

@ulquisuggestions / ulquisuggestions.tumblr.com

Suggestions from Ulquiorra. x

I’m still unsure on what love is.


Dude, I’ve felt love and I still don’t know what it is. I don’t think anyone really “knows” per say tbh. Maybe someone does actually know, but it’s no one I know.

Love is a chemical reaction in your brain. Something (Don’t ask me what, I’m Ace/Aro) causes certain chemicals in your brain (Hormones, estrogen, dopamine, etc) to release, and they make the feeling ‘love’. When you are in love with someone, or in a relationship, high levels of dopamine cause love. Other types of love (Like if you loved a really good book, or a pet) are caused by other neurotransmitter. I know what it is, due to fifteen minutes on the internet.

I’m not sure what these words mean but thank you.


@bazz-bsuggestions @liltottosuggestions the fact that we’ve actually got a bunch of goddamnn quincies actually helping us kill the head quincy asshole is pretty damn funny. i guess this, uh…how the fuck do you say his name? the quincy boss guy. i guess he’s a pretty shitty boss, then. ha.

You mean my Danny Trejo looking ass of an ex boss? Yeah he sucked.

i have no idea who that is, man, but yeah from what i’ve heard he seems pretty shitty. sounds like all these assholes who decide to make armies to attack soul society or whatever are shitty ass bosses, huh?

#Aizen was shitty too

Don’t make me come over there, @sextasuggestions

You need to remember who elevated you from mindless wandering in the wilderness.  You LITERALLY owe your life to me. (And, I suppose, @hogyokusuggestions.)

#There were tea parties!

Indeed, there are some interesting videos of the ten Espada forced into dressed up in frills and lace for said tea… parties.

#Also sunshine #I brought sunshine to Hueco Mundo damn it

Technically, I did… but only figuratively. I’m pretty sure it was still endless night outside the last time I checked a perimeter camera-fly.

Indeed, such fun parties.

I’m sure @ulquiorraschiffersuggestions / @ulquisuggestions remembers this….

All I knew at those parties was suffering, do not remind me


Face tattoos are essential for looking threatening 

I was thinking yours were just to make yourself look ‘prettier.’

You must be trying to make yourself look sadder 

I looked rather plain, so I decided to make a statement.

If the statement you were trying to make was “no one will ever love me”, you nailed it 

What is love? Is it related to the heart? Do elaborate.

Love is that thing where people actually want to be around you and listen to what you have to say. It’s not related to the heart, it’s all chemicals, but sure if you wanna be a fucking corny loser you can believe it’s related to the heart 

Aizen-sama listened to my input, does that mean he loves me? I am very confused.

Nah, he doesn’t love you, he’s just using you. Aizen only loves his chair. 

I see. But I don’t believe anyone loves you either, Grimmjow. No one cares for what comes out of your mouth and you are always being disciplined. Like a child, really.

Psshh, I don’t need love. I’m independent. 

Independent, you say? Then why is Kurosaki’s little sister able to push you around so easily. You call yourself an Espada? 

She’s not pushing me around, I’m simply just resisting the urge to kill her 

I highly doubt that. That’s unlike you, Grimmjow. Admit it, you want to be petted and spoon fed like a domestic cat.

1) you don’t spoon feed cats, you fucking idiot. 2) I will never listen to that little brat, she does not own me 3) I’m not a fucking cat, I’m the Sexta Espada and I hate all of you 

@karinsuggestions Your pet needs spraying with freezing cold water.

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