
when in doubt, just draw

@jess-oui / jess-oui.tumblr.com

Jess. Animator. London. Mostly fanart here. ❀ Please do not repost/use my artwork without permission + crediting! πŸ™
Anonymous asked:

Oh my gosh friend the fandom is not the same without you and gushing over your art! I miss you! πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’•

Hello Anon!

Ach, I am so so sorry to have been away for so long! :( Life has been super busy and frustratingly I haven't had much of a chance in making time to do more InuxKag etc fanarttts!

I missed InuxKag Fluff Week too, which I'm gutted about :( I will try my best to rectify this when I can! I miss you all too! <3

Jess x


Hi! I love your Inuyasha art! I love the manga and anime too and like that I can enjoy both. The screen writers for the anime gave Kagome and Inuyasha’s dynamic a little more humor in my opinion (I’m not sure if they have different screen writers for American dubs). I find myself shaking my head and laughing. But the manga there’s that traditional romance, and there’s the character internal dialogue box, and a lot more context and set up, I can discuss Kagomes and Inuyasha’s relationship in depth a little more (sorry to ramble 😬)


Hello! Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my art!

I love both the Manga and Anime, there is a lot of humour in both versions. I do wish I were fluent in Japanese to truly understand and see the nuances that may have been lost in translation, but I do hope mostly the (English) translations have done it all justice (and from how big the fandom is, I would have thought that were true) :)

Never apologise on rambling about Inuyasha to me! I could ramble about it for a lonnng time <3 Thank you for writing!

-Jess x

Anonymous asked:

Have you read the IY manga? I only ask because the Inuyasha you draw is closer to the manga than the anime, since Inuyasha is more thoughtful and clever in the manga

Hi Anon!

I have indeed read the IY Manga! I have done so for a very long time. I really love it for the hand-drawn traditional approach Rumiko Takahashi has, as well as the Manga having a slightly darker feel overall compared to the Anime (imo).

And yes, in the Manga the characters have slightly different qualities/dialogue, etc, compared with the Anime, so there are changes in how the characters and their stories develop, but I love both the Anime and the Manga, obviously!

Whenever I need inspiration, or even when I hit a bit of an art block, I definitely reach for the Manga a little more though! 😊

Jess x


πŸ’– Β InuKag Week Day 2: Possession πŸ’– Β 

Inuyasha knowing Kagome was safe with her family, after both being separated when the Bone-Eaters Well closed up.. I feel like he knew in this moment with more clarity than ever before that love is not possession.. Love is liberation. Even with the pain it brought him πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί

Source: jess-oui
Anonymous asked:

Could you help me with something? I’m looking for an Inuyasha fan comic about a young Inuyasha falling into the time traveling well after his mother’s death and get raised as a foster child by Kagami’s family. So to bother.

Hello anon,

I'm afraid I don't know which fan comic you are referring to, maybe anyone who reads this post might be able to help? ✨

Also there is this tumblr page (inukag-archive) that is great at finding specific inuyasha fics etc, they may be able to help too!

Jess x


Ok it’s been a HOT minute since I’ve uploaded anything, to which I apologise! 😒 This has been in my drafts forΒ  m o n t h s s s. It is rough, it is pixelated, it is unfinished BUT I really wanna finish this someday! It’s based off an illustration I did a while ago of the babies! (It’s blurry cause I am a dumb-dumb and totally started animating it not thinking of gif dimensions yada yada) but anyhoo, I will tryyyy my best to get this done sometime AND I hope you all like it in the meantime 😘 Β  Jess~*

Source: jess-oui
Anonymous asked:

Your art is so amazing! Are you going to be participating in any of the Inuyasha events this year?

hey anon!

thank you for your message!

i've been so out of the loop for the last few months, my work is taking a lot of time/energy away from me drawing more inukag works which i am super bummed about 😭πŸ˜₯ i need to see when certain inuyasha events are and i will try my best to get going on more cute fanart as soon as possible!! πŸ™πŸ₯°

if there are any events in particular you think i should know about please do message me/comment them below! ty!! πŸ₯°β€πŸ₯°

much love,

jess x

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