

| Karla | She/Her | 23 |
Anonymous asked:

We are also very careful about not telling out recently two year old "you're okay", instead we often say "I know, it's very hard to be so small and have such big feelings."

And the other day I got upset about something and she grabbed my face, patted, nodded sagely and said "big feelings."

Yeah, Beanie, big feelings.

It’s so so good and also hilarious to see toddlers gray the basic concepts of language that we teach them but not the like social dynamic that goes with it.

I was sitting outside in the southern heat in a plastic chair which was a poor choice, and it melted and snapped and fell THWACK onto the ground flat on my back in front of my in laws. Slightly embarrassing, but it was mad much better by Penny Rose toddle-running over, climbing onto my chest, pulling my glasses off and all about shouting “OH NO OUCH OUCH” and planting a open mouth kiss on my nose.

Any by kiss I mean kinda, like sucking on my nose like a binky.

I love this kid so much.


On the one hand, I have ethical qualms about outing people before they're ready.

On the other hand, the policies they're pushing are literally going to get many of us killed. So I'm kinda leaning towards "fuck those backstabbing assholes."


Bond girls are out. Blanc girls (underprivileged women who screw over rich assholes with the help of this silly detective) are in.


I start all my posts and messages with “and” and “also” because thanks to ADHD I do not experience the linear progression of time and every thought leads into the next one it is an interconnected web of existence and you are all the mosquitos on which I feast

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