
Hermitzine: A Hermitcraft Fan Zine

@hermitzine / hermitzine.tumblr.com

☀️ Hermitzine #9: Currently in production!☀️

Hermitzine #9: The "H is for Hermitcraft" Edition application result emails have been sent!

We send both acceptance and rejection emails, so please check your email if you applied. Make sure to check your spam folder as well, since the emails sometimes go there instead of your main inbox.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to message us privately on our socials (here, twitter, and instagram), or to reply directly to the email we've sent you.


Introducing: Hermizine's new website!

We've been busy behind the scenes again! This time, there's no April Fools trickery involved — instead, we've made a website all about Hermitzine! Within the site, you can look through every zine edition we've made so far, read our FAQ, learn a little about the current mod team, and more.

Check out Hermitzine's new website below!


Morning Star Contributor Applications

Contributor Applications for Morning Star are now open!

Morning Star is a fanzine celebrating Minecraft creators of marginalised gender identity or experience; no matter how big or small, old or new, as long as they can be tied back to the MCYT sphere, and as long as their gender identity or experience can be argued to be marginalized in some way.

If that sounds like something you'd like to participate in, and you make illustrations, comics, or fanfiction, then you can apply via the forms here:

Applications will stay open April 20th, 11:59 PM GMT; applications results will be sent out on or before May 1st.

If you have any questions you can check out our FAQ and answered asks, send us an ask or dm us on twitter.

[Banner art by Ellis and a10.]

Anonymous asked:

Turn yalls boops on

Tragically, Hermitzine is a shared blog, so we cannot. If it makes you feel any better, we are devastated by this cruel fact.

Anonymous asked:

I was wondering, is the zine only gonna be focusing on events from season 9, or are contributions for other seasons allowed aswell?

Hermitzine isn't season-specific, so contributions can be about content from any season you'd like! The 9 in Hermitzine 9 refers to the fact that this is the 9th edition of Hermitzine we are making, you can download all the past editions on our gumroad.

You can also find a more detailed list of what is and isn't allowed in Hermitzine at the very end of our FAQ.

-Mod a10


Hermitzine #9 Applications Close in 24 Hours!

Applications for ‘H is for Hermitcraft’ edition are closing very soon! If you're interested in participating, make sure to check out our Artist Applications and Writer Applications forms!

Applications close in 24 hours on March 16th at Midnight GMT; application results e-mails will be sent out on or before March 23rd.

You can also send prompt suggestions for our contributors here! That form will also close in 24 hours.

Once the forms are closed, we will not be reopening them, so make sure to apply now!

Anonymous asked:

The old email used on the form I submitted may have been hacked/blocked, is there any way I can change it?

You can send us another ask (which we won't answer publicly) with the new e-mail address you want us to send the application results to, and we'll manually edit it in. Don't forget to also tell us your old email or another identifying info like your Discord ID!

-Mod a10

Anonymous asked:

Hi! The FAQ asks that the Hermitzine content not be ship related stuff. Does this apply to pieces submitted as part of the portfolio as well? Similarly, are there rules about SFW content (written, in my case) being submitted as part of the portfolio?

We're fine with shipping content in your portfolio, and we're fine with dips into more mature content (within reason). Horror elements or something a little risqué? No worries! Straight up gore, porn or gore porn? No thank you. If you aren't sure where your works fall on that scale, we would appreciate a content warning for them.

-Mod a10

Anonymous asked:

Hi! If I have a piece of 4k words (which, I know, is over the word limit), am I still able to submit it? I feel like it's a good piece of work, but also that there is no way to split the piece into something shorter while maintaining the parts of it that I like. Thanks!

Hello! Adding a fic that is 4000 words to your portfolio is fine. The 3k rule isn't a hard cap as much as it is a "we don't want to (and can't) read 50k words for every applicant", so that maximum can be stretched slightly, within reason.

-Mod a10


Hermitzine #9 Applications Close in 3 Days!

Applications for ‘H is for Hermitcraft’ edition are closing soon! If you're interested in participating, make sure to check out our Artist Applications and Writer Applications forms!

Applications close on March 16th at Midnight GMT; application results e-mails will be sent out on or before March 23rd.

You can also send prompt suggestions for our contributors here! That form will also close in 3 days.

If you’re after some more information, take a look at our Theme Announcement and our FAQ, ask us questions on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, or shoot us an email at hermitzinemods@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing your applications! :)

Anonymous asked:

For the writer’s portfolio, is the 3000 word limit a suggestion or an absolute maximum (like could I send shorter pieces?)

You can absolutely send us works that are shorter than 3000 words! That maximum is there so we can look through all the writer's applications in a reasonable timeframe, but there is no minimum.

This also applies to pieces written for Hermitzine, for those who are accepted: there is a maximum but you are welcome to write as short as you'd like. Your work could range anywhere from a few words to a few pages.

-Mod a10


Hermitzine statistics times!

With one week left on the clock to apply for to zine and/or to send us prompts, here's a look at some of the numbers:

First off, Artist vs Writers! If you are a writer and were debating whether to apply or not, this is our encouragment for you to do it ;)

And a look at the prompts: which letters have been submitted the most, and what were the most reoccuring prompts!

If you don't know what this about, this edition we're looking at the general public for prompts to suggest to our contributors.

Interested in changing these stats? Look here:

All these forms close on March 16th, 11:59 GMT.

If you have any more questions about Hermitzine, you can read our FAQ or send us a question on tumblr, twitter or instagram.

Graphics by @martuzzio


Morning Star Zine Interest Check

Interest Check for Morning Star: a MCYT Zine is officially open!

Morning Star is a fanzine celebrating Minecraft creators of marginalised gender identity or experience; no matter how big or small, old or new, as long as they can be tied back to the MCYT sphere, and as long as their gender identity or experience can be argued to be marginalized in some way.

This is the interest check. Answering this form only helps us gauge what is possible for this zine. Filling it out is NOT the same as signing up to be involved with the zine. This form will close on March 9th.

[ID: A stylised drawing of StressMonster from the torso up, holding a morningstar and wearing knight's armor, as a glowing constellation of stars, against a dark sky background. Text shaded like gold reads ‘Morning Star’ and below, in a bigger size, ‘Interest Check Open Now' End ID.]

Anonymous asked:

Hello! When doing the portfolio upload, it says we can send a link to the original post. I'm assuming that means we can send the links to the works on AO3, but... do you not mind either way, or do you prefer works to be given through gdrive and just allow other links? Thank you!

Hi! We mention google drive to suggest an easy option to people who might not be sure how to share their work, but we don't have a preference either way - provided it's something we can easily click through and access, we're cool with it!

-Mod Red

Anonymous asked:

for writing submissions, is that 3000 max words in total or per piece? also, obviously no shipping content in the zine itself that’s completely fair, but would we be allowed to submit a piece with shipping content as part of the portfolio? thank u ^^

For writing, that 3000 max is for each work, not combined. You can use individual chapters or sections from a larger work as one of your examples, BUT please make sure you tell us which chapter you're sharing, and keep in mind that we'll be reading that chapter out of context.

As for shipping, you're fine to include works that contain it in your portfolio, just keep in mind that we don't include shipping content in the zine, and you'll need to abide by those requirements in any pieces you create for the zine.

-Mod Red

Anonymous asked:

On the artist application form it says you have to be 15 years or older, but on the faq it says you have to be 13 years or older, so which one is it?

Good catch! The correct version is that you have to be at least 15 years old; the FAQ has been edited to reflect that.

-Mod a10

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