


tw: ed, sh, suicidal thoughts and other mental health problems
proud emoji user

this blog contains talk about eating disorders, self harm, suicidal thoughts and other mental health problems. i talk about my problems with no intent of triggering others.

[about me]

– she/her

– european


– unlabelled but somewhere in the bisexual zone, i don't really care

– i've struggled with ed's and sh for years

– my disordered eating includes symptoms from an0rexia, bul1mia and BED

– no diagnosed mental illnesses or disorders but something seems off to me


hey google how to lose all period weight before the period in question even started no borax no glue


i just realised that i'm probably overreacting over how much i have to eat at our cottage because let's fucking be real, my dad doesn't care what or how much i eat. also, i don't trust in his ability to figure out how much a girl half his weight should be eating


look at my new pants🥰 (and the size of my quad bc wtf😭)


i fucking gained

i'm at the same weight as on tuesday :/ i really really really hope it's only period weight because i can't do this shit i was so close to my next gw

i'm over my limit today (again) so i really need to push myself tmrw and all the way until tuesday. i can't leave home if i haven't reached my next gw


i fucking gained

i'm at the same weight as on tuesday :/ i really really really hope it's only period weight because i can't do this shit i was so close to my next gw


okay me and my friends changed the movie marathon to just one movie which is super great for me because now i don't have to eat as much and may be able to skip dinner if we schedule it well


i'm like actually stressed out about all the eating that's in front of me for the next two weeks😕

i've been killing myself with restricting so good this month and because i can't restrict that well during all what's coming up (especially going away for a week with my dad), i'm so scared of gaining weight and taking major steps back, which would mean that all the work was for nothing


i'm feeling so bad after eating over my general limit after fasting yesterday :/

doesn't help that i have to eat more than usual tomorrow, and if our movie night happens (all three hobbit movies) i'll probably have to eat junk on sunday...

i just wish i could fast again on monday/tuesday, i'll make it happen if i just can get out of dinner on monday


yeah if anyone has any ideas on how to make the cutesy librarian fall in love with me, pls provide


my body better use all those nutrients well since it made me go above my calorie limit just for fruits

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