
being an adult is just saying to yourself “this is the weekend i’ll clean my [x]” and then proceeding to not do that because it’s the weekend and you deserve to relax, goddamnit

why does this have 85K notes

because we reblogged it instead of cleaning our [x]

Intimacy is about safety. The peace you feel in someone’s presence. The ease in their voice when you disagree. Someone’s attentiveness when you are struggling. Their language when they speak about you, someone’s curiosity to learn you and the surrender when it comes to you.

Forugh Farrokhzad, tr. by Sholeh Wolpé, from Sin: Selected Poems of Forugh Farrokhzad;"On Loving"

[Text ID: "Do you know what I want of life? / That I can be with you, you, all of you, / and if life repeated a thousand times, / still you, you, and again, you."]

Did you eat? (I love you) I bought the bread you like (I love you) I noticed you were upset so I brought you tea (I love you) I made this for you (I love you) I know you have a lot of work and can't talk now so I will leave this thing you like around (I love you) I did your chores (I love you) I will sit by in case you need anything (I love you. I love you. I love you)


We’ve made flashlights but we haven’t made reverse flashlights


artificial darkness would be funny as hell though i’d love to beam a line of night directly into someone’s face. go to the void

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