
Cause I'm still breathing on my own

@collectiveofdumbasses / collectiveofdumbasses.tumblr.com

Polyfragmented system- Bodily 23- They/Them collectively DNI IF ENDO/TULPA FRIENDLY

Dani knows her options as a homeless runaway are limited. So, sometimes, she likes to leave it. The entire planet, that is.

She likes exploring space. There's so many alien cultures, and as a ghost she can travel very fast. After all, why would a ghost need to obey the laws of physics or thermodynamics?

Small problem though.

She came across a spaceship full of weird goods. It apparently belonged to some merchants, and she was having a little fun digging through their stuff. She didn't know what half of it was, but it looked cool!

The problem happened when she phased through a really weird, super reinforced crate; and found slaves.

Naturally, she freed them. Since none of them had any real combat training, she led the charge to take over the ship and kick the merchant slavers out.


She accidentally got labeled as a Space Pirate, and is wanted by the Lantern Corp.

So why not live up to it?

While Danny and Dan get their educations and do boring hero and everyday life stuff, Dani become one of the most notorious pirates in space. She targets merchant ships and checks for slaves, and if there are any she forces the merchants out in the emergency exit pods and steals their ship.

It's gotten to the point where in just three years, she has a fleet.

She just wears a helmet so that Vlad or Danny or Dan or the GIW doesn't get any ideas and try to hunt her.

Then she gets word about a huge attack on Earth.

And, well...she's from Earth. She may be a wanted criminal, but she isn't about to forget where she came from!

She routes her fleet behind the enemy and launches a surprise attack. She has her people choose their favorite Earth hero and wear their symbol, so that Earth knows who to shoot at and who's trying to help.

Because of the magic users she knows the Justice League has, she can't go ghost around the magicky ones or they'll mess up her groove.

She grabs the heroes, escorts them to the Watchtower, gets in a fight, and is forced to remove her helmet.

The heroes manage to finally activate Earth's defense system.

Meanwhile, Dani finds herself face to face with a Green Lantern, who did have his ring aimed at her, but it's starting to dip to the floor.

"...You can't be older than fifteen. You're a kid?"

"You're...one of Bruce's kids?" Superman asks, voice strained.

Dani decides she doesn't want to deal with this.

Dani drops a smoke bomb/flashbang and books it; she has a ship to get back to.


Dani will occasionally talk about a mysterious family member she’s close to. Basically her only family. It became one of the biggest mysteries of the fleet, but whoever they are, it’s someone their captain cares about deeply. All they know is that he lives on earth, protects people who can’t protect themselves, and shares a similar appearance to her. Meanwhile, there is someone else on earth she hates who is rich, has a vampire aesthetic/hair, and is obsessed with her and her other family member. The bats, learning they may have a potential sibling who is a space pirate, infiltrate the fleet as new recruits. They hear the rumors and are convinced that this family member is Bruce and the evil billionaire is Ra’s. (They also learn the truth about the merchants and the slaves. The green lanterns are going to have an identity crisis. One lantern might also accompany them as ‘support for the criminal’ only to learn the truth.) Meanwhile, the closest of the fleet, the people who Dani first rescued, meet Danny one day in his ghost form and for the first time, see their captain’s ghost form and watch the two family members reunite as they realize their captain isn’t human. It didn’t matter to them as most of them weren’t human either but it was still an interesting fact to know. And they finally know who this mysterious family member is. Yet there is one mystery remaining, and through a series of misunderstandings and some mess ups with the bat clan (and possibly the green lantern), this fleet is now convinced the evil billionaire obsessed with their captain is none other than Bruce Wayne. AKA batman.


But just imagine the Across the Universe Chase that would ensue.

Ellie sees the Green Lantern Corps chasing her Fleet and has them all run away, the Green Lantern Corps is just trying to apologize for the misunderstanding, there is a smaller Spacecraft carrying Batman and his emergency supply of Adoption Papers following close behind, and yet another Spaceship filled with the Batfamilly chasing Brucs to try and stop him.

Ellie finds out she is being chased by a Billionate with an Obsession over adopting kids and runs even faster.

Meamwhile Danny is chilling on some distant Planet for Space Sight-Seeing, and on the News he sees a report about the whole thing.

Reporter: And our story continues as the Green Lantern Corps attempts to chase down the infamous young Pirate Captain, "The Phantom Duchess"

Merchant: I hope they catch that Dumb Kid soon!

Danny: Dumb kid?

Reporter: Here is her picture now *photo appears*

Danny: Wait a minute, THATS MY DUMB KID!!!


Dramatic timing indicates that they will have Ellie cornered when Danny arrives. Who will of course come to the wrong conclusion. Then dive in to he her escape. That's HIS baby sister thank you very much! The shock for the Lanterns seeing a shield that looks just like theirs pop between them and Dani's fleet will be glorious. Probably not as funny as every single being in range hearing something over their (supposedly) secure coms.

Danny: Leave my sister alone!

Dani is thrilled! Big bro turned up to help! Her crew are impressed. Holy shit. Did you know he could do that Captain? The heroes are rather stumped. The floating teen boy definitely isn't a Lantern. For all that he looks sort of like he should be. His facial structure is the same as the girls. But their colouring is off. This boy doesn't look human at all. He's clearly fine without a protective suit. In he depths of space.

He doesn't look like any species they know of actually. Hmm. But, he clearly cares about their runaway. Given how he isn't attacking? Just defending? They don't think he is going to hurt them, unless they make him feel it's necessary. Lots of new questions to be answered. This, pretty much makes them question everything again. If he is so clearly non human ? Is Dani even human? Can this boy also form a human disguise? Why would they even bother? Soo many questions.

They really need to try and call him down. Maybe if they let the fleet leave they can convince him to talk to them? Explain they wanted to apologise? Bruce's kids are watching gleefully. This is the best day in a while. Better than TV!


Danny, later on: You're going all over space AND YOU DIDN'T INVITE ME?!? Worst sister I got. Definitely. Worst sister EVER.

Dani: Duh, Jazz is everybody's favorite sister. (because at this point she might as well be Tucker and Sam's big sister as well)

Justice League: THERE'S MORE OF THEM?!?

Danny: I'm so proud of you though! Look at you! Not even 3! And you're already Captain of a fleet! Saviour of the enslaved! Menace extraordinaire!!

Dani: I know right! I did so good! Thanks for the save. Best big brother ever!!

Danny: Thanks. Jordan will be super bummed to hear that though.

Dani: Then he needs to get his ass through therapy! And get approved for parole!

JL:... She's 3? They have older siblings? One is a felon? He's proud of her being a menace?!

Batsibs: Ah yes. Menace, the highest honour of all. B? She isn't yours, but can we make it so she is?


i feel like the boeing whistleblower case should radicalize more people. a major airline company is producing planes with less and less regard for safety and it's starting to get noticeable. man takes them to court, which would reduce profit at the cost of public safety. he fucking dies the night that boeings legal team asks him to stay an extra day. if nothing happens about this, i hope it gets through to people that america would literally kill you for a few extra cents


I'm very tired of this "queer college students should stop supporting Palestine, they'd kill you there!" I watched a hijabi ask a trans man, "but what name do you want to go by?" A butch giving a woman their hoodie so that she could keep her hair covered after the cops took her scarf. Muslim girls making sure the lesbian couple got through the system together. Religious men making sure green haired protestors got out safe. A Palestinian girl with an ex-southern baptist fiance, who definitely isn't a practicing Muslim, whose parents were raising hell for her. I don't want to hear it. Solidarity forever, free Palestine.


Queer muslim here. I couldn't have said it better myself. We are not free until all of us are free.


Elon Musk bought the company. He has nothing to do with the development. #CosplayEngineer


No. I will not have you do this.

Dr. Nikola Tesla did not sign bad contracts. He signed an excellent contract with Westinghouse to bring AC power to America. Westinghouse was the big competitor against Edison Electric, which ran DC power. Thomas Edison was a massive prick and Edison Electric went around doing its best to convince everyone that AC power was dangerous, most infamously by electrocuting an elephant to death and developing the first execution-style electric chair using AC power. All of this cemented in the mind of the public that AC power was dangerous and deadly, while DC power was somehow safer.

By 1890, Westinghouse was in trouble. George Westinghouse went to Tesla and laid out the truth: if he honored the royalty contracts that he’d agreed to pay Tesla, he would go bankrupt. So Tesla tore up the contracts. He walked away from millions, maybe billions of dollars because he believed that wireless electricity should be free to the world. Westinghouse went on to bring AC power to homes across America.

Tesla wasn’t a bad businessman. He was an idealist who hated capitalism.


People against piracy fail to realize that no, I can’t just ‘buy it.’ They stopped making DVDs and Blu-Rays. They’re barely offering digital copies for download. I am not spending money I could use for food or bills to pay for a subscription service just so I can always have access to a beloved piece of media. Especially not when the service will remove media on a whim without concern for how the loss of access to that piece will make its artistic conservation nigh impossible.

For example, I recently learned that Disney+ had an original film called Crater. It’s scifi, family friendly, and seems cool - I would love to buy it as a holiday gift for my little brother! But: it’s exclusive to D+ and THEY REMOVED IT LITERALLY MONTHS AFTER ITS RELEASE.

The ONLY way I can directly access this film is through piracy. The ONLY available ‘copies’ of this film are hosted on piracy websites. Disney will NEVER release it in theaters, or as something to buy, and it may NEVER return to the streaming service. It will be LOST because we aren’t allowed to purchase it for personal viewing. If I can’t pay to own it, I won’t pay for the privilege of losing it when corporate decides to put it in a vault.

So yes, I’m going to pirate and support piracy.


Addendum: This is also a really good reason to support trust-busting. A lot of this obnoxious behavior is only possible because corporations wield monopoly power.


another addendum: most modern (4K UHD) blurays use a form of online DRM that requires the player software to access a server to get title specific decryption keys. you don't really own a film on one of those disks any more than you do on streaming, the only way to truly preserve it is to rip off the disks or from streaming, not even the physical media you can "buy" can necessarily be preserved anymore.



Jason and Tim fighting about something

Jason: Yeah? Well YOU'RE adopted!

Tim more or less about to lose his shit: We're ALL ADOPTED

Damian in the background about to speak up

Tim: You're not a part of this

Damian: >:[


oh lmao does anyone else remember when square enix changed the outfit of the protagonist for mobius final fantasy because having a male character show skin was making too many gamers uncomfortable

justice for whatever this guy’s name is


People died bc of this

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