
Rebel Pencils


Artist, writer, and sometimes human... **Find my AO3 ** https://archiveofourown.org/users/DarthBreezy **Find my Art store ** https://www.redbubble.com/people/rebelpencils?asc=u

It took some searching, but I finally unearthed the trade tokens from my old shop on the bridge. Rather the worse for wear, but still legible!

The lack of small denomination coins at that time made everyday purchases difficult. Traders took it upon themselves to issue farthing (a quarter of a penny) and half-penny tokens to fill the gap.

Shops could give these tokens as change, and would accept other traders’ tokens. Thus, for example, Mister Finch of ‘The Dog’s Head’ might come to me with twenty-four of my half-penny tokens, and redeem them for a shilling.

The practice survived for some several decades until, in 1672, a proclamation was issued by Charles II that copper farthings and halfpence stamped at the Mint would be the only permitted coinage, and the issuing of private tokens largely ceased.

You might be interested to know that the discussion of minting /legal/ small coinage was discussed by the Commonwealth Government — as beneficial to the poor — as early as 1651. Despite this, nothing was done about it. For almost thirty years.

Isn’t history interesting?


He’s so right actually


He is an amazing, classy 'young' man. While the plague-riddled haggis stomps its feet and screams 'pay attention to ME! I'll starve without it!!' Daniel just walks away, not even casting a single stone...


I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say

reblog if attacking fascism is really the hill you want to die on

this is literally like one of the most justified and honorable hills you could die on??? lol??

Quick someone reply with the gif™️

Always reblog this if you are cool


Neil my dude, after showing my mother season one of Good Omens and my dad seeing a bit of it I mentioned you also wrote Coraline and either my mom or dad (don't remember which one said it) said you must have been a weird kid.

Could you please confirm or deny whether or not you were a Weird Kid™?


I was a weird kid.


Reblog if you were a weird kid.


With the caveat that the past tense 'were' does not apply in my case...


it's my head canon that Aziraphale is actually a nightmare customer to have in a restaurant, and the whole Ritz staff let out an audible groan when his name 'suddenly' appears on the bookings list. Aziraphale is a creature of habit, you can't tell me that he doesn't throw a hissy fit when his favourite item isn't available, the special is sold-out, or they've updated their menu


OK, consider the scene where we meet modern day Aziraphale. The Sushi Chef obviously likes Aziraphale as a regular customer - their rapport is friendly and easy going. So NOT a 'Karen'. I also think that there's a bit of 'selective amnesia' in play at places like restaurants and theartre box offices - after all, he's been in Soho for over 200 years at least - there's a lot of Men In Black stuff going down... Also his favorites would always be available, and after a gentle 'please can you check one more time for me,' his dish of choice would... miraculously be available. He may be 'just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing', but outright rude and unpropitious seems to be out of his wheelhouse...

Many screenwriters assemble a fantasy cast as they write the script. It can help to bring characters alive, and Neil is no exception. In the case of Good Omens, pursuing a vision in memory of the novel's co-writer, he set out to turn the dream into a reality.
'I had Michael Sheen and David Tennant in mind when I was writing,' he says. 'I was half way through Episode Three, scripting the scene in the church, and I suddenly decided that I wanted David. And I wrote it as if I was going to get David. It was a combination of the physicality of the character and knowing he could land every line. You write different kinds of dialogue for different kinds of actors,' he continues, 'and there's a specific kind of dialogue that you write when you know they're going to land it. You can be more playful, for example. So I hoped I'd get David when I wrote Crowley going, "Ow ow ow!" as he walked down the church aisle, and then delivering this entire speech wile having to hop from foot to foot. That's not the kind of thing you'd give most actors unless you know they were good enough to do it. - Neil Gaiman, as quoted in The Nice and Accurate Good Omens TV Companion

One of my favorite scenes in the series... it always tickled me.


So for the last few, I've been having 'a moment'...

I'll be heading to London in November after nearly 10 years away - It's far from easy for me to travel as I have a myriad of health issues and of course, am church mouse poor, but I NEED to go while I can still get there without traveling in a box, The thing is, friends and family who were all 'we'd love to see you and 'we'll do this that and the other' have suddenly forgotten I exist now that I've nailed down a date. Messages are ignored or a rare reply of a token 'have fun' when I DO hear back... OK, I don't need a house to fall on me... even if you're dropping one on me anyway, but damn... So aside from my self penciled in 'Good Omens/David 'Macbeth' Day', I'll have 2-3 other open days in London and 6-7 days at loose ends (because even on a good day, London is just too expensive, especially as I need certain accessibility commendations (so the 3rd floor walk up isn't going to work for me anymore). Right... time to wipe my face and suck it up, and bury my feelings down back under a rock again... Later So I had a little rage cry, because this is just a surface excuse and will su== REASON of things that are eating my soul and that I have to push on through and like our dear Angel, I plastered on my lift smile and am getting on with it.

I broke into my little saving stash (OK, line of credit that I'll have to pay back well before November) bought a fast food dinner for myself and my roommate (he's a bit thick at times, but has promised to make SURE I get to London, by hook or crook) did some more research on places to stay (a bit further afield but still doable) and Amazoned my trip jacket because I had a gift certificate for doing some old survey or another...Just gotta get through this rather long patch of rough road....

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