
idk what this blog is

@erregiuly / erregiuly.tumblr.com

INFP - 23 - I draw stuff -> Art only blog at erregiulydraws.tumblr.com / Would love to just be chill but unfortunately i'm like 5 mental illnesses in a trenchcoat

people who don’t have boops on, I respect your peace but also picture me standing outside your blog scratching the door like a cat wanting to be let in


I am truly just booping everything I see. idc if I know them, idc if we are mutuals. if I perceive them they get booped. if I was actually a cat I would be insufferable.


petition for tumblr to make the boop feature permanent. reasons:-

  1. so i can shower my affection on mooties and followers without any limits
  2. validates my sense of appreciation and does not make me feel unwanted
  3. every introverts' dream who loves a blog but is scared to talk with them
  4. feels like an actual physical boop
  5. online love language

Anyone who works with wildlife will tell you it’s a good thing for wild patients to show hostility towards humans even after a long stay in the hospital, and honestly I think snapping turtles might be the best at this. We surgically repaired this little dude’s broken mandible and provided care in hospital for a few months but bless his heart he never stopped hating my fucking guts. Even with a broken jaw he’d snap at me so viciously whenever I had to give him meds and I love him like a son

This feisty creature’s implant was removed once he’d healed and he was successfully released back into the wild near where he was found. Good luck out there bud, I sincerely hope every wildlife patient I ever see going forward has your disdain for humans!

(These photos were taken while the patient’s enclosure was being cleaned, and he was never handled without medical or husbandry cause)


You need a degree in obscure internet history to fully understand why it's called a rickroll.

You say "just" like the following text isn't entirely incomprehensible to anybody not already familiar with obscure internet lore.


I've been online since 2000. I do not know what any of this means. I know "moot" means "mutual" these days, but judging from how old rickroll is, I bet "moot" didn't mean "mutual" back then because "moot = mutual" is actually a Tumblr thing.

take this w a grain of salt i could be wrong but iirc:

-4chan moderator named moot created a word filter that turned all instances of the word “egg” to the word “duck” in the mid 2000s (2005? 6?)

-in a thread discussing egg rolls, this created the term “duck roll”. someone posted a picture of a duck in roller skates in response to this.

-links to the “duckroll” image were used similarly to rickrolling now

-the rest is pretty understandable

[ID: A comment from kaiasky, reading “isn't it just moot s/egg/duck -> duckrolls -> duckroll image -> 'rolling' becomes a synonym for fake links -> rickroll'd”. End ID.]

Close enough.

Moot is the creator and owner of 4chan (which he created when he was 15), not just a moderator.

And the duck roll isn’t wearing roller skates, it’s got monster truck wheels

I still don’t understand why the filter changing egg to duck came about.

I fucking love etymology

for anyone wondering, like me, how it came to be that Rick Astley was the video that got chosen


[ID by @crescendovalleysystem : An image of a male mallard duck. It is facing the left side of the image with its left side toward the screen. It has two monster truck wheels edited onto the bottom of it. Green text on the top right of the image reads, "duckroll." End ID.]


(the video is twenty-three minutes long, please look elsewhere for a transcript)

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