

@ashleykayley / ashleykayley.tumblr.com


Reminders to myself (and any other artsy people who follow me i guess)

-You don’t get better at drawing by avoiding drawing until you are better at drawing.

- You don’t have to make a new masterpiece every day it’s okay if all you drew is a doodle of a bug. You are now +1 bug doodle better at doodling bugs. 

- Also it’s okay if the thing you drew didn’t turn out very good. Everything you draw makes you one step closer to being able to draw good. You are still +1 step better at drawing whatever you drew no take backsies.

- You are the only person who knows if your art didn’t turn out as good as you wanted it to. You are the only person who can see the things in your art that weren’t what you imagined in your head. No one else will know unless you tell them.

- Comparing yourself to other artists just isn’t fair. You get to see all of your art, the best stuff and the worst stuff. You usually only get to see the best stuff other artists make. You don’t get to see that half drawn badly propotioned face they drew at 2 am and immediately scrapped. So don’t compare your badly drawn 2 am face to their best work.

- Just keep making art. The only way you can really fail is if you give up. 


I love the rare times when you're sketching and things are actually coming out the way you see them in your head, with the emotion and feeling you want them to convey. It's hard to train myself to keep things loose and just let it flow, but doing quick sketches is really helping.


New piece of Portal artwork. :) I wanted to do something that focused on a character behind the scenes...rarely seen... but definitely an influence on the events of the games. This piece took a considerable amount of time, and lived on my hard drive long enough to build a house, get married, and have babies. But now it's finally done!

Made with Photoshop 4 and Bamboo Create drawing tablet.


I was playing Mass effect 3, then I got a phone call and sat down in front of my drawing tablet… Sketchy Human/Asari concept doodle ensued. What if Human/Asari babies didn’t always come out as more Asari? A combo would make for an attractive new species. In the words of Strongbad, “You gotta have the blue hair…”


So. Hypothetically speaking, imagine you were a person who had some kind of weird artistic problem in that they could not, for the life of them, draw with a tablet because it lacks the ability to show what is being drawn directly beneath the hand.

Now, say you’re this...


Yes, they are Wacom Cintiqs, and their price tags WILL make you cry. Starting at $1,500, they have a few different options including a new, stand-alone mobile tablet. I would love to get my hands on one of these, but until my fledgling graphic design and art business is more profitable, I can't justify such an extravagant purchase. I know you said you've been trying for years to use a normal tablet, and believe me, I know the difficulty, but maybe you're looking at it the wrong way. I've encountered artists who could draw as easily with a tablet as they could a pencil, but I struggle with the concept of looking one place and drawing in another. To compensate, I usually end up working slowly at a high magnification, zooming back out, making rough guide lines, and then going back in to clean up the lineart. I may take longer than some, but it works for me, and will continue to do so until I can get a Cintiq. Don't look at it as a failure, but as an obstacle. You're creating art a little differently, but a finished, clean digital piece is worth the extra care and time. Hope that helps, even a little bit.

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