

@benkundesu / benkundesu.tumblr.com

ben/she | xviii. | medbio student | studyblr ph

Haru / 春/ he who shines brighter than ever.

On the 17th of July 2020, with my depression at its all time low and my online classes giving me the ever so not needed stress, I woke up to a lovely morning with a beautiful aspin on my study table. 
He was not planned, my family was not ready at all in terms of taking care of this beautiful five week old baby boy, but something about him made us tried our best and our hardest to give this puppy a lovely home.
It’s only his fifth day in this very foreign household and you totally live up to your name, you are our sunshine, our new beginning.
Grow big and healthy, Haru.

lets talk about my asian eyes,,,

my prof scolded me during our online class because i was looking down on my notebook book and it looked like i was sleeping. i said sorry but in reality, my japanese ass self was screaming.

Is there such a thing as being ideal? Many have said that an ideal person only exists in one’s imagination, someone who looks perfect but is far from reality. But as time passes, being ideal is not defined as someone perfect but someone who can satisfy one’s conception of a specific role. The image of an ideal Ateneo Civil Welfare Training Service student is more than how they should appear if anything it should be how they act. You can look friendly but are you truly helpful? You can look prim and proper but are you truly kind? An ideal Ateneo CWTS student is responsible, one who doesn’t need to be told on what they need to do but quickly act. Secondly, an ideal Atenean CWTS student can put their knowledge on top of their head, one who readily shares what they know to those who need them the most. Thirdly, an ideal Atenean CWTS student cares, one who becomes a man and woman for others, for their environment, and their country. Possessing at least three of these characteristics, one can already be called an ideal Atenean CWTS student such then they need to further develop their nationalism by engaging various community service and socio-civic activities with continued discipline and hard work.
As we set about in this new expedition of environmental preservation, our group aims to promote and address the pressing environmental issues today. At the same time, we would identify and resolve socio-environmental problems that people encounter every day. Eventually, as we gain more knowledge and experience as students, we would be able to envision ourselves as a Sui Generis Leader who is sensible for truth and not just to cater to the existing circumstances but to be leaders for the common good. At the end of all of this, we would be able to perceive ourselves as leaders who strive, influence, and educate and become advocates for environmental justice and stability.

storiesbykahidlaw.tumblr.com 🌻🌱


at first i wanted redd to put the fake venus and nike statues around my town so it would just radiate lesbian energy

now i still want that but knowing that the fake art is super haunted it makes it 100x cooler and sexier

oh yeah the fake art is sUupER haunted

This painting has a figure on the back

The fake Girl With a Pearl Earring opens her eyes??

One of the fake statues floats if you interact with it?The counterfeits are straight up cursed in this game!!!

Me: art’s haunted

Blathers: what

Me, cocking a shotgun and heading back into the museum: art’s haunted

you bought items from a Kitsune. What did you expect.


one month without internet during quarantine? almost died but im back, what’s up tumblr

*Lafayette teaching Hamilton how to drive*
Lafayette: Okay, you’re driving and Jefferson and Laurens walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Hamilton: Definitely Jefferson. I would never hurt John
Lafayette: The breaks, Alex. You hit the breaks

What is this weird character 々 and how do you read it?

When you’re learning Japanese for a while, you may stumble at this unknown character. “What is this 々 character here?”

You may think of it as a katakana at first since the similarity to マ or タ, but no, it’s not a katakana. It’s a kanji and the way you read it is not important. Why? Because you don’t read it, that’s why !

This 々 character has a lot of confusing and complex name which you don’t need to know about. You only need to know that this 々 kanji character marks repetition of the kanji before it. Yes, basically this 々 kanji is a repetition marker!

When you see 々 partnered up with another kanji, you must repeat the kanji before it. But there’s a catch to it. Remember the list of hiragana with quote or dot such as ひ び ぴ ? Some word, when repeated, will have a change of sound. There are no specific formula though, so you just need to memorize the sound change.

Some word doesn’t change such as these below: 段々 dandan: gradually 中々 nakanaka: very 色々 iroiro: various

Some word changes such as these below and you just need to memorize them: 日々 hibi: days, everyday 人々 hitobito: people 時々 tokidoki: sometimes

So why we don’t just repeat the kanji itself? Maybe because it’s simpler this way? Well anyway, now you know how to read this thing when you see it and that’s the only thing that matter! 

Happy learning °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°  




i remember failing my drills because of this kanji


Japanese Book Publishing Vocabulary

文芸(ぶんげい) - (art and) literature

読書(どくしょ) - reading (books)

ページを捲る(。めく。)- to turn (e.g. the page)

飛ばし読み+する(と。よ。)- skimming the pages, skipping words, reading quickly (literally “jump reading”)

読書家(どくしょか) - great reader

書店(しょてん) - bookshop, bookstore

書架(しょか) - bookshelf

執筆(しっぴつ) - writing(e.g. as a profession)

書籍(しょせき) - publication, book

出版(しゅっぱん) - publication

出版物(しゅっぱんぶつ) - publication(s)

出版する(しゅっぱん。) - to publish

購読(こうどく) - subscription (e.g. of a magazine)

編集(へんしゅう) - editing, editorial, compilation

営業(えいぎょう) - business, sales, trade 

販売(はんばい) - sales, selling

企画(きかく) - project

*営業企画(えいぎょうきかく)- sales/ operation project

促進(そくしん) - promotion, marketing

児童書(じどうしょ) - children’s book(s)

雑誌(ざっし) - magazine

百科事典(ひゃっかじてん)- encyclopedia

随筆(ずいひつ) - essay, miscellaneous writings, literary jottings

索引(さくいん) - index, indices

目次(もくじ) - table of contents

解説(かいせつ) - explanation, commentary

粗筋(あらすじ) - outline, summary

台詞(せりふ)—>セリフ- one’s line, speech, dialogue in writing (normally written in katakana)

評論(ひょうろん) - criticism, critique

評判(ひょうばん) - fame

傑作(けっさく) - masterpiece

名作(めいさく) - famous piece of work/art

無名(むめい) - unsigned, anonymous; unpopular

Essential verbs:

  • 読む(よ。)- to read
  • 書く(か。)- to write
  • 売る(う。)- to sell
  • 買う(か。)- to buy
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