
It Is What It Is


One half of Monroha on Ao3. Finally creating content to be a useful member of my unending fandoms! Ace, She/Her.

Tumblr users @jovenshires and @blondeforyou are proud to announce the inaugural Spommy Week 2024! A week dedicated to our two favorite Florida boys. Each day of Spommy Week will have its own prompt, and we hope you’re inspired to write, draw, edit, or create in any way!

EXTRA SPECIAL AMAZING thank you to @gay-nonderogatory, @tommybowefuneralattendee, @poly-smosh-vibes, @ceilidhasworld, and @aashisonthefloorr for submitting prompts for Spommy Week 2024!

Guidelines and Rules below the cut!


I'm just sitting here thinking about how Wu treated Grandma Yin when he met her. He kneeled in front of her. He's royalty and he got down on his knees in front of this woman. He was respectful and charming and humble and kind. He said 'It's an honor' and she was so taken aback she SWOONED. I just can't get over it.


Hey all! We are still taking prompt suggestions for Spommy Week 2024! The Google form will close on Friday, March 8th 2024, so if you have any ideas you want to submit please get them in before that time!

The official guidelines, dates, and event prompts will be posted sometime next week!


since march is international women’s month would it make sense if we had a smoshblr wlw week or a week celebrating the female cast and crew? would anyone be up for that? 👀

might be cooking something up if there’s enough interest! my plan is to have two categories for the week: one dedicated to the women of smosh and another dedicated to wlw or f/f ships, so that smoshblr can choose to do one or both! possibly have four days for the smosh girlies and the other four days for wlw content? would you guys be down for this to happen on the last week of march as a cap-off?


Spommy (Spencer/Tommy) Week 2024 is close at hand! But we need YOUR HELP to make it a reality! We’re looking for PROMPT SUGGESTIONS for the inaugural Smosh RPF Spommy Week! Have a theme or prompt you think would be a good fit for this prompt week? You can submit it along with your tumblr URL at the link here or below:

Full rules, dates, and other information to come very soon! Follow the #spommyweek2024 tag for updates!


Personality exchange AU or something similar this shit looks really stupid and funny and i was planning to draw something like this for a long time so as one author on ao3 said I WILL KEEP THIS SHIP ALIVE EVEN IF IT WILL KILL ME

Anonymous asked:

I saw someone once say tommy and shaynes humour aligns like exes who are still on good terms post breakup and i have internalised that forever. It's just true in my mind

That honestly makes so much sense for them… omg imagine your ex saying you give sexless vibes I can’t. Thank you for this, I’ll never look at them the same again lol


Title: Everywhere I Go (Leads Me to You)

Pairing: Tommy/Spencer

Rating: Teen (mentions of drinking, spicy off screen)


He lifts his arm, craning it to get a better view. The handwriting itself isn’t all that bad, it’s clean, easy to read, but still, as Tommy takes in the name of his soulmate, the name etched into his skin by the universe, he gets a sick feeling in the very pit of his stomach.

There, on his arm, written in his soulmate’s own handwriting, was the name Charles.

Notes: This is my Smsohblr Valentine's Exchange fic! My giftee was @monrohakay who mentioned loving Spommy and soulmate au's and thus this fic was born! I hope you enjoy, Valentine and Spommy Nation!

also its the longest smosh fic i've ever written whoops


Everyone stop what you're doing and go read this!! It will change your life! It's sooooooooo good!!!!!


Here is my first ever Smosh fic, and my first time writing a song fic! It was so much fun exploring them both, and I hope to make more in the future. It was written for kqirva as part of the Smoshblr Valentines Day exchange. A huge thank you to wispmotherr and lilac-hecox for putting the whole thing together and everyone who participated. It was super fun and you did an amazing job! Anyway, hope you like it!

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