
Just INFJ Things


A blog dedicated to all INFJs, relationships with other types, memes, aesthetics and my personal struggles™ Main @dementhia Don't ask me to type you
Anonymous asked:

hello! so i have an infj friend/crush and i think like i screwed up really bad with him. (i'm an entp) i've known him for years but our relationship was mostly online. we just started talking more about 6 months ago and reading back on the texts he was really happy in general. abt a month ago he blocked me but i thought he was kidding bc of the situation. recently tho he'd been ignoring me more and i'm afraid he's door slammed me. i've been rlly nervous around him and stuff so yeah, any advice?

Sorry to hear what happened with your crush. The best advice I can give is to give him space. I don't want to speculate on anything since I don't know the specifics of what your relationship is like. If he comes around he will reach out again, and you can try and open a discussion about what happened. Otherwise, you'll need to focus on other stuff and yourself of course, and try not to worry too much. A doorslam is usually an extreme method for INFJs to shut themselves off from toxic people. In other rare cases it's to remove themselves from the situation/relationship in order to reevaluate their actions. I don't believe this is the case though, so just give it time.

Anonymous asked:

Helloo, what inspired you to start this blog?

I honestly have no idea, I just started it one day wanting to vent about my everyday struggles as INFJ, and make memes because well who doesn't like memes. + I found the snippets of conversations thingie that's very popular on tumblr very funny so I wanted to share my experiences 😂 Didn't expect the page to blow up to be quite honest, but I'm really happy to have made a safe space for like-minded and kind and smart people here. ❤️


We're currently on 3600 followers, just want to give a quick shout out and a huge thank you to everyone as well! 🙏💞

Anonymous asked:

Helloo, what inspired you to start this blog?

I honestly have no idea, I just started it one day wanting to vent about my everyday struggles as INFJ, and make memes because well who doesn't like memes. + I found the snippets of conversations thingie that's very popular on tumblr very funny so I wanted to share my experiences 😂 Didn't expect the page to blow up to be quite honest, but I'm really happy to have made a safe space for like-minded and kind and smart people here. ❤️

Anonymous asked:

how is your experience with inferior se?

-from an se dom

Oh. This is embarrassing.

I have bruises all over my body from bumping into... whatever, coffee tables mostly... Chairs and doors, and cupboards. I get startled easily, like even a tap on the shoulder can spook me, and I rarely hear footsteps of someone walking up to me so people just randomly appear beside me and I'm like. What.

+ life is just a perpetual torture of things just... happening to you. Aaaaaaaaaaaa everything is happening and I don't know what to do about it why is so much happening.

That sorta thing.


I'm good at remembering birthdays tho 👀

Anonymous asked:

Hiii so I’m an infj— i dated this guy who was literally so sweet and nice, but I didn’t really feel a connection and I am really attracted to ENTP/ENFP guys and he was more of an ISTP but whatever— he asked me to be his gf and I had to tell him no because there was nothing there for me 😣 but now I just feel bad like I wasted a good relationship :(( Is this normal for infjs? uWu love u 💕💕💕💕💕

You're not obligated to be in a relationship with anyone dear, if you have a preference that is completely fine. You don't have to feel bad for declining advances. You definitely need to find someone that feels "right", I wouldn't call that an exclusively INFJ thing but it is important in my book. 😇 + you don't need to be in a relationship to feel happy.

Thank you for your kindness, love u too! 💖

Anonymous asked:

hey! im not sure whether or not I'm infj or entp- i feel like i can be really hyper and like obnoxious in an enfp way but it doesn't feel like me? sometimes i feel really mean but i also like helping all of my friends to feel better and will spend hours letting them vent to me. Im just not sure whats me and whats a persona of what i want to be, you know? Sorry if this is really messy 😔

This messiness and struggling to find your true identity is exactly what an INFJ would have. 😂 In all seriousness, I recommend you do the cognitive functions test and determine if your primary function is Ni or Ne. Since ENTPs and INFJs have similar function stacks, namely Ti and Fe, that can lead to confusion. I hope this helps a bit! ❤️🌷


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