

@potentialities-blog / potentialities-blog.tumblr.com

to me new york was jackson pollock sipping vodka and dripping paint onto a raw canvas email me at: alijo11((at))gmail((dot))com

the instant gratification factor of today's society scares me. my generation scares me. it seems like a bit much, doesn't it? our accessibility to everything all of the time? what will the next generation be like?

i mean, i wanted to hear a song. a song that wasn't in my itunes library, a song that just popped into my head. after 3 seconds of googling i was listening to said song. is that ok? is that the kind of thing that leads to world wars?

these are the things i think about when im over caffeinated and awake at 2:30 am.


the WVIL, concept camera

i love thinking about future possibilities....


our friend and neighbor ryan stuart likes to pretend that his love for mila kunis isn't as strong as it really is.....we did this to show him we support his cause.

//we are the best neighbors ever

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