
i want new colors.

@powerbisexual / powerbisexual.tumblr.com

dani, 27, she/her, bi, married, mommy

Woodstock says a lot about the Baby Boomer generation.

In 1969, 300,000+ young people showed up to the Woodstock music festival. The land being utilized was owned by a farmer. Drugs and inappropriate behavior were rampant, we've all seen the notorious photos of the festival goers skinny dipping and walking around naked. ODs and other medical issues were so rampant that the resources of the local emergency services were totally depleted. The National Guard was almost sent in. "Freak out tents" were set up for people on bad trips to be kept away from others. Hygiene was so poor that it was dubbed a crisis. Boomer-produced media portrays these events as cute, funny things done by well meaning young people just having a good time.

On the third day of the festival, the food ran out. Another major crisis was averted when food was charitably provided by locals in the nearby small town, out of their own pantries. The locals received nothing in return for this. Boomer-produced media portrays this as an example of a community "coming together" and "sharing", some even use Woodstock as evidence that socialism works, referring to Woodstock as a temporary self sustaining country.

After the festival was over, the farmer's fields were completely destroyed and covered in a sea of trash. A rainstorm the previous day has destroyed many young boomers' belongings, and they had responded by leaving the destroyed items on the field while they went off to live the rest of their lives, reminiscing about the love, peace, and community they had experienced at Woodstock for decades to come.

Boomers are a plague

Male Avatars: I am the avatar, I will do my best to bring peace to the world with compassion towards my enemies

Katara: I've done as much as I can for the lightning wound, but it's gonna leave a scar, sorry Zuko

Zuko: eh, what's another scar from a family member amirite lmao

Sokka: ...what?

Zuko: the scar on my eye? did I never tell you guys my father did that?

[Later in Ozai's cell]


yeah “gifted kids” had it rough but please no more sob story posts abt that bc i PROMISE that the kids labelled “dumb” by the system and shoved to the side n not given half the attention that ur gifted ass was got the short end of the stick. its so much more tragic to think of all the wasted potential of children who maybe were too loud or rowdy or didnt test well than “gifted kid burnout uwu”. like yeah it fucking sucks! i was a “gifted kid” too and it fucked up my self esteem for a long time but i was given opportunities and attention in school, something not afforded to other students for arbitrary reasons. the american school system just fucking sucks but i promise u as a star student who got stressed u did not get the worst of it

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