
welcome to my nest


21 / I am here for the goofs and the gaffs

daily self-affirmations 💕

  • my podium is clean and not covered in spaghetti
  • i know that the 87th element on the periodic table is Francium
  • i am not trapped in the time loop
  • i know how to fix the ElectroBobbleWobble QZ
  • i am not trapped in the time loop
  • i have a sufficient number of boxes to reach the shelf of ducks
  • the wenis is a dance
  • i am not trapped in the time loop
  • the wenis is a dance
  • i am not trapped in the time loop

realized i never shared my rot series from beginner's ceramics 🍊 obviously pretty wonky + some cracking and weird glaze stuff, but i really loved every step of the process <3 hoping i get to do it again sometime


"who said that" is my ult fav thing to say ever after saying something insane


Remember when Ursula K. Le Guin called JK Rowling a nasty basic bitch back in like, 2004? We should have listened

“This last is the situation, as I see it, between my A Wizard of Earthsea and J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter. I didn’t originate the idea of a school for wizards — if anybody did it was T.H.White, though he did it in single throwaway line and didn’t develop it. I was the first to do that. Years later, Rowling took the idea and developed it along other lines. She didn’t plagiarize. She didn’t copy anything. Her book, in fact, could hardly be more different from mine, in style, spirit, everything. The only thing that rankles me is her apparent reluctance to admit that she ever learned anything from other writers. When ignorant critics praised her wonderful originality in inventing the idea of a wizards’ school, and some of them even seemed to believe that she had invented fantasy, she let them do so. This, I think, was ungenerous, and in the long run unwise.“

i found the specific quote i was thinking of x

Q: Nicholas Lezard has written ‘Rowling can type, but Le Guin can write.’ What do you make of this comment in the light of the phenomenal success of the Potter books? I’d like to hear your opinion of JK Rowling’s writing style
UKL: I have no great opinion of it. When so many adult critics were carrying on about the “incredible originality” of the first Harry Potter book, I read it to find out what the fuss was about, and remained somewhat puzzled; it seemed a lively kid’s fantasy crossed with a “school novel”, good fare for its age group, but stylistically ordinary, imaginatively derivative, and ethically rather mean-spirited.

damn gurl :’]


From "Who's Who at the Zoo," written by George Mazzei and illustrated by Gerard Donelan for The Advocate in 1979. Possibly the first recorded usage of the term bear to refer to a gay subculture.

Can anyone help me find the rest of this? The only references to it I can find online are to this page.


I found the date: "Who's Who at the Zoo?" July 26, 1979, The Advocate. A large library, or library in a queer area, probably has the advocate in their periodical collection. Possibly not digitized though.

Wait @cbpolt posted it on Twitter but it's been made private. Maybe they'll share with you if you ask? https://mobile.twitter.com/CBPolt/status/1535327694614933504

Edit no no here it is! https://www.out.com/today-gay-history/2016/7/26/today-gay-history-when-advocate-invented-bears?pg=full

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