
Not so good with the advice


Fanfiction author | Hufflepuff | She/her | Bi | Pisces

Just so you all realize and see it in action:

This fic was finished in 2015 and the author hadn't had a comment since 2016. They appreciated the comment even though it was just emoji hearts, they were happy and surprised to receive love on their older fic.

Don't stop commenting just because it's an old piece or because you think you can't come up with something smart, witty or thoughtful to say.

Just say anything. Just put an emoji. Just let them know you appreciate their work.


stuff that feels rewarding as a fanfic author:

  • when your work inspires fanart/comics
  • when people point out a scene/particular line(s) that tugged at their heartstrings
  • when people ask for your meta of your work that they enjoyed so much
  • when someone comments on a fic you wrote 982783113502 years ago
  • getting recc’d
  • just the small happiness in knowing you made someone out there smile on their way to work/home or at school, in knowing you warmed someone’s heart somehow
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