once you let the darkness in..

@raising-hel-blog / raising-hel-blog.tumblr.com

indie helena bertinelli // huntress. private // semi-selective. multi-ship // multi-verse

Helena ( raising-hel )

                        a new crime family in Gotham? you’re damn right Kate’s got herself involved with the case. the death toll alone was enough to get her attention, finding they were part of the other families only intrigued her further. for the past week, Kate had been gathering what information she could about the uprising in her city and just who this new family is, cross referencing everything she could to find some kind of connection with the Falcone’s, the Maroni’s and this new family… a history perhaps? a long standing grudge resurfaced?
                       donning her suit, Kate rides into Gotham upon her ever faithful ducati, weaving through the traffic and tearing through alleyways cutting down the time to her destination. Kate picks up two people close by, sounds like a fight. had another vigilante followed the trail? she quickly hides her bike away and grapples toward the commotion.
                           “Huntress. i should have known you’d be here too.”

           Helena's cold blue eyes slightly narrowed the closer the sound got to them, and her grip tightened into a deeper lock. Only find her stomach drop at the site of a known face. "ha! -are you serious? what's that supposed to mean" her sly tone ripped out behind a smirk.

            The criminal started to squirm even more with each passing second Helena held him closer; all the annoyance dropped when her hands briskly bashed him in with her knee, seemingly turning into deadweight in her hold.

            "What are you doing here anyways?" She barked back, unintentionally snapping out of habit. Wasting no time, she tossed the outlaw aside into a rubble of boxes and trash in the corner so she could turn to Kate. Helena felt her fists begin to curl up but at the same time, aimlessly sinking her teeth down on her lower lip; catching herself admiring Batwoman even though she was still unaware of what her intentions were here... 

            The night was going as planned, dancing was convincing, for the most part, they seemed the part, in fact, he was getting quite into it and almost enjoying himself. The feeling of her flirtatious ways was bringing him back, with him struggling to tuck away feelings he had in favour of what they were doing

            Everything was being managed enough, he was managing to suppress everything, even with Helena being HERSELF and his own hands exploring her as the night moved on. Just as he thought things were going well he felt a TUG on his hair, not that he was against such actions, as her lips pressed against his more forcefully than expected. 

            That brought him back, it made him remember them before, the emotions, the feeling, everything coming back. It’s not to say he didn’t enjoy it, as a matter of fact he simply closed his eyes and returned the kiss without question, quickly remembering how good of a kisser she was and why they had done it before

            Lips parted as cerulean hues blinked and darted around for a second unsure what to say for the moment. Was it good to say he liked it? Should he mention that he didn’t mind? Should he admit he kinda wanted MORE and if they weren’t on this mission he would definitely try it

            Well, Been a while since we did THAT.

            Helena couldn’t help her roughness, it was a quality she just naturally had rooted deep inside her core. from years and years of pent up anger, resentment and troubles. 

            Casually darting her eyes over to their main target, she watched closely for a moment over Dicks' shoulder, as he lost interest in them and was talking to another dark figure as they turned to order what seemed like drinks from the bar. allowing a ginger sigh of relief to pass her lush lips, falling back into the reality of being in his arms, with the sound of Dick's voice, "huh? oh yeah. It has been, hasn't it" she retorted with a small laugh. thinking back to previous times they've locked lips. 

             In all honesty, it had been ages since the two kissed but Helena wasn't one to reminisce on the romantics of being with someone. "Actually it's been a while since I've even kissed a guy- cause you know" she winked teasingly "girls do it better" she murmured letting her lips tug into a sly smile. - being an asshole was most likely the only thing Helena good do right. she had always been one and even without trying she would continue to be one. but her and dick went back in time... he knew how much of a shit head she could be.

The music vibed through her body and she could feel his hands wandering and just like that, before her mind could wander, at the idea of a one nighter with her old friend, the man from the bar was making his move and leaving around back. "We gotta go!" Her hands dropped to his side grabbing him and weaving him through the crowd "I think he's headed to the next mark... NOW, can I kick his ass?" Hel asked eager to get the high off of a good night's work into her system. 


~ @raising-hel liked for a starter (open)

“––ust kinda feels like I’m runnin’ in slow motion.”

Behind them, voices raise, and she lifts hers in response to be heard over the racket, one glossy red fingernail tap-tap-tapping on the sweated glass of her beer while she ponders. “I dunno, sis ––”

Someone’s shouting, punctuated by the crack of a breaking bottle, and she shifts a little to her right to sidestep the tangle of men that land heavily against the bar near her elbow, while turning to Helena with a shake of her head.


“Y’ever feel like there’s some big joke and you’re the only one who doesn’t get the punchline?”

The overcrowding was starting to piss Helena off. If she didn't get another drink in her system soon, she was going to punching one of these drunken assholes right out of her way.

Thankfully Zinda was there and as she has been many times before, the calm to her waves in times of bar fights and crowded pubs. Glancing over to the blonde, she flashed a grin “Yeah, sometimes... but it would probably help if you were more intoxicated” she said laughing.

“so whats the plan for tonight anyways?”


semi plotted starter cos Babs needs help @raising-hel

           Living with Barbara had many perks, && Dinah could barely notice the cons so much she loved the ginger woman. She liked to think they completed each other on so many levels. Babs tidying her stuff after a messy Dinah, && Dinah running errands for the other whenever Babs felt lazy. They may be best friends, like sisters, sometimes a little more. 

          Dinah wasn’t one to be addicted to her smartphone ( technology && Dinah weren’t doing good ) but she knew Babs was a geek. So at first when Dinah texted her to know when she’d be back that night, she furrowed a brow when she didn’t receive an almost instant answer. ( Maybe she was fighting during her patrol ? ). The morning after, no track of the red haired crime fighter. Again, she checked her phone && noticed the absence of responses. ( maybe she stopped by Dick’s? ) She tried to call Dick, && when he briefly admitted that he didn’t have any news from Babs lately, Dinah started to worry. She wished she knew how to make that GPS work like Babs knew so well to be able to locate her without trouble. But she wasn’t. She was Dinah && her skills in tech && laptops were as good as cooking. 

         Time had passed, but still no Babs. She lurked by Jim Gordon’s window, but no Babs either. She even texted Batman. No Babs. When the night came, Dinah knew something was up, && she had to do something. Though, she couldn’t do it on her own either. Grabbing the keys of her motorbike, she drove to her other’s best friend as fast as she could, not acring about the busy traffic ahead of her. 

          Dinah leaned by the door frame after she knocked a couple of times, slightly eager. “Hel… It’s me… it’s important, it’s about…” When the door opened, she knew she looked worried. “… about Babs.” 


     Helena had been unwinding and icing her body after a rough week of being on the streets, with her body feeling every ache and pain, all start to slip at a nice swig of the chilled beer next to her on the coffee table.

     The brunette lived alone but for the most part spent her days at Dinah’s and Bab’s place. however, oddly enough she hadn’t seen or heard from them all week. Helena was horrible for answering messages, always had been and probably always will be. scrolling through her phone checking to see how’d her girls had been, it was like they had read her mind.. or at least Dinah did.

     It only took one knock for Hel to get her ass off the couch and rush over to the door, opening it to find a look she’d never seen on her friends face- “Dinah, what? Babs? WHO took her?!” Hel’s voice growing increasingly louder, worry building up.give me a minute and we’ll go find her ….” pulling the blonde into her apartment she closed the door mindlessly behind her before quickly running around to change and grab her arrows. “okay, so what do we know? how long has she been gone and do we have any main suspects?” so many questions clouded her head before she was finally ready “alright let’s go.”


reblog this if i can tumblr im you, just slamming a muse or plot idea down in front of you

this doesn’t mean that you have to accept or agree with the idea - i’m just a scared little turtle that would like to know if that’s something that you wouldn’t mind so much 

So, being the superdork I am, I was going through Katie ‘you can’t have a show without lesbianism’ McGrath’s filmography…

And I stumbled upon her role in Dracula as Lucy Westenra, the sexy, badass bisexual in love with her best friend, Mina Murray.

Obviously, I was totally ready for all the resulting gay angst, but what I wasn’t ready for was the headcanon that popped into my head when I recognized the actress who plays Mina.

It’s Jessica De Gouw.

A.K.A. Helena Bertinelli.

A.K.A. Huntress.










starter for @scngvinary // 


       Ever since she was young, Helena’s life had been shadowed by the mafia’s of Gotham. And no matter how hard she fought against it, the was no escaping it, but she’d be damned if she didn’t fight against it for the rest of her miserable life. Aside from Maroni, Falcone and all the in between to Sullivan, a new crime family was attempting to take over Gotham. Shedding blood from street to street killing off even the innocent members of other crime families, only fuelling Helenas thirst for justice even more..The dark haired, rage filled vigilante was already on the case… tracking the family down gaining intel and slowly bringing a cease to them. However little did she know that Kate was also on the job. Pinning down one of the useless mob members refused to give her the information she want , her hand strangled him down using her other hand to repeatedly throw hefty punches down. Grinding her teeth together harder by the minute before all her anger shift to the sound of someone heading their way. Her dark flipping to one side all disheveled as jumped to her feet grabbing him by his collar bringing him into a head lock while she waited to see what was coming.

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