
i am alive

@becomehumanz / becomehumanz.tumblr.com

【 jo | dbh ; ow ; dai 】

Honestly, I think part of the reason why I’m so fascinated with Solas is that Solas reminds me so hard of all the potential disasters I’ve ever worried about with my own video game protagonists.

Like, so often in games (especially Bioware games) you get asked to make these world-shattering decisions. Your characters go on these quests to stop a great evil, to battle gods, to bring order, or sow chaos, and at the end you’re left with the power to utterly change the world. And that’s not really a power that should ever rest with just one person, but in these narratives, it so often does.

And afterwards, I usually find myself wondering about all the worst case scenarios. Sometimes I get a bad ending and it’s just like ‘well I guess I’ll start over and try again…?’ But even when it’s a good ending, all too often it’s ambiguous enough that it still seems like a lot could go wrong further down the road.

To me, this is Solas. This is what happened to Solas. He is one of those video game protagonists. He got to the end of the adventure and he had to decide to separate Magic from Reality in order to seal the gods away, and he had no real idea what would happen afterwards except that the gods wouldn’t be able to destroy the world. I’ve freaking done that. Anyone who has played Final Fantasy VI has done that.

And then he woke up in motherfucking Thedas aka Apocalypse Tuesday and found out that everything was a disaster.

At which point his first thought was ‘okay, I’ll start over and try again’ because the world was approximately as real to him as a video game, so why the heck wouldn’t that be his first impulse?

But then - then he screwed himself over. Then he went on an adventure in Thedas. Then he made friends. Now he can’t start a New Game Plus and try for a different ending without erasing all of that. The man is fucking boned. It’s like all the things I ever worried about for my Charnames and Knight Captains and Revans and Exiles and Shepards and Wardens and Nerevarines and Dragonborns all comes crashing down around Solas, this poor sap who was just trying to save his stupid people from their own stupid selves.

I have just… I have walked too many miles in those shoes, at the mercy of a game writer’s narrative whims, to not feel for him. To not want to help save him from this goddamn mess. Every choice-based RPG I have ever played has trained me to empathize with Solas.

And I just wish my Inquisitor could take him by the shoulders and look him in the eye and go:

“You must gather your party before venturing forth.”



this kid is 14 oh my god is no one teaching children to protect themselves online anymore…

Meanwhile us olds are like: I don’t have a carrd and I’m not reading yours

Please don’t advertise your personal information, anyone could find that and use it however they want.

Oh my fucking god it isn’t 1998 anymore no one cares


??? Wtf does this mean??? 80% of employers google you before hiring you, child predators use that info to groom kids, abusers use that info against victims, police/government track activists online? Do you honestly think the internet has gotten safer since 1998????


also don’t tell any rando who wanders onto your blog with unknown intentions the specifics of how they can trigger you???? no????

the fact that its not 1998 anymore is exactly WHY you should be more fucking careful. do you have any idea the tools people have now compared to then? the fact that its gotten exponentially easier to find people in real life based off online info while young people have gotten extremely comfortable sharing all their personal details is deeply concerning.

im sorry no one ever taught you internet safety but that is NOT because its not important anymore. ITS MORE IMPORTANT THAN IT EVER WAS. please listen to the people whove been on the internet longer than youve been alive. our intentions are good and internet safety is vital. especially if youre queer, which i know for a fact a lot of you are.


Here’s the thing about shows like South Park and Family Guy that make their money off of being edgy and offensive. They fundamentally reduce their viewers’ capacity for empathy. If I found a joke funny, and you found it offensive, you’re just too sensitive. This is directly related to the ride of the alt right and the election of trump. In this essay I will



So instead of writing the essay this is exactly what I’m talking about. This shit reduces your capacity for empathy. If you can’t understand why people are hurt by a simple joke, nay, think that’s the whole point… How the hell are you supposed to feel for someone when they come to you complaining of ACTUAL oppression? It’s the foot in the door phenomenon. A little oppression isn’t too bad, cuz it’s funny, right? It hardens your heart against others

Somebody actually wrote this essay already. It’s a Twitter thread about how the alt right recruits teenage boys by getting them to post slightly offensive memes… And then when they get called out and don’t understand why the alt right channels their anger at feminists and women and people of color and liberals. According to this thread, boys are being “set up”

Read the whole thread at the link above this is just a snip

“offensive” shows like Family Guy are a precursor to the alt right and you can’t change my mind

Y'all this shit so basic even Spongebob one it. It’s not about being too sensitive. It’s normalizing abuse through comedy that’s a foot in the door to greater oppression.


this put into words what makes me so uncomfortable about these shows


Dirthavaren / The Exalted Plains 

Dirthavaren - “the promise,” for the Dales were promised to us by Andraste. It is still the Dirth to us, even if the shemlen give it a name that recalls our destruction. 

dragon age aesthetics ♕ evanuris

Long ago, when time itself was young, the only things in existence were the sun and the land.

Wolfenstein, for those who don’t know, is a videogame series with soon to be eleven entries in the series, all of them entirely centred around killing Nazis ever since the very first game in 1981.

‘way to make it political’ buddy do you know what series this is


hey remember the old days when “Nazis were bad” was a politically neutral statement.  That isn’t sarcastic i’m genuinely nostalgic 

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