
Ruined by Pixels

@saltybiowarefantears / saltybiowarefantears.tumblr.com

Crying over so many fictional characters has left crusty salt plains where my soul once resided. Multifandom blog, but mainly BioWare-centric. Not spoiler free. NSFW language. 16+ followers only blog please. My tags tend to turn into essays. Box is always open for asks, talking, headcanons, whatever! Anything spicy is tagged nsfw or nsfw-ish. Content warnings use "[x] cw" format, and don't hesitate to ask me to add any additional tags! Be aware I am 25+ in age, so if that makes you uncomfortable do not follow. Current location: Dragon Age and One Piece. Icon by zoeychuannn

fucked up that the last thing Nami and Law hear and see Belle-Mère and Corazon say to them is "I love you" with a smile

fucked up that the last thing both Ace and the Going Merry say to Luffy is "thank you for loving me"

fucked up. super fucked up. don't look at me when I read those stories the crying is ugly


when people are like "i didn't come here to make friends" i'm like thats sooooo unrelatable. i am always on the look out for some girl friends. I would be in that hunger games cornucopia like "your ex boyfriend did WHAT."


I'm so fucking productive. I got so much shit done today.

ⓘ Fact check: This user did the bare minimum for the first time in 3 months.


ⓘ Fact check: Be proud of yourself anyway bitch. Doing shit is hard.


i can't stress it enough how crazy the love triangle situation is. mizu and akemi have a slow motion romcom first glance at each other. mizu and taigen are enemies to lovers. mizu taunts akemi about taigen while wearing his scarf. mizu imagines taigen while seeing a threesome. mizu and akemi have sex scenes juxtaposed with each other. taigen and mizu's brawl is an obvious parallel to mizu and mikio. "this isn't over" "i know". both could happen. neither could happen. all could happen all at once. and i'm watching it all like this


“no matter how badly you think you’re doing it, someone else has done it a lot worse and been fine” is applicable to a wide, wide range of things and i say it to myself all the time


"bigger idiots than me have done it" is a phrase I live by


'Revenge is bad' to YOU. i love when a character destroys everyone who wronged them. i love when they get to bite and maim and tear and rip and scratch and kill. Sorry ur catholic about it but i'm different

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