents of the introduction. Within the verse there are four one-bar structures; each one a non-sequitur. The lyrics end each time on the abrupt beat four of each measure, giving the verse an AAAA phrasing structure. The phrasing structure in the second half of the verse is two bars of BB. The C phrasing structure of the refrain has three measures becoming one long phrase and ending on the word "me" which ties everything together. There is an eleven-bar verse/refrain from a ten bar form. The melody of the verse stays within the range of a perfect fourth. Using mostly three notes (D, F, C) the tonic, flat three and flat seven, it moves away later only for contrast when it hits the II (E) and stays on that note for two bars. The refrain stands out as the highest notes in the piece (A).

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