
hope world.

@hoseokked / hoseokked.tumblr.com

Sometimes I write things. Mostly I fawn over Hamilton, those stupid bangtan boys, The Raven Cycle, and pursue my dreams of becoming Peggy Carter and or Mako Mori. I'm Dania, and I've got one too many obsessions. ao3 / twitter
Unlike Godzilla, Pacific Rim doesn’t try to be serious even when it’s being serious. Characters have names like Stacker Pentecost and Hercules Hansen. The film requires you to believe that the best way to battle a giant monster is to build an even larger robot to fight that monster. Much of the Act 2 drama derives from inter-pilot tension airlifted from the Val Kilmer scenes in Top Gun. It’s the polar opposite of the Godzilla school of drama, where everyone is a total professional who has absolutely no personal goal besides Saving The World. In Pacific Rim, Idris Elba is Rinko Kikuchi’s Obi-Wan Kenobi, and two of the last Giant Robot-pilots in the world frequently get into sneering fights over who’s the bigger badass, and Charlie Day is a scientist. So, for all these reasons, Pacific Rim is a movie that I’ve heard perfectly smart people describe as “stupid” or “silly.” The problem with this line of thinking is that, really, that every blockbuster is pretty “silly,” in the context of Things Adults Should Care About. Godzilla is not less stupid than Pacific Rim just because people frown more. […] The difference, I think, is that Pacific Rim glories in its own silliness. There’s a flashback scene where Idris Elba rescues a little girl, and when he emerges from his giant robot, the sun shines upon him like he’s the catharsis in a biblical epic. There’s a moment when one giant robot swings an oil tanker like a sword. Then it grows a sword out of its wrist. Then it falls from space to earth. There are real complaints to make about Pacific Rim, I guess, all of them fair and most of them pedantic. I know a lot of people who have issues with the story. (“Why didn’t they use the wrist-sword earlier?” is a popular one.) Conversely, I don’t really know anyone who minds the story in Godzilla, possibly because everything stupid that happens is prefaced by Frowning Watanabe saying “This is why the stupid thing that’s about to happen makes sense.” Godzilla wants so badly to make sense. Pacific Rim wants so badly for Ron Perlman to wear golden shoes.

Darren Franich, “Entertainment Geekly: A call for an end to serious blockbusters” (via rahleighs)


hint: if a person with clinical depression and anxiety says theyre tired …. dont tell them they have no reason to be …. bc guess what….. They Know and Its Shitty




I just want to add one thing-

If you have depression or anxiety? you’re not tired for no reason.

You’re tired because you have depression/anxiety.

Not only do they both come with low energy/fatigue as a legit common side effect, but they’re both fucking /exhausting/. fighting your brain all the time? exhausting. adrenaline crashes from anxiety/panic attacks? exhausting. being on edge all the time? exhausting. plus doing things costs /more/ energy when you have those mental illnesses.

You’re not tired for no reason, you’re tied because you have an illness that makes you tired.

Not to say that my story is the same as Rosa’s at all. It’s not. But there were things that we wanted and thought would be really important — like the word itself: bisexual. To me, that’s an important word in my coming out. I know that not all people are totally celebratory of that word because it’s from a time where it was like these two genders — that’s all there is. And now there’s a lot more flexibility and fluidity in sexuality, which is why sometimes I gravitate toward the word queer as well. For me, bisexuality includes people that are trans, it can include people who identify in different kind of ways. But for Rosa, there was a point for her where she heard that word somewhere along the line and she saw herself in that word, so for her, it was important for her to identify in that way. I suggested that that word was really important to Rosa and that it also would be really important to the bi community to have that word said aloud on TV. Not just a suggestion that she dates girls now, but a clarity on this character: This is who I am, and I’d like you to know it — and accept it.

Stephanie Beatriz on Rosa coming out (x)


I just cannot stop thinking about Blue and Ronan becoming best friends and then this happened. I’m not even sorry. I need more Blue/Ronan brotp fics in my life.

“This is stupid.”

“You’ve made your opinion crystal clear for us, Gansey. Again; no one cares.”

“I care.”

“Nobody asked you, Cheng.”

The bathroom/kitchen/laundry room at Monmouth Manufacturing was claustrophobic around them, five teenagers all crammed into the already packed space. Gansey fidgeted on his feet anxiously. He folded his arms tight across his chest and then changed his mind and let them hang free at his sides before stuffing both hands into the pockets of his khakis. 

Adam leaned casually against the doorway, watching with mild interest. “Wait, why are you doing this again?”

Blue studied her reflection in the bathroom mirror, hinged precariously by a single nail to the drywall. Turning her head to the side, lifting her chin, plucking brightly colored clips from her hair. “Because,” she said simply, “Ronan dared me to.”

“And it was a stupid dare,” Gansey said, aiming his glare at Ronan.

Blue leveled a finger at him. “Shut it, Dick.”

Adam sighed. Every day, he wondered if Gansey regretted ever letting Ronan and Blue become friends.

“I think it’s entertaining,” Henry admitted. He watched the scene with a kind of horrific awe, engrossed and amused.

“Everybody can shut the fuck up or get out,” Ronan snapped. He toyed with the hair clippers in his hand, adding the right adjustments. “You ready, bro?”

“Whoa, just hold on, Lynch. Adam,” Gansey turned a pleading gaze on him. “Can you control your boyfriend?”

Adam raised a single eyebrow, a new talent he had been practicing. “Can you control your girlfriend?”

The resigned sigh was answer enough. No, he could not.

Blue looked up at Gansey. “Are you afraid you won’t like me when I’m bald?”

“You’re gonna look like a miniature Ronan!” Henry said gleefully.

Gansey chose to ignore him. “I will like you just fine, Jane. But think about this–”

“Already thought about it,” Blue said, then turned back to the mirror. “And I’m doing it. Fuck me up, Lynch.” She held out a fist and Ronan knocked his own against it. With a sly grin, he turned on the clippers and got to work.

You elude me. I cannot place you, cannot grasp you. I may boast that of nine out of ten, under given circumstances, I can forecast their action; that of nine out of ten, by their word, or action, I may feel the pulse of their hearts. But the tenth I despair. It is beyond me. You are that tenth.

Jack London, from a letter to Anna Strunsky written c. April 1901 (via wouldyoupleasekindly)


Jughead’s college application

NYU Admission

Fall 2020

Full name: Forsythe Pendleton Jones III

Preferred nickname: Jughead (seriously)

Birth date: Oct… wait, you’re not going to throw me a surprise party, are you?

Desired major: Creative writing

GPA: I feel that assessing my worth strictly through federally mandated rubrics is an affront to the entire purpose of public education. (2.9)

Honors: They would have listed me as a Riverdale Jubilee Honored Guest if my dad hadn’t just been arrested for his role in a the cover-up of a teen’s murder.

Extracurricular activities: 

  • Staff writer, The Blue and Gold 
  • Staff writer, The Red and Black (it was a weird winter)

Work experience (role, place and dates of employment:

  • Projectionist, Twilight Drive-In 
  • Line cook, Pop Tate’s Diner (one night engagement)
  • Transportation advisor, Law Offices of Penny Peabody (hopefully also a one night engagement)

Have you held any leadership positions? Tell us a little bit about the organization and your responsibilities:

I was a youth leader in the Southside Serpents. It’s a special interest organization with the intent of mobilizing the socioeconomically downtrodden around their common passions, namely camaraderie in an unjust world, carnivorous reptiles, and also motorcycles. My primary responsibilities included coaching my peers on effective and nonviolent conflict resolution. I also had the opportunity to do some volunteering, in the form of fostering animals.

Hobbies and interests: 

Writing, film, true crime, insisting that I don’t want to become like my father while simultaneously making choices that will insure my life plays out exactly how his did, solving murders and getting next to no credit from the authority figures who were too inept to do it themselves.

Why do you want to go to New York University?:

Because I’m pretty sure I will literally die if I stay in my hometown, it’s not going very well over here at the moment. 

This is… amazing.

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