

Hi, I'm Roan, he/him, dutch and trash
Enjoy your stay;)

What Lies Beyond The Shadow (Part 1)

Based on a conversation in the Fanders Group Chat about Thomas’ last video :) ((Title idea comes from @coolsassystudentsweetsme) – Tag list: @imin-loveanon, @musicphanpie-b, @coolsassystudentsweetsme, @ajumbleofwords, @serenefreakgeek

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a prince by the name of Roman. Even though he was vain, and some would even say slightly narcissistic, he did whatever he could to satisfy his people. Roman was undaunted and he has put away multiple villains and evildoers who terrorised the civilians and rumour has it that he even slayed a dragon. Every week people would come to the Royal Palace to ask Prince Roman for help. And today was no different.

The small town of Darlea, not far from the Royal Palace, was terrorised by a sorcerer who went by the name Virgil, also known as the Shadow Sorcerer. For weeks, people would disappear in the middle of the night. A day later, their head would appear on someone’s doorstep. The mayor of the town had already asked Roman for help, but the Prince could not find the perpetrator of these horrors. Until, two weeks later, the Shadow Sorcerer appeared in front of the town hall. His black outfit made him nearly invisible in the darkness of the night, if it wasn’t for his deep purple hair that stood out, even at that time of night. The corners of his mouth curled upwards in a smirk as the sorcerer looked at the grand building in front of him. With it’s marble statues and pillars, the town hall was easily the most beautiful building of Darlea. In one of the offices, Virgil could see the mayor going through all the paperwork that the disappearances gave him. The Shadow Sorcerer raised his hand and concentrated on one of the candles in the office. Slowly but surely, the candle fell over and flames spawned on the floor. With a little help from the Sorcerer, the fire had consumed the mayor’s desk in no time. The mayor looked around in a panic and as he looked out of the window, he noticed the smirking sorcerer, just before the flames grew and restricted his view. In mere seconds, the fire spread and the town hall went up in flames.

Woken up by the fire and the screams that came from the town hall, the Darleans gathered on the square and they noticed the purple haired male. He just grinned at the sleep drunk people around him. As they stood there, fire after fire started, consuming house after house. Screams and cries for help filled the night. Children cried for their parents or siblings. Parents tried to save their kids from the destruction of flames. And no matter how hard they tried to extinguish the flames, it would not work. The spell was too strong to be broken by the civilians.

As soon as she had noticed the Shadow Sorcerer, a young woman, Valerie, ran to the stables to retrieve her horse and rushed to the Royal Palace, for she believed Prince Roman would be able to rescue them. It wasn’t long before Valerie arrived in front of the Palace, where she was stopped by two guards. “Please, excuse me,” she started, before they could ask her about her intentions, “I need to talk to the Prince. The Shadow Sorcerer has been signalled in Darlea. He has set the town hall ablaze.”

As the two guards looked in the distance, they could see the fire and the smoke coming from the city and without hesitation, let the girl pass. They brought her horse to the stables as someone escorted her to the prince. He had been asleep when Valerie arrived and he was not amused that his rest had been interrupted. However, when he heard what the young woman had to say, all those irritations were forgotten. The Shadow Sorcerer was an infamous figure. Every once in a while, he would show up and wreak havoc on a city. This would last a few weeks, and then he would disappear again. No one knew where he lived and no one had been able to capture him. If Roman would be able to defeat him, that would give his already impeccable reputation a huge boost! Not to mention that the Sorcerer had destroyed ten towns in the last fifteen months. Ten too many.

Roman rushed out of his bedroom and prepared himself for a battle. In a matter of minutes, he was ready to go. His white horse was saddled and ready to go. Without a second thought, the prince, joined by Valerie, hurried to the burning town.

As the two approached, Valerie teared up as she saw how the city where she grew up was consumed by fire. The screams grew louder every second and it soon became unbearable. Her house, her school, her friend’s houses, her memories. All gone. Lost to fire. Roman noticed the way Valerie looked at her home town and his heart ached. He could see the pain in her eyes. How horrible that must feel! To see your house, your town burn before your very eyes. “Stay here,” Roman told the girl, “I will take care of it. Don’t worry.” With those words, he ran towards the burning city. The Prince halted for a second before taking a deep breath and running forwards. When he made his way through the alleyways, Roman noted that the flames seemed to avoid him. He halted and took a few careful steps closer to one of the burning houses. And indeed, the fire recoiled! Mesmerized by this information, Roman stood there for a few short moments, until the screams of the citizens pulled him out of his trance. Roman started running towards the centre of the city, where he hoped he could find Virgil. The flames grew higher and hotter the closer he came. Until Roman arrived at the town hall. In the middle of the fire, grinning widely, he saw him. The Shadow Sorcerer. “Prince Roman! There you are,” the villain smiled, “I was afraid you wouldn’t show up.” Roman scowled, gripping his sword in anger. But before he could make a witty remark or even draw his sword, the Sorcerer continued. “I’d love to stay here and talk, but I can’t. I’ll see you later, Princey!” He made a salute to the prince before he vanished in a cloud of smoke. And with him, the fire disappeared. Roman looked around, mesmerized. The sorcerer had waited for him to show up. He had wanted this. With a frustrated groan, Roman turned around and left the ruined town. The sorcerer had made a fool out of him! This was unacceptable! He couldn’t just do that! Roman left the city and he told Valerie he couldn’t defeat the villain and he promised her that he would find him and get rid of him once and for all. He had to.


shoutout to trans guys

mid-transition trans guys don’t get nearly enough recognition on this site. it feels like all trans guy positivity is either geared towards pre-everything Soft Boys™ or towards ‘fully transitioned’ cis-passing men, so here’s a shoutout to all my in-betweeners.

here’s to the guys who are out but aren’t respected.

to the guys who are on T but still don’t pass.

to the guys who work out but don’t see any results.

to the guys who have binders but still don’t feel flat.

to the guys who have the right legal name but the wrong legal sex.

to the guys who still aren’t sure which bathroom to use.

to the guys who are impatient about their patchy facial hair.

to the guys who are insecure about how their top surgery scars are healing.

to the guys who feel stuck in the gray zone between ‘boy’ and ‘man’.

to all the trans guys waiting, it’s okay. you are worthy of respect.


If you're a trans guy and you're reading this right now

You look EXTREMELY handsome. Flawless.

You can keep scrolling now, just wanna say that.


To pre-T trans guys:

You are strong. You are just as strong as your brothers on T.

You will get there. Your heart is a raging fire and you will rebuild yourself if you fall. You are the toughest men I know.


I want to see Greek gods in the modern era.

I want to see Zeus in a tailored suit and shaggy beard, a walking disparity of the loud, brash, post-graduate frat boy variety who can’t pass a woman on the street without catcalls, who has more one-night stands than he could possibly keep in his head, for whom adultery comes as naturally as the weather he predicts on the Channel 4 News—with startlingly accuracy, and an endless wealth of charisma.

I want to see Hera walking tall, six-inch heels and not a wrinkle in her skirt, knowing her boyfriend is cheating, and knowing with equal certainty that she is better, stronger, fiercer than he will ever be, a wedding planner with an eye of steel, spotting vulnerability, slicing it open, teaching every woman who crosses her path to value themselves over any mistake made in the name of men and love.

I want to see Poseidon in Olympic prime, a gym rat who skives off class to shatter backstroke records, who spends his summers lifeguarding at the city pool, who keeps an ever-expanding aquarium in his bedroom and coaxes all the pretty girls up to visit his fish, his charm as impressive as the earth-rending temper he generally uses to fuel his competitive nature.

I want to see Hades, big, hulking, quieter than his brothers would ever think to be, who dresses in neat dark clothes, and polishes his boots, and spends more time reading than fighting, who debates eventuality and ethics, who stoically reminds everyone how enormous, how terrifying, how inescapable a thing like silent inevitability can be.

I want to see Hermes in a beanie, with watercolor splashes of tattoo crawling up his arms and holes in his Chucks, a bike messenger with no helmet, no regard for the rules of the road, all cataclysmic laughter, lock-pick tricks passed along to every kid who thinks to ask, thumbing through his iPhone without a care in the world.

I want to see Athena with reading glasses pushed high on her head, six books in her bag and a switchblade in her back pocket, her clothing as neatly ordered as her mind is feverish, brilliance and temper clashing and blending, doing her best to look dignified—even when her brain chemistry rockets ahead of her well-intentioned plans.

I want to see Apollo splattered with acrylics, board shorts and Monster headphones and a beautiful classic car, busking on street corners, not because he has no choice, but because the sunlight catching on a sticker-patterned acoustic is summer incarnate, because music is blood, because the act of creation is the ultimate in sublime.

I want to see Artemis in ripped jeans and haphazard topknot, star of the soccer team, the track team, the archery team, who rides a motorcycle, and keeps a tribe of girls around her at all times, and does not care for men, for expectation, for anything but volunteer hours down at the local animal shelter and falling asleep under the stars.

I want to see Aphrodite in sundress and scarf, homemade jewelry and lavish amounts of bright red lipstick, who is excellent at public speaking, at theater auditions, at soothing bruised egos and sparking epic fights, who kisses as easily as she breathes and scrawls poetry onto bathroom stalls.

I want to see Ares all but living in the boxing ring, cutoff shirts and sweats, red-faced under a crew cut as he punches, punches, punches until the noise in his head dims, a warrior with no war, all crude jokes and blind fury, totally incapable of understanding what it is to sit, think, plan before running screaming into the fray.

I want to see Demeter with the best garden you’ve seen in your life, with a lawn care business she runs out of her garage, a teenage prodigy grown into a joint-custody single mother, who teaches her carefree daughter all she knows while scaring off the hopeful neighborhood boys with the pet python draped across her shoulders.

I want to see Dionysus with a joint in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other, baggy hoodies and three-week-old jeans, who brews his own beer in his basement and greets all visitors with a fresh pack of Oreos and half-stoned theories of the universe, of birth and death and partying mid-week, because why not, man?

I want to see Hephaestus with a workshop taking up the majority of his house, whose kitchen is overrun with blowtorches, whose bathrooms are home to all manner of hodge-podge invention, who walks with a cane and forgets his laundry for weeks at a time, and strings together the most beautiful steampunk costumes at any convention at the drop of a hat.

I want to see wood nymphs fighting against climate change, waving their signs and pushing for scientific progress. I want to see epic heroes sitting down to Magic: The Gathering tournaments, poker brawls, Call of Duty all-nighters with beer and snapbacks. I want to see Medusa working a women’s shelter, want to see Achilles training for deployment, want to see Prometheus serving endless community service stints for what he calls providing necessary welfare with stolen goods.

Give me modern mythology. I could play for hours in that sandbox.


Sometimes I wonder how many people are theatre fans on tumblr.

Reblog if you enjoy theatre.

Any musical.

Any straight play.

If there is a single one you like, reblog.


that everyone secretly loves theater

musical theatre is the best

There’s so many of you…



This makes me so angry.

If you work in a movie theater and you do this I have no respect for you.

My younger brother is Type 1 Diabetic.

When we go to a movie theater, we always get him diet soda. If he were to get regular when we asked for diet, we would not give him the insulin he would need for it. If that happens, his blood sugar level could go so high he could go into a coma, go blind, or even die.

If somebody gave him regular soda instead of diet without telling us, that person could be responsible for a nine-year-old being killed or blinded.

Just thinking about that makes me so angry. I get scared every time we take him to a movie in case the people working there saw this picture and decide to do the same thing.

Please signal boost this so people know.

This also applies to baristas

Fun story about the baristas doing this kind of shit. 

I am very sensitive to lactose, not Lactose intolerant but because of stomach ulcers that are still healing. A couple years ago I went to Starbucks right after my classes with some friends and asked for a green tea latte with soy milk. The barista, for some reason out of malice and/or hate for her life so she took it out on me, gave me whole milk in my latte.

5 minutes after my first sip of latte, my stomach cramped BAD. Not the “Oh! time to poop!” kind of cramp but it felt like someone had stabbed me with a knife and twisted it. Now I’ve had this happen before so I knew the cause of it. I went up to the barista clutching my gut screaming at her that she put dairy in my latte rather than soy LIKE I REQUESTED. She denied it and called me a “pretentious white girl for wanting soy”and so my friends got the manager. I had to explain that I had stomach ulcers that were still healing and if I were to go to the hospital for this incident, they would be responsible for it.

Manager flipped his shit and the barista was terrified out of her mind. Pretty sure both thought i was gonna sue. Manager actually fired her on the spot because of the negligence. My friends managed to get me home in one piece while I stayed home for 3 days in absolute agony and missed my midterm.

So remember kiddies, if someone is asking for Diet or “Skinny” or “soy” or anything that is not regular, give them what they requested because it may not be them being healthy, but a dietary need that can possibly be life or death

also if they ARE trying to be healthy you should give it to them to!! Its not your decision to police or question others food choices!!! 

also im lactose intolerant AND ive had stomach infections/ulcers so i feel this. 

I have Celiac Disease, so I’m very gluten intolerant. When I go out to eat at restaurants a lot of people just assume that I asked for my food gluten free because of the gluten free diet fad (which is usually a bullshit diet btw). 

Last month I went out to dinner with a friend at an italian restaurant that had a small gluten free menu. I had been there once before and had their gluten free pasta and it was great! I think one of the managers had been there and was super helpful when taking my order to make sure that everything was gluten free for me. When I ordered the gluten free pasta again this time though, the waitress who took my order all but rolled her eyes at me. I didn’t think much of it at the time, because the restaurant was so accommodating before, I just assumed it would be the same this time.

But sure enough, they brought out my pasta, I ate it, and about an hour later I had extreme stomach pains and was throwing up (in a movie theater no less).

Barfing and agonizing pain aside, eating gluten when you have celiac causes a lot of internal damage that’s hard to notice. The biggest thing is that it damages your intestines, preventing your body from absorbing nutrients properly, which can take months to heal.

So PLEASE, if you work at a restaurant or anything with food and someone asks for something a certain way, please listen to them and don’t just disregard someone’s order. It’s not funny and it can have serious consequences.

I will reblog this with every single story about someone getting sick because of an asshole giving them the opposite of what they ordered until it sinks in for everyone.

Recently on the news a 16 year old boy with a dairy allergy had gone to eat at IHOP with his family. The specifically asked if they could make dairy free pancakes and they said yes. Not too long after he had a reaction and was rushed to the hospital. This kid died because the was dairy in his pancakes that they asked for no dairy. His epi pen that his mother had wasn’t enough to help him. I know working in fast food or any job that’s serves food and beverage sucks but not as much as causing someone to get sick over negligence.

My youngest cousin – who is now five, he just started kindergarten – has Celiac’s disease. You would not BELEIVE the amount of times I’ve heard my aunt say she’s ordered something gluten free, only to watch the waiter or waitress’s eyes go huge when she gives it to my cousin – my cousin with the medical id band on his tiny five year old wrist proclaiming I HAVE CELIACS and have to take it back. Shit like this could kill my cousin. Knock it the fuck off.


I cannot tolerate caffeine–it makes me have chest pain and a racing pulse, and also gives me horrible body pain, so I always ask for decaf if I order coffee when I’m out, and doublecheck with the waiter/ress when they bring it. but instead of saying “is this decaf like I asked for?” I always say “oh, did I remember to order decaf?” I shouldn’t have to act like I’m the forgetful one (because I know damn well I asked for decaf) but it seems to work better than implying that they screwed up when I take the blame on myself like that. and if there’s any hesitation when they answer, I tell them, “if there’s any doubt, please get another one, or just give me water–if this is regular, it’ll mess up my heart” and lots of times when I say that, they look alarmed and go change it or get another one. 

but I shouldn’t HAVE to share my personal medical history with strangers just to get my order right! no one should! how is it their business? it makes me really uncomfortable to have to do that. JUST GIVE PEOPLE WHAT THEY ORDER!


I’ve reblogged this maaaany times before but there’s a few new stories on here so i’m doing it again.

cut this shit out


don’t be that kind of asshole.

As a diabetic, this would make me so beyond angry. Skinny doesn’t mean they don’t have a life threatening illness. Skinny doesn’t mean they can process sugar the way you do. People that do this are the worst kinds of people. DO NOT DO THIS!

Me and my family went to a restaurant a few years back and one of the dishes we ordered was made with wine vinegar, which I am allergic to, so we asked the waiter to skip it, and he said sure, no problem, that’s fine. So my food gets to the table, and I start eating and then my throat closes and I can’t breathe and then I start coughing and throwing up right there in the middle of the restaurant and it was very fortunate that I was with my family and they knew what was happening to me. I had to be rushed to the hospital, and admitted, and I came damn near close to having my throat cut open so I could breathe through a whole on my neck. Because they put wine vinegar in my food when I explicitly told them not to, because they were assholes, and I could have died. They probably didn’t mean to hurt me but they did. I missed class, and work, and, again, I COULD HAVE DIED.

i have cyclic vomiting syndrome and can’t tolerate dairy or red meat. violating my dietary restrictions triggers an acute episode, and i have to be hospitalized and given iv saline, ativan, and anti-emetics to stop the (extremely painful and incapacitating) vomiting. if somebody put regular milk instead of soy milk in my latte and i didn’t notice the taste immediately, i could wind up in the er and then spend several days in bed recovering, eating nothing but saltines and dry toast and clear liquids until my body was able to tolerate food again, unable to work or go out or do anything besides rest. whenever i go to starbucks, i WATCH them make my drink. cvs episodes are horrible and i hate them, and i can prevent them if i do everything right, but that means my damn barista has to cooperate. if somebody decided i was a stuck up white girl and gave me whole milk instead of soy they could put me in the hospital and cost me days of income. give ppl the food they fuckin order. it’s not that hard.

Reblogging because it’s so important. I’m “lucky” I don’t have any food allergies or intolerence, but it makes me mad when people take them not seriously, think you are picky or just following a “white girl diet fad”.

90% of people don’t take my cats and dog allergies seriously when I tell them I’m allergic and wondering if a cat or a dog is present at X place. They think it’s just watery eyes. Nope. Well yeah, watery and itchy eyes, but I start wo wheeze and have trouble breathing. They don’t give epi-pen for those (anyway you have to go to the hospital after) just inhaler. It’s no miracle, specially if I didn’t take other meds before.

When people tell you about their allergies or restriction, trust them!

Reblogging for all the stories here because this is sooo important! 

I have a severe allergy to gluten and relate to MANY of the stories above. My daughter has a severe allergy to milk fat, and I have had to hold her hair many times while she vomits on the side of the road because we couldn’t even make it home from the “accidental” whole milk instead of skim. 


I’m super lactose intolerant so accidental milk is always fun. Severe diarrhea, stomach cramps, bloating, and gas like you wouldn’t believe. Better than death you might say but, I have other medical conditions, so that diarrhea could lead to vomiting(it’s so bad the vomit comes out my mouth AND nose) and dehydration that in turn becomes low cortisol and adrenal crisis. A bitchy barista can land me in the hospital with an intramuscular shot and saline iv. Hun, it takes no time to listen and follow my order. It takes me at least 24 hours to get out of the hospital. Be nice.

I’m allergic to pork. Legit allergic. I can’t count how many times I’ve had to ask it off my food only to receive it with bacon or ham or something on it.

Please respect peoples food requests. It costs 0.00$ to not be a dick.

I actually have customers who say they’ll only eat at my restaurant when I’m there, because they know I require all policy to be followed, as in “I will kick you the fuck off your shift if you skimp,” if someone says the words “I have an allergy.” I developed our allergy policies, for that matter, because what we had in place before was “I guess you shouldn’t change your gloves … . ?” On my shifts your gloves get changed, that line gets wiped down with a new cloth, paper under EVERY ITEM for the person with the allergy, bag their food separately to prevent contact. If there’s a risk of cross-contamination with an allergen, like tomatoes in the guac because stuff spills when you’re moving as fast as we do, I’ll open a new bag of food. I learned the ingredients in every item we serve so I could advise people on hidden allergens (e.g., there’s a small amount of wheat in our beef as a thickener; we fry with safflower oil). We have a grease pencil to mark special builds and I use it liberally on allergy orders. If all of this sounds like overkill, you’ve never watched a child suffer from anaphylaxis. I don’t play around.

Like, I bitch about my job a lot, but food allergies and special needs are not something I will ever bitch about. Even if you’re a complete asshole I won’t risk contaminating your food. (Although people with allergies seem to be way nicer than the general population, I gotta say.) Don’t do it. If someone’s a petty asshole to you, give them too much ice in their drink. Don’t play with their health.


Reblogging this again because it is important. Doing the right thing has no cost but doing the wrong thing can cost a person’s life. Don’t be a dick, give the person what they ordered


happy things

-when the sky is pink -wearing your favorite outfit -fresh fruit -pretty flowers -getting into a clean bed -getting dessert in a restaurant -sleeping in late -cute animals -when your room is clean and organized -listening to your favorite song -summer nights with friends -love letters -a new episode of your favorite show -good hair days -texting your bestfriend -getting new makeup -making a new friend -feeling beautiful -getting gifts -realizing you’re happy -starry nights -butterfly’s in your stomach -feeling inspired -getting cute messages -palm trees


Text Reads: When someone uses your preferred name and pronouns, or that nice guy in the shop says ‘alright, young man?’- that feeling is unbeatable, it’s the best feeling in the world. And I want it ALL the time. From everyone. Submitted by Oliver


In class today, Trump was somehow brought up and someone said that Trump was a neo-nazi and my professor was like, “Trump hasn’t ever said he was a neo-nazi” and another kid said, “I was still gay before I started calling myself gay!” and realized what he said and he looked just mortified but it was the greatest response to anything I’ve ever heard

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