


i like hugs

Let's talk about this scene. It's one of the most popular, and the writers and actors knew exactly what they were doing when they filmed it. This is going to be a LONG, long post because I will be breaking down and analyzing looks as well as dialog. Don't worry, I will add in a cut! Let's start with the look on Bilbo's face. Specifically, I've slowed the GIF down so you can get a good look at his face.

Bilbo stated quite clearly to Gandalf the night before this that he was not afraid of Thorin, but he is not so naive as to think that he will stay in Thorin's good graces after this. Hitched breath, sluggish movement, rapid blinking, and a look of dread on his face. This is a funeral march for whatever future might have been brewing over the course of the journey.

Thorin, by comparison, is almost slow to comprehend. There is doubt about what he is hearing written all over his features. He shakes his head and says "you" like he expected to turn around and see someone else standing there using Bilbo's voice. What I really want to get at is the conversation right after. Because it's always struck me that Thorin and Bilbo are not having the same conversation with each other.

"I took it as my fourteenth share," followed immediately by "You would steal from me?"

Now, it's, of course, important to note that Thorin is at peak dragon sickness at the moment and not in his right mind. That said, Bilbo stealing something from him was truly the last thing he could have possibly imagined happening. He suspected his kin less than a day ago but never Bilbo. I've said this in a previous deep dive, but the way that the dragon sickness reconciled Thorin's love for Bilbo and the gold was to place them in the same category. You don't expect what is entirely yours to be capable of theft. We're going to skip ahead slightly in the next GIF.

Ok, so this is where we start to see the conversation diverge. Bilbo says, "Steal from you? No, no. I'm a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one." Clearly trying to articulate to Thorin and the entire company that he didn't do this as a betrayal or out of greed. Thorin's response is chilling and very telling.

In the first GIF, I have no subtitles because I want you to look at his face, not what he's saying. This is the laughter and smile of a madman who just had the last thread tethering him from true madness cut. He descends very quickly from here.

Now, "You have no claim over me" is a very strong statement. In his mind, the gold is his and bound to him in every way. Bilbo, after this, is desperate. His words are desperate, and his expression is desperate. But what's more heartbreaking is the look in Thorn's eyes. Like the real Thorin is trapped behind those pretty blues, helpless to do anything.

Then, finally, after all of this, we have the full snap. The final break.

"Throw him from the ramparts."

This single line gives us probably the most heartbreaking look in the entire movie. To me, even more so than Thorin's death. This is the true "end" the final break. Bilbo's head was bent low. He was willing to take the vitriol the hate. He understood where it was coming from and was prepared for it. But those 5 words ended everything. Thorin is gone, and Bilbo knows that now.

We haven't seen true fear in Bilbo. Not once. The closest we got was when he was about to charge an orc but even that was not fear alone. There was determination and resolve that colored his expression.

That last hollow look in Bilbo's eyes is properly terrified yet if I had to name this GIF I wouldn't name it terror I would name it


Bilbo: *bangs hip into a table corner* SHIT!
Fili: Did Bilbo just-?
Bilbo: *Bent over a bit, holding his hip, brows furrowed* evidently?
Fili: Since when?!
Bilbo: ..you do know I’m an adult, right?
*Thorin walks in*
Kili: Uncle! Did you know Bilbo can swear!
Thorin: *looks to Bilbo in disbelief* since when?
Bilbo: NONE of you have-!! Fuck this, nevermind
*walks away*
Others: *left in shock*
Fili: ..he knows more then one?

The fact that the last thing Thorin saw before losing consciousness in the first movie is *cough* his *cough* master burglar quite literally throwing himself against orcs to defend him. THE ANGST 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻

Bilbo was ready to risk his life for Thorin. No questions asked. 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻

And Thorin's first words being "The Halfling" because he thought Bilbo was hurt or worse dead. 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻

And then we get that speech 'n hug ... 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


Balin: Bilbo, if you want to court Thorin, you must first understand how truly literal minded dwarves can be. You really have to spell it out if you want to tell him you're interested. Bilbo: Ok. I've got this. *turns to Thorin* I'm extremely attracted to you and I want to be your boyfriend. Thorin: *looking sad* Are you rehearsing so you can propose to your hobbit love back home? Bilbo: Wow.

Thorin: *passionate and dramatic* Why don't you tell me that you love me anymore? 

Bilbo: *calmly, without being distracted from watering the tomatoes* I said it once. If something changes, I'll let you know.

Thorin: Come on, Dwalin. Nobody actually believes that Bilbo is in love with me.
Dwalin: *to the Company* Raise your hand if you think that Bilbo is helplessly in love with Thorin.
Entire Company: *raises their hands*
Thorin: Bilbo, put your hand down.

Seriously the Bagginshield fandom is probably the most cheerful, peaceful and CHILL fandom I have ever been involved with.

Like this is all from what I’ve seen of the tumblr community I’m in, but there are pages of fascinating meta, we don’t really pick ship wars, we discuss different interpretations and ideas without getting pissy within the community. Hell, bagginshield fandom seems to LOVE discussing differing interpretations. And a lot of us multiship. We dive into the mess of Thorin’s head and look into the issues of the dragon sickness, we encourage each other and are just generally really friggin chill as a community.

Even when we don’t agree with how our ship is handled sometimes: I only see well thought out and calm discussion on it. We’re just a chill bunch.

Why people get so salty. U don’t like a ship then that’s cool. But don’t get all mad because there is a chill and happy community that likes a thing you don’t. Shitting on the happiness of other people does nothing for your group. If you wanna rant in your own space against it that’s cool. But don’t come here acting like we’re so awful for liking a thing you don’t like.

The Bagginshield tumblr community seems to get that this is all in fun and a fun hobby. I suggest yall do the same.


Bard totally thought Bilbo and Thorin were married

I’m back on my bs

So I remembered yesterday that the dwarves like totally lied straight to Bard’s face when they first met him, saying that they were going across the lake cause they were visiting their relatives in the iron hills. Now who knows how much of that he believed, but ya know, he didn’t ask many questions at least

So sure, cool. Couple of dwarves traveling between the blue mountains and the iron hills, nothing strange about that, they’re dwarves. But amongst the bearded little dudes, there’s a Hobbit. Hobbits, who famously rarely travel anywhere, much less as far as the iron hills. What is he doing so far from home?

But since none of the dwarves said anything akin to “Also this hobbit is traveling with us, just for convenience”, then it must mean that the hobbit is with them. Apart of the group, apart of the family. And unless one of these dwarves have adopted the little dude, which would be highly unlikely, he must be apart of the family in some other way. And what’a the most common way to enter a family? Marriage.

So the Hobbit, Bilbo as he introduces himself as, is probably married to one of the dwarves. But who? Well, he’s seen standing very close to the brooding one with dark hair and short beard. The brooding dwarf in fact rarely leaves his side, always standing on the ready to protect the little one.

And in the town square, when the brooding one (Thorin, rightful king of Erebor) needs someone to vouch for him, who is the first to pipe up but the hobbit, speaking highly of the young king, with adoration and hope in his eyes.

But not only did Bard probably think the two were married, no he also probably thought he was witnessing their divorce first hand on top of the wall of Erebor. Probably one of the weirdest couples he’s ever met, and his town had the unibrow guy hooking up with Stephen Fry.


what if bofur told bilbo that by dwarrow standards thorin was basically throwing himself at bilbo so bilbo decided to go for it the next day like

thorin: this blackberry pie is outstanding, bilbo

bilbo: maybe you should fuck me then


I like to just stare at this 3-second long scene because it speaks volumes. Here it is again slowed down and zoomed in.

Thorin immediately moves to Bilbo. Nori looks back not just for confirmation but also because it looks like Thoirn might step in front of Bilbo but he doesn't. Bilbo and Thorin lock eyes you can see it in how Bilbo's eyes are glued to Thorin's face. Look at Nori very carefully because he does a little double-take at the look Thorin is giving Bilbo. Instead, Thorin assumes a defensive position behind Bilbo after nodding for him to continue.

Now take the above scene. Bilbo looks bewildered and completely out of his element. Why wouldn't he? He's never seen a town built for men. They are about to head into a more open area. Thorin hates areas like this look at the disdain on his face. He moves around Bilbo bracketing him into the middle of the company so he is in the safest possible spot.


My favourite part of The Hobbit was when Thorin, after waiting decades to reclaim his homeland, abdicates the crown to Fíli less than a month after killing Azog and spends the rest of his life in the Shire as malewife to a rich, eccentric halfling


Bilbo: Don't kill me I have a boyfriend.

Orc Captain: You think I care about that?

Bilbo: No this isn't a plea for mercy, it's a warning.

Orc Captain: What-

Thorin (appearing out of nowhere): ARE YOU READY TO DIE?!?!


Thorin really got lost, showed up two hours late, knocked on Bilbo's door, did a dramatic little pose for no reason, tripped ass-over-tea-kettle in love with the first hobbit he got a good look at, and then insulted him.

He might be a mighty king, but first, he's King Smoop under the Smoop Mountain.


Let's talk about Thorin in the below scene. He is dead asleep when Fili & Kili start teasing Bilbo. Bilbo hears the screech and immediately askes what it is. Kili responds "Orcs." In a fairly serious voice. Please note Thorin is still dead asleep when Kili says Orcs.

The absolute MOMENT Bilbo says "Orcs" Thoin is up. His eyes find Bilbo first, hold contact, then he looks around to check if anything is amiss. It wasn't the word Orc that woke him; it was Bilbo's panic. He basically just met Bilbo, yet he woke from a dead sleep at the mere hint of his distress.

You can tell he was dead asleep, too, because you can see him in the background in the next part, fully coming to his senses and realizing that the boys are teasing Bilbo.

TY @lordoftherazzles for sending me the clip to turn into gifs!
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