
"I love you." Ritsu Onodera, April 2024


I love coffee, books, and Masamune Takano; not necessarily in that order.

Hello! I'm a long time sih/jr fan. I was hoping to maybe get a link to the main lame scans server so I could talk with other fans? I have tried every link on reddit, discord, and tumblr that I could find and they all seem to be invalid!

I'm currently only in the release server however that's just for releases and not for social interaction.


Unfortunately I am no longer in the server, but I’ll ask my friend who is still a mod if they can hook you up!


Tagged by my lord and savior @wauryd

Favourite colour: Orange. Like, traffic cone orange

Last song: I've been listening to multi-hour eurobeat mixes on youtube, BUT the last single song I listened to was The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience

Currently reading: Real book-wise I'm still reading The Girl from Widow Hill by Megan Miranda. For manga/manhua I've been keeping up with Chainsaw Man and Netkama Punch! and for webnovels I've been reading The Villain's Attack Plan and The Swordmaster's Youngest Son pretty religiously.

Last movie: I tried to watch Piggy (2022) today, but the last movie I actually sat and watched and finished was Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken (it was supposed to be background noise but I was very distracted by the animation style cuz it reminds me of those kroger commercials but with actual artistic passion behind it)

Sweet/spicy/savoury: I like them all, but the best are sweet/spicy combos and savory food.

Currently working on: I typed out an answer for this yesterday that was about me bugproofing my apartment because the bugs coming in from outside are getting really annoying. Today, though, I'm doing adult things like setting up my student loans account and taking phone call interviews from the government and making cookies. In a long-term sense I'm working on myself because I haven't really had a creative bone in my body since winter so no big projects.

Hi Mari ily 💜

Favorite color: purple! Like this ——>💜

Last song: last song I listened to was Dandelions by Ruth B. I… like it a lot and want to dance to it with a certain someone 😳

Currently reading: Uhhhh lots of renga fanfics lmao, and if it counts, the webtoon My Starry Sky. A few weeks ago I reread Heesu in Class 2. Been binge reading a lot of comfort things lately it’s a good time.

Last Movie: I went to see The Sound Of Freedom, last Sunday. I thought I was gonna throw up, but it was well made and super powerful.

Sweet/Savory/Spicy: I may have a sweet tooth on occasion but you best believe I am here for savory & spicy supremacy 😤

Currently working on: Well, currently is a bit generous, but I am idly jotting down what is eventually going to be an original novel a few sentences at a time. Check back in a few years 😅

Thank you for the tag Mari but I was gonna tag my wife and you did it first so we have beef now 🔪


Are you lettiing people iinto the server at thiis tiime? Heard about iit from a pal of miine, and ii would liike to joiin!


I’m not a member anymore but I can definitely ask for you!

Anonymous asked:

Do you still have the link for your server?

Hello! If you mean the SIH server, I’m actually no longer a member. Sorry about that!


The first time Kagi tells Hirano he’s in love with him, his stomach rips itself from above his intestines and plummets somewhere far beneath the dark, cold earth faster than a lightning strike.

Hirano has never been what any sane person would refer to as in touch with his feelings.

(Or: I think people are way too hard on Hirano and I think he’s in some heavy denial but what do I know)

Anonymous asked:

cammie i love you you're the best, what's your favorite takaritsu fic? <3

🥺🥺🥺 anon I don’t know who you are but I would die for you I love you 💜💜💜💜💜 I have a few favorites I can think of off the top of my head!!!!!

1. Anything I’ve written 💜


This one is FANTASTIC. Anything that portrays nostalgia even .05% more realistic than they actually are is Brilliant.

This one is so good and I never even really got into hybrid child but it’s amazing

This one owns my fucking soul and I reread at least once a year (but probably more often)

And this entire series is absolute gold! Pure nostalgia shenanigans!

There are others… but I’ll never publicly admit to them 😉

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