
Royally Expecting

@royallyexpecting-blog / royallyexpecting-blog.tumblr.com

Candice Evans is thrown into a world of pure craziness and chaos when a night with a certain Prince Harry turns her life upside down.



I love every single person who reblogged this


I don’t think people realize how much of an impact this kind of support can have, I don’t think everyone knows what these little things can mean to us.

It may just be me, I don’t know. But every single time I see this on my dash or on someone’s blog or anywhere else, I kind of just breathe a sigh of relief. That’s one more person who cares. That’s one more person who doesn’t hate me.

Because it means so much, especially when all the media is spewing out is that I’m a terrible person and no one wants people like me near them. It means so much because I’m tired of people who won’t sit next to me in class, or who choose to join the longer line at the grocery store because they don’t want to be beside me and my family. It means so much when I have to lift my head any time someone says the words Islam or Muslim because I’m scared that they’ll say something that’ll hurt, when I have to pay attention to the news because who knows what so and so is saying now, who knows which of my people are being attacked now, who knows what’s going to happen to me now.

It means so much because I’ve been given the idea that the world is against me. And a huge part of it may be, but at least I’ve been reminded that some of it, just a small group of people, acknowledges that I’m a person too. That people like me are just that, people.

Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know. But now you do, so thank you for believing that I’m human when so many people don’t.


53 mostly women + children killed in suicide bombing in Lahore, Pakistan

A suicide bomber detonated a device in a crowded park in Lahore, Pakistan as families were leaving the parking lot. The park was crowded as many Christian Pakistanis were commemorating Easter in the area. 150+ people have been wounded thus far and 53 mostly children and women were killed in the attack. 

Responsibility for the attack has not yet been taken. [x]


Yesterday a terrorist killed 41 people in a stadium in Al-Asriya, a few miles from Baghdad. It was a football tournament. Seventeen aged between 10 and 16 died. Had it happened in Europe, the entire world would be weeping; our politicians would spend hours saying how Islam hates the West and how we should ‘close the borders’ to refugees. But these boys died in Iraq, and some bombs are not as loud as others. May they rest in peace. 


Lapubensi (Gorkha), March 26: 

The British Prince Harry today also continued chipping in his contribution for the reconstruction of quake-damaged Prabhat Kiran Secondary School at Lapubeshi in Gorkha district.

Prince Harry, who arrived Nepal on March 19 on a five-day state visit, had made a surprising announcement at the end of his official visit that he was extending his stay for more six days for he wants to help reconstruct a quake-damaged school in a remote district. The Royal arrived the locality on Thursday evening with some British and Nepali persons in the team. 

He was spotted carrying ‘doko’ and fetching woods and stones yesterday while he ferried tree trunk from the nearby jungle today. The 31-year-old joined hand in hand with the locals and his members from Team Rubicon charity towards the cause, according to School Management Committee’s chairperson Suresh Gurung.

Chairperson Gurung expressed his happiness over the support of British Royal and public for helping towards this end.

Locals have also commented Prince Harry’s demonstrative support for reconstruction of school as very exemplary one. A total of 11 rooms will be constructed for the School.

Source: kharibot.com

Old Man Henry! Royally unsatisfied with how high his trousers are, little Prince Harry suitably adjusts them to his liking :’)) ♡ ♡

Like a boss


Boy: there is a Prince? Where?

Harry: It is me just me, sorry.



I have no idea how many times I reblogged this post! Haha!

I’m sorry but the boy just jumps into his arms. He just JUMPS and Harry picks him up. It’s beyond adorable!


September 15, 1991: Prince Harry celebrates his 7th birthday with his family, classmates from Wetherby and family friends at Kensington Palace.

(x, x)


I was just about to ask if you'd update again soon because I'm already so excited about the storyline. And there you are! Love it so far and I can't wait to see how THAT will continue!


Sorry again for the long wait! Yaaay, you have no idea how happy you made me with this comment - you're literally the sweetest! ❤️❤️❤️


Chapter 2 - The One Where It All Starts

After about four weeks, several conversations with Ana and Hannah about how I should have given the Prince my number (”You could have become a Princess - imagine that!”), a phone call and emergency afternoon tea with my mother (”Dee! Why didn’t you tell me you were together with the Prince?!”)and an article in the DailyMail (”Prince Harry’s new fling or the next royal girlfriend?”) later and, much to my relief, nothing has changed. 

After quite the scare that I experienced on my way back from the Kensington Palace, because of the numerous paparazzi standing outside of the gate, I was terrified that this would continue. However, I was happy to find out that the Prince continued living his party lifestyle and articles about his new rumoured girlfriends would come up every once in a while - which took the attention off of me. I was fine with that, I truly was. What had happened was a one-time thing, something I was going to tell my grandchildren and I was more than happy with that. 

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