
What happens in Arda...


~Previously Inahe~ Alex | female | México | Welcome to my blog exclusively dedicated to the work of Professor Tolkien (with special love for Feanorians, Angbang and Glorestor ;D) *free of hate and drama, just come and have a good time. ~~Hey remember my inbox is always open, you can ask anything or just say hi~~

Finrod Felagund, the fairest, the faithful, Hewer of Caves, King of Nargothrond.

Finished…sort of

Still trying out sth new


Heh you know what guys, was just gonna scribble some elf, I dunno random, but then I simply gave this person sorta Melkor's face??

I guess I just really wanted to draw Mel :v


middle-earth meme ☆ ¾ couples ☆ beren and lúthien

Then the spell of silence fell from Beren, and he called to her, crying Tinúviel; and the woods echoed the name. Then she halted in wonder, and fled no more, and Beren came to her. But as she looked on him, doom fell upon her, and she loved him; yet she slipped from his arms and vanished from his sight even as the day was breaking. Then Beren lay upon the ground in a swoon, as one slain at once by bliss and grief; and he fell into a sleep as it were into an abyss of shadow, and waking he was cold as stone, and his heart barren and forsaken. And wandering in mind he groped as one that is stricken with sudden blindness, and seeks with hands to grasp the vanished light. Thus he began the payment of anguish for the fate that was laid on him; and in his fate Lúthien was caught, and being immortal she shared in his mortality, and being free received his chain; and her anguish was greater than any other of the Eldalië has known.
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