
the words i command are immortal

@davidalleynes / davidalleynes.tumblr.com

i run an "opinions nobody asked for" blog | cole. 26. preferred pronouns are she/her, but you can use any as long as you're not being insulting. Butch Dyke. Bipolar. HOU. Everything I do is King Shit. | do NOT follow if you're a terf, you're ugly, you're disgusting, i hate you, give a trans charity $20. |  this blog is not for minors or miners. if you're under 18 or you own a pickaxe, i will block you. | don't call me soft butch
Anonymous asked:

in middle school a girl wrote fullmetal alchemist fanfiction for an english assignment and she got in trouble not because she submitted fanfiction but because it was 32.000 fucking got damn words. It was a creative writing assignment meant to clock in at maybe two pages if your handwriting was big. the whole thing was handwritten too, we couldn’t type and use a printer for this one. I’m haunted by her. She even wrote it in pen first draft no editing. her name was bridgette but she insisted it was actually Moondust. no i’m not fucking kidding about ANY of this i need to haunt you with this information like i am haunted. Moondust.

Okay LITERALLY GIRLBOSS!!! also this text is so big i opened this ask and was like


i think social media spectacle brain leads to people playing down the transphobia of jk rowling because it reduces her to just somebody who is transphobic on twitter (large amounts of people are this unfortunately) and a fantasy author whose books are full of reactionary garbage and prejudice (the fantasy genre is full of authors like this, unfortunately) while ignoring the fact that she’s a billionaire celebrity using her enormous amounts of social and financial capital to actively campaign for restrictions on the human rights of trans people in a country that’s currently undergoing a massive anti-trans moral panic and which has recently seen serious rollbacks in the right of trans people to transition. she’s more than just a problematic fantasy author who is a bigoted asshole, she’s actually putting her money where her mouth is to ensure that her bigotries become actual public policy.


“If you’re an alien how comes you sound like you’re from the north?” Billie Piper’s Rose Tyler asked The Doctor ten years ago – now Christopher Eccleston has finally revealed why his Time Lord had a northern accent.

“Lots of planet have a north” the Doctor told Rose way back then, but Eccleston (who returns to our TV screens in ITV’s new thriller Safe House on Monday April 20th at 9pm) gives a rather different answer in this week’s edition of Radio Times.

“I wanted to move him away from the RP (received pronunciation) for the first time because we shouldn’t make a correlation between intellect and accent” he says, “although that still needs addressing”.

The self-described working-class actor also says that cultural inequality is “much more pronounced” in Britain than it used to be, and that it would be difficult for a young actor with his background to succeed in the industry today.
“You can’t blame Eddie Redmayne or Benedict Cumberbatch but inequality will lead to a milky, anodyne culture. To an extent that’s already happened,” he argues.
Eccleston stresses that it’s not just about the working class though. “There’s not enough writing for women or people of colour” he says. “It frustrates me when they insist on doing all-male Shakespearean productions – a wonderful intellectual exercise, maybe, but it’s outrageous because it’s putting a lot of women out of work.”

When I Say He’s My Favorite Doctor This Is Why

“If a person cannot solve a conflict with a friend, how can they possibly contribute to larger efforts for peace? If we refuse to speak to a friend because we project our anxieties onto an email they wrote, how are we going to welcome refugees, immigrants, and the homeless into our communities? The values required for social repair are the same values required for personal repair. And so this discussion must begin in the most micro experience. Confusing being mortal with being threatened can occur in any realm. The fact that something could go wrong does not mean that we are in danger. It means that we are alive. Mortality is the sign of life.”

— Sarah Schulman, Conflict is Not Abuse: Overstating Harm, Community Responsibility and the Duty of Repair

same energy as chris fleming’s “call yourself a ‘community organizer’ even though you’re not on speaking terms with your roommates”


Anyone else remember the end of House of Quark where after Quark defeats the mean klingon through wits and is kneeling and fucking Gowron walks over to him, kneels down in front of him, looks tenderly into his eyes, and helps him stand? Anyone else ever think about how much Gowron wanted to fuck Quark in that moment? Anybody?

Screencaps don't really do it justice but damn Gowron was down to smash

no i did NOT think of this and i gotta be real with you op, i wish you hadn’t either.

I think that you just hate innovation

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