
A Side Blog


for friendly-neighborhood-android I try to tag for common blacklist items but feel free to request more specific/obscure tags to help curate your dash, and please let me know if I've missed any important ones on any one post.

the problem with not voting in order to send the message that you hate all the candidates and the entire system and therefore refuse to participate is that it's completely indistinguishable, as a signal, from not bothering to vote because you think the system is great and all the candidates are great and you'd be fine with any of them. so you might want to rethink the strategy there


There is a chance that Tumblr will start scraping your art and images to sell to AI companies Like Midjourney.

Important note for now: These are all speculative rumors coming from ex-tumblr employees at this point. But the important fact remains the same: You need to be Glazing AND Nightshading any and all content you upload.

Both Glaze and Nightshade are free for their desktop applications. They are developed by a team at the University of Chicago specifically with the intent of protecting artists from being scraped into AI datasets.

If your computer isn't strong enough, there is an online option called Web-Glaze you can request access for. Or, there is a new Art hosting website called Cara that has a partnership with the University of Chicago (the creators of Glaze and Nighshade) to integrate that same Web-glaze for all users to apply to anything they want to upload.

Again, there is a chance these rumors are false and this won't happen. But even if they are fake, all artists, and even just anyone uploading any image at this point, should be applying these programs to any uploaded image on the internet.


This is a periodic friendly reminder that AO3 does not have an app and is always free to use! If you run into issues with an unofficial app, our Support team unfortunately cannot help -- please contact the app's creator or support team instead.



Hi, this is how I wrap presents for people with lower fine motor control; it could be older people, younger people, people with disabilities.

You can use ribbon you already have for wrapping present, and I measured around the item I am about to wrap leaving a little bit of room for the handle.

I taped the beginning end of the ribbon to the box and then loop back the extra ribbon to make a handle, and it should look something like this

You can wrap pretty much like you normally do as long as you make sure that the handle is exposed .

You could even tie something onto the handle for extra support

All done!

End Transcript]

Punctuation and spacing was added for readability but all the text is verbatim.

You don’t know how much effort I went to to find this


A fawn curled up beside a fake deer which is used for target practice. 


Please note the calm looking fawn.

It’s mother has most likely used the fake deer as cover for the fawn to sleep near. I’ve personally witnessed a doe direct a fawn to lay in a patch of tall weeds and go lay on a hill where she could see me and the tall patch of weeds. That’s what they do, find something bigger than the fawn to sleep near so they’re hidden while they sleep.

This isn’t a sad child looking for something mother-like, this is a kid getting put to bed.

so the mom just managed to find the most haunting large object behind which to hide a child

@deerstar4 too good to be banished to the tags

The reform would mean citizens from the blacklisted counties will be forced to comply with complicated British rules if they move to the UK and gender-recognition certificates (GRC) obtained may not be recognised in this country.

If this goes into effect, this policy would target primarily immigrants.


The only way this isn't going to happen is if there's diplomatic pressure from our allies on this, because the transphobic base here is powerful enough that this is unlikely to lose any seats for the Tories

If you're from a country on this list (or with states on this list) that's a major UK ally, please contact your representatives asking them to call for diplomatic pressure to get this changed

Your representatives should not be happy with an ally saying they no longer trust your laws and processes, and you should get your country to express that displeasure to our government, and call for them not to go through with this


I can't find the full list, maybe because this is too recent news, but some of the countries that are mentioned will be affected by these are Belgium, New Zealand, and the USA (Maine, California, and New Jersey). If you're from any of these countries, you can start emailing or calling your representatives.


Ilya Kaminsky, from Deaf Republic: Poems; "A City Like a Guillotine Shivers on Its Way to the Neck"

[Text ID: "At the trial of God, we will ask: why did you allow all this? / And the answer will be an echo: why did you allow all this?"]

The somewhat sexual quality of sand


Check for understanding:

  1. what

Check for understanding:

  1. Who is pukicho? What are they well known for on this site?
  2. Knowing this and seeing the responses of others to this post, what do you think the purpose of pukicho's initial post is?
  3. What reason does drzevia have for pinging me? Why might they have pinged me in particular?
  4. Compare my previous response to this response. How do they differ?
  5. Why might I have chosen to initially respond the way I did?

even the redditors are discussing me

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