
Aesthetics + Games

@claessics / claessics.tumblr.com

way more active @eaglesofsparta
Anonymous asked:

Do you have any advice for someone trying (and failing) to get over religious anxious? I have a draw towards Kemeticism, and I want to start testing the waters a little with basic offerings/divination, but every time I plan or start to do something, I clam up and feel stupid, so I give up before I even start. Is this normal for newbies? I'm assuming the only way I can get through is to take to leap and just go, but I can't quite bring myself to do it, you know?

Anxiety is tricky. But I found a few things that helps me deal with it.

1.) The Netjeru, as I have come to know Them, are an incredibly loving bunch. Like, really. Their love for humanity is deep, and unconditional. They are also very, very big beings, and little details are often not as important to Them. They don’t expect perfection, ever; They would much rather us do something than nothing at all. Reminding myself of this, even repeatedly, until I know it helps. And a little secret? Even us more experienced Kemetics have to often remind ourselves of this.

2.) Treat yourself as you would treat others in this situation. If you were giving me advice, what would you say? Would you be gentle and understanding and empathetic and compassionate? I’m betting you would. And if you would give that gift to others, you should give it to yourself, too. You deserve it as much as anyone else does. 

3.) Also, don’t compare yourself to others you find on the internet. No one has the same exact experience, and if you’re constantly looking at the “older” Kemetics and focusing on what they are doing, your stumbles are going to feel so much bigger than they actually are. I’ve only been practicing about three years, myself, and I don’t always do a great job. My godphone can be staticky, I often have no energy to actually do anything for Them, I get discouraged, I get frustrated, and I have my fallow periods. But the biggest thing is to just get up and try, try again, even if you have to take a little rest in between things.

4.) Sit down and really consider Who you want to start out with. See Who you feel drawn to, talk to Their followers about Them, and research Them. @satsekhem​ and @thetwistedrope​ have some great resources on their blogs. You can also poke around the Kemetic Orthodoxy website: they have some basic information as well as recommended reading lists. You can poke at my kemetic tag too.  Bast and Anubis (also called Anpu or Yinepu) are fairly open to new followers and pretty relaxed, but They may also direct you to Someone better suited. One day just sit, take a few breaths, and introduce yourself. That’s it. Nothing more. Just who you are, and what you want to do (even if its as vague as trying to learn about Kemetic polytheism and the Netjeru). You can offer cool water, if you want, but don’t stress over it. 

5.) From there, start small. Not everything needs to be a big song and dance. Keep Them in mind as you do things. Take for example cleaning your living spaces: dedicate each step to a different Netjeru. Listen quietly to how you feel each time you do something with Them in mind. Then start slowly adding things in, like inviting one or two of Them to watch a movie with you, or put your music on shuffle and ask Them to pick songs They like.

6.) Once you are comfortable with the idea of Them in your life, you can try to slowly to add more structured things in. @idi-the-noof has a great beginner’s ritual that is super simple but effective. Remember that things really don’t have to be big ordeals. Light a candle and sit and talk to Them about your day. Share a glass of water or your meal with Them. Add a little time, may two or three minutes a day, where you sit and just… be with Them, as you are. Meditate, be mindful, write in a journal, even pick up the phone and pretend to talk to Them.

I think its normal for some to have a hard time figuring out where to start. It can feel so very overwhelming, but the Netjeru love you, and won’t ever turn away followers. They will be very understanding, and if you ask for help in getting to know Them, They will try to provide it.

I hope this helps. If there’s a more specific issue I can help with, feel free to send me another anon or ping me on messenger!

Good luck!


My Experiences With the Netjeru

Set: Tells me dirty jokes. Makes me laugh. Now I am the one making dirty jokes. GETS PHYSICAL. "Hey, I care about you. You should date me. Date me. Me me me pick me!!" "OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO CUTE. WHAT THE FUCK?! I FUCKING LOVE YOU. But-- Hey-- stop banging your head against that wall-- Hey. Wall+head= bad time.... Okay, HERE'S THE WALL. Now. What have we learned? Okay. Shush. Only hugs now. Don't sass me." Smooches. (To the other Netjeru: "GUYS LOOK! I petted this kid on the head and they perked right up! LOOK!" *BEAMING WITH PRIDE*)
Anubis: Listens quietly. Head rested on hands. Acts like a therapist... Suddenly a joke! About death! ._.;; And smiles. Kind-hearted joy. Makes friends with the roommate's really shy dog and encourages you to comfort her during thunderstorms. You later catch him in the room visiting JUST HER and NOT YOU. But it's oool because he's this kind to everyone, and she's been having a tough time lately. "When you see what weighs down so many hearts-- you learn that so much of what people worry about isn't worth it."
Nephthys: Curiously patient. Kind suggestions. Very keenly perceptive. Laughs quietly. Don't take kindness for weakness. CANNOT be fooled. Was a day-dreamy, inventive kid who made friends with bugs and was weird, you just know it... WOAH HOLY FUCK SHE'S MAD--- BUT NOT AT ME THANK GOD!! Whooooooooo boy... I'm sure he'll be fine. I'm out.
Djehuti: "Child of Seth, Stop waffling!" ... "No I'm not angry. I am concerned. You are headed down a path that is concerning... Tell me what is on your mind.... Mhm. I see... Well. Here's something you may not have thought of. Mhm. Glad to be of service! Support your local library. ;)" Also, in another interaction, "Let's see what's on your mental shelf..."Hm... Not useful... Get rid of that... Scan through this one and take out the lessons... Okay. Now--" Steps on discarded books like a staircase and gives me a mental picture of Belle in the town library from Beauty in the Beast* "LEAN ON WHAT YOU KNOW, AND ALLOW IT TO HELP YOU GROW!"

Ma’at - list of pdfs

Translations of Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Texts

☀️ Instructions of Ptahhotep

☀️ Instructions of Kegemni

☀️Instructions of Amenemhat

☀️Loyalist Instructions

Modern Scholarship

☀️ The Ancient Egyptian Concept of Ma’at: Reflections on Social Justice and Natural Order by R.J. Ferguson.

☀️The Concept of Law and Justice in Ancient Egypt with specific reference to the Tale of the Elequent Peasant by N.J. van Blerk

☀️The Representations of Law and Justice in Ancient Egypt by J.G. Manning

☀️Law and Order in Ancient Egypt: the development of criminal justice from the Pharoanic New Kingdom to the Roman dominate by A.J. van Loon

☀️Innocent Suffering in Ancient Egypt by D.P. Bricker

Depictions in Art and Architecture

☀️The presentation of Ma’at: Rituals and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt by E. Teeter

☀️ Ma’at as a Theme in Ancient Egyptian Tomb Art by T.M. Schroeder

☀️ Keeping Ma’at: an astronomical approach the orientation of temples in Egypt by J.A. Belmonte and M. Shaltout

On my dash again, I see.


i had this really weird dream last night and i was wondering if you might be able to offer some insight?? in the dream i was trying to find my old pet snake because she'd escaped from her terrarium but while i was looking i felt something tickle my ankle and when i looked down there was this huge white snake looking up at me, it flickered its tongue against my ankle once more and then i woke up... idk but this dream feels important?? somehow??


I’ll try the best I can 🦑

Snakes are often a warning from your subconscious. It can represent an event happening in your life that you should look closer into, or a certain individual that you should be wary about. However, since it was your pet snake, it may allude to a neglection of your emotions or a lack of love or acceptance in your waking life.

Since it was a past pet, it may be a message that an event in your present is reflecting or mirroring an event in your past, and you must bring yourself back to reflect on that time period to know how to get through it.

The snake escaping is addressing you to let go of what you have been holding in and express yourself.

Ankles represent a want for support or guidance in your life - you’re seeking directions. A white snake, who appears to be your guide, have positive symbolism, as they represent good intentions and purity. They want to help you bring about a new beginning.


17k celebration giveaway!

I promised to make giveaway 2k followers ago, so that’s why 2 winners this time, both will have full color art with favourite character or OTP

♦ All fandoms

♦ All ratings

♦ All pairings

You need to follow me + reblog + like this post to participate (all three are required)

Winners will be picked on August,1

P.S. checkout last time winners



I never thought I’d finish this one and frankly I didn’t really wanna stop working on it. But Robin is done. It took almost a weeks worth of hours but damn do I love it. I definitely didn’t work on anything school related during this time though but that’s fine. ANYWAYS, @pixlpit IS PROBABLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE IF YOU HAVEN’T CHECKED HIM OUT FOR SOME REASON YOU SHOULD






Women of Steel

deep, heavy breathing


Give me armour and let me kill some shit.

pay special attention to the lack of boob cups and thank you

Oh look, no plate or chain mail bikinis


The only thing missing is ponytail or something like this because hair like these will cause some trouble in the battlefield

And the helmet

Always keep training! And protect your head. 




Alright everyone, as promised from hitting 500 followers, I’M DOIN A RAFFLE!

So its simple, winner gets a full commission-level fanfic from me, from the franchises I write about in my FAQ!

Rules are simple, like and/or reblog this post to get in, (yes like + reblog = 2 chances to be picked!) and no, you do not have to follow me!


Since it isn’t a commission, you’ll have to use my request rules, but alas time for me to stfu and say a big thank you and good luck to everyone!

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