

@bedtimestoriesformywife / bedtimestoriesformywife.tumblr.com

not-stories and other writing bits and bobs indulging the whims of my ever-demanding lucy — visit my general blog | art blog | ao3 | ffn

onemuseleft replied to your post “Mark Me”

The odds that you're going to regret opening this door are very high, I'm super annoying, also ISN'T THIS SHOW FUCKING GREAT? It's like someone read my fucking mind and took all my favorite tropes and CRAMMED THEM INTO THIS PAIRING SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO KILL ME I love it

Lucy likes you. that’s enough of a recommendation from me. also it’s cute that you think I don’t already hear about your entire love affair with this show and this ship. so fucking cute. 😂

my only regret is that i am working from home but still WORKING so i can’t, like, force Lucy to just binge this until our eyes fall out. 😭

THEY STOLE ALL THIS THINGS FROM MY BRAIN TOO. LIKE, hmmmm what does maja like that they haven’t seen in a show already? okay do all of that.



*reaches for the sky dramatically*


*sobs and dies* 


Mark Me

Rating: E Warnings: none Ships: Zhao Yunlan/Shen Wei  Summary: Zhao Yunlan. Shen Wei. First tattoo. That’s it. That’s the fic. Dedication: @onemuseleft I heard you wouldn’t start this conversation until I did, so, uh, consider this bitch open. 😘

The tinkle of a bell caught Zhao Yunlan’s attention, but he kept his eyes on the paper in front of him, turning it slightly so he could get a better angle for the line he needed to add.

“I’ll be with you in a minute,” he called.

“Take your time. I’m not in a hurry.”

At the sound of that voice, his pen stopped, only habit making him pick it up so it didn’t leave a blot on the drawing. He smiled to himself, then shifted it into a grin as he spun around on the stool.

“Shen Wei! What a surprise to see you here!” He stood and crossed the floor, halting just far enough away that he wouldn’t be invading Shen Wei’s personal space, but just close enough that he could make Shen Wei’s attention focus completely on him. It was a fine art, and one he loved to practice whenever the chance arose.

Shen Wei’s gaze rose and the tiniest corner of his mouth lifted. “I’m sure it is.” After a long moment that ended far too soon, he set Zhao Yunlan free and looked around the small shop. “Lao Chu said I could find you here, but he didn’t say why exactly that might be.”

Zhao Yunlan leaned in a little more, the familiar thrill of pleasure zinging across his skin when Shen Wei’s eyes snapped back to him, carefully weighing whether he should retreat or not.

Da Qing and Lin Jing, gosspy fishwives that they were, insisted that Shen Wei needed to “loosen up and show his true feelings more before someone else came along and snatched Zhao Yunlan up”. Not that they ever said this where Shen Wei could hear them, of course, but Zhao Yunlan was pretty sure that didn’t matter anyway. You couldn’t hide much from his brilliant professor.

Besides, Zhao Yunlan didn’t need over the top, flowery, or passionate declarations of love. He very much liked his shy mouse of a boyfriend. And, really, the shyness was only a public thing and probably mostly about not wanting to draw attention to himself in general.

Shyness was definitely not a problem at home.

“Maybe I’m here to get myself a tattoo.”

Shen Wei kept his gaze steady, but his mouth twitched again. “Then where is the artist? Or do you plan on doing this by yourself? It is a habit of yours.”

Zhao Yunlan straightened and laughed. “Not one I am allowed to indulge anymore. And who says I can’t do it by myself? I have hidden depths, you know.”

Shen Wei was the one to laugh now, though his was a soft huff of amusement to Zhao Yunlan’s loud chortle.

“Okay, okay. Maybe I’m here because I have been thinking of retiring as Chief of the SID.”

There was a flash of something in Shen Wei’s eyes at that, his lips pursing before the curved again. “You will not abandon your post. Not when you are still needed and can still help people.”

Zhao Yunlan shrugged. It was true and occasionally something of a disagreement between them when Zhao Yunlan was tired and Shen Wei had too much damn faith in him. Or sometimes when Shen Wei worried too much and Zhao Yunlan refused to retreat. Theirs was a complicated relationship.

But he didn’t want to argue either side right now, so he let it go.

“Well then, I guess all I have left is the truth: There have been suspicious activities at this shop for the last week and I am the only person on the team who can reasonably pretend to be a tattoo artist.”

“Is that so?” Shen Wei asked, head tilting to the side. “So you could actually give yourself a new tattoo? Hidden depths, indeed.”

Zhao Yunlan’s eyes narrowed. “You say that as if you are surprised, but I know you are not.”

“No,” Shen Wei agreed. “I am not. That is, in fact, the reason I came to see you tonight.”

“Not just because you missed my company?” Zhao Yunlan teased.

“Well, yes, that too. But if I always sought you out when I missed your company, I would have to retire myself and spend all my days at the SID.”

Zhao Yunlan dropped his gaze, unable to both keep eye contact and repress the ridiculous blush that frank confession sparked in him. As it was, he couldn’t resist the urge to rub a hand over his heart, feeling the warm pulse there as his affection for Shen Wei welled up and overflowed.

He laughed again, a short chuckle, and then forced his eyes back up. “And all your nights?”

Shen Wei just gave him that sly smile that made his heart pulse for every different reasons.

“Fair enough, fair enough.” They were going to get in trouble if they kept down this path, so, rather reluctantly and with enough fortitude that he thought he might deserve a medal, Zhao Yunlan changed the subject. “So why are you here then?”

“I have decided to get a tattoo. I was hoping you could do it for me.”

He said it so casually, Zhao Yunlan could not be held responsible for the way his jaw dropped a little.

“You were.”

“I am,” Shen Wei confirmed with a nod.

Zhao shifted his weight and had to look around the shop to distract himself from the way his mind immediately conjured up an entire collage of designs he would love to see on that smooth skin. He hoped Shen Wei had some ideas of his own, because he didn’t know where to even start.

“Do… do you have an idea in mind of what you would like?”

“This,” Shen Wei said, pulling a folded piece of paper from inside his jacket pocket.

Zhao Yunlan took it, though he felt a little like he was accepting a bomb. “And you can actually, you know, get a tattoo? We know how you react to other human things. I don’t want to send you to the hospital.”

Shen Wei smiled, his lips mischievous, but his eyes reassuring. “I can get a tattoo. The ink will not affect me.”

“Okay,” Zhao Yunlan said, unfolding the paper. “Okay, then let’s see what you want me to paint on your--”

He couldn’t breathe. Some damn Dixing with air-stealing powers had invaded the shop without them seeing and this was how he was finally going to meet his end.

“Zhao Yunlan?”

He suddenly realized that he’d heard his name several times already and inhaled sharply, the rush of fresh oxygen bringing his brain back online with a jolt.

“Zhao Yunlan?” Shen Wei asked again, his hand gently holding Zhao Yunlan’s elbow. “Are you well?”

“I… You…” He swallowed, though it took more effort than he thought it should. “Where did you want me to, uh, put this?”

Shen Wei used the grip he had to bring Zhao Yunlan’s hand up and rested it over his heart. “I thought it would be most fitting here.”

Zhao Yunlan stared at him for a long moment and then glanced down at the paper again. “I don’t think I need this as a reference,” he said and tossed it aside. “I’ve been writing my own name for a very long time, after all.”

Shen Wei’s grin widened. “If you forget, you can just trace over what has already been there since the universe began.”

Zhao Yunlan’s lips curled and he nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I think I can.”

Anonymous asked:

Hey! I just wanted to say how much I love your writing! Idk how old the nervous Steve headcanons are but omg I absolutely love them - i would absolutely love it if you wrote a little about the weekend you mentioned, where Steve and Bucky are both struggling to communicate!

thank you!! i vaguely remember what you’re talking about--could you send me a link to the one you mean??


Midnight Sneaks

Rating: T Warnings: none Ships: none Summary: Hunk and Lance just happen to be awake when Pidge wanders into the kitchen at oh-dark-thirty. And they have delicious mousse and freshly whipped cream. If she weren't so tired, she'd have definitely caught onto their plot sooner.

this is for the Voltron Fluff Week 2017 Day 5: Sweets/Midnight Snacks. lol it’s so late idk if it counts. oh well. i wrote it so i’m publishing it. *nod*

make sure to watch your step, mobile users, there is a read more. or you can read it on the archive.

Pidge rubbed at her eyes with her knuckles, pushing up her glasses to try and work the sleep and grit out of the corners. She should call it quits for tonight, but she couldn’t help feeling she was so close to finding something about where the transport Matt and his rebel friends commandeered went after the sighting above Pintari 9.

If she just had any tiny hint of a direction to look, she could set up the search algorithm and go to sleep happy.

Yawning, she picked up her mug—and immediately knew it was empty. With an annoyed grunt she set it back down.

Five dobashes later she picked it back up and got it all the way to her mouth before she realized it was empty.


Allura’s Twelve

Rating: G Warnings: none Ships: none Summary: The Paladins learn that while there are a great many differences between Earth and Altean culture, movie genres are not one of them. Some things are just universal.

this is for the Voltron Fluff Week 2017 Day 4: Movie Night. i’m not gonna catch up at this rate, but i am determined to finish, dammit.

make sure to watch your step, mobile users, there is a read more. or you can read it on the archive.

“Good work, Paladins,” Allura said, wiping sweat from her brow with the back of one wrist. The only one of the five humans who was still upright at all was Shiro and he looked like he was standing by sheer force of will.

Even as she watched, he swayed a little before he visibly forced himself to stop. Given where he’d done the majority of his training, that was an unhappy—if unsurprising—observation.

But, for all that they still had so much work to do, she was proud of them. She herself was leaning on her staff, the exhaustion seeping deep into her bones. She would sleep well tonight, of that she was sure.

Remembering what Shiro had suggested the last time they had made significant progress, she said, “I think we’ll end training here for today.”

Lance punched a fist up in the air from where he was sprawled on his back, Hunk gave a soft, “Yay,” and even Keith exhaled a sigh of relief. The puddle of green and white armor that was Pidge seemed to melt further into the ground in what Allura hoped was happiness and not unconsciousness.


I Have Miles to Go (But For Now I'll Sleep)

Rating: G Warnings: none Ships: none Summary: Pidge needs sleep. Hunk is always happy to cuddle. Everyone wins.

this week has been *vague gestures* so this is late, but this is for the Voltron Fluff Week 2017 Day 3: Sleepover/Naptime.

no read more because it’s short, but you can still read it on the archive if you’d prefer.

The door to Hunk’s room opened, but his attention remained on the pad he had balanced on his chest as he lay stretched out on his bed. He was reading up on what amounted to user manuals for the Lions and, while he got the feeling that a lot had either been left out or was such common knowledge on Altea that they hadn’t bothered to include it, he was still learning a lot.

Having Yellow in his head to fill in some of the gaps or share a more detailed understanding of what was there helped, to be sure.

He heard the shuffle of a short stride and tiny feet and tabbed the clock into view for a second. It was earlier than she usually hit her wall of exhaustion, but she’d been running herself particularly ragged this week with the new data they’d pulled from the last Galra base they’d raided.

He wondered if she’d cut herself loose or if there had been intervention on the part of someone else.

She stopped next to him to yawn so widely her jaw audibly cracked and he couldn’t resist his own yawn. Little hands pawed at his wrist but she wasn’t going to be able to lift it if she was this tired. Amused as he was, he could practically feel the exhaustion seeping out of her.

He lifted his arm and she grunted when it almost knocked her off balance, but he twisted his wrist and caught her forearm, holding her up until she steadied.

It only lasted for a second, though, before she all but collapsed against his side. Her legs were tucked up and she tugged on his hand to pull it back down around her shoulders.

“Bad news?” he asked quietly.

“Not yet,” she said around another yawn slurring her words. “Might be good actually. Tomorrow. Sleep now.”

It was Yellow who passed along the slightly more coherent message from Green that there was something very promising, but they were both too tired to be sure of anything right now and Shiro and Black had intervened before they got too excited over something that might be nothing.

Hunk got the feeling that the left arm of Voltron was as exhausted by the continued lack of progress as her Paladin. Still, there was a spark of hope there that loosened some of the worry in his chest.

He couldn’t hug Green, but he could hug Pidge, squeezing her small frame against his side until she whuffed in mild protest.

“Stop squishin’ me,” she grumbled.

“Can’t help it,” he said. “You’re like a teddy bear.”

She cracked one eye to glare at him. “There’s not going to be anything teddy about the way this bear is gonna bite you if you keep it up.”

That would have been much more of a threat if her glasses weren’t askew on her face and her hair wasn’t fluffy from running her hands through it. Her nose scrunched up and then she yawned again, looking very put out by it and he had to bite back the laughter.

“Go to sleep,” he said, setting his pad down long enough to free her glasses and put them on safely on a shelf.

She made one last noise as she burrowed back into his side, but he could already feel her breath evening out and her muscles going slack and heavy against his side. He rubbed a hand up and down her arm and then picked up his pad again and resumed his reading.



A Higher Form of War

Rating: G Warnings: none Ships: none Summary: Pidge has a plan to combat Lance's homesickness, but it's going to take a team effort. After all that training and bonding and focusing they've done though? They've got this.

this is for the Voltron Fluff Week 2017 Day 2: Blanket Forts/Pillow Fights.

make sure to watch your step, mobile users, there is a read more. or you can read it on the archive.

Pidge spent half an hour looking for him before she finally found Shiro in the kitchen. He was leaning against the counter and discussing tomorrow’s training with Allura and eating his dessert from dinner out of a bowl.

While she could certainly appreciate Hunk’s skill in creating something that tasted—if didn’t remotely look—like butterscotch pudding, there were more important things to be done right now. Though interrupting those two plotting the demise of the rest of them via endless, brutal drills was always a valid reason in and of itself.

Knowing that giving him a chance to argue was the best way to fail, Pidge just grabbed hold of his arm and started pulling him towards the door. Happily, while he could play the part of an immoveable object very well, his default mode with the paladins outside of battle seemed to be to go with it unless or until he found a reason not to.

Careful testing had proven that this seemed to be especially true for her. Based on years of being Matt’s little sister she had her suspicions why and probably shouldn’t approve, but it worked and she had no desire to sabotage a perfectly useful loophole.

“I think if we—” He looked down when she wrapped her fingers around his wrist and tugged. “Oh, hey, Pidge, what’s— Okay, I guess we’re leaving,” he said, sounding thoroughly amused. “I’ll see you later, Princess.”

“Until later,” Allura said, laughter clear in her tone.


Guardian (Princess) of the Forest

Rating: T Warnings: none Ships: none Summary: Pidge doesn't regret anything that led her to this place in her life. She couldn't have planned it better if she'd tried. Well, there is one thing she regrets.

This is for the Voltron Fluff Week 2017 Day 1: Flower Crowns.

Special thanks to @musicalluna for cheerleading me through my angst/fluff freakout.

make sure to watch your step, mobile users, there is a read more. or you can read it on the archive

Pidge dropped the brush on the table and buried her face in her hands.

This was ridiculous.

She’d only been pretending to be a boy for a year. Not even a full one, technically.

How could she have forgotten everything from her life before that?

She lifted her head enough to peek over her fingers at the unruly mess on top of her head and groaned again, this time letting her head hit the tabletop with a thunk. She lifted it and dropped it again a few more times just in case that jogged something loose.


Big Stick Diplomacy

Rating: T Warnings: none Ships: none Summary: Keith is bad at diplomacy, but he is trying. Pidge... not so much.

Suuuuuuper late Platonic VLD Week Day 7: Free/AU!

As always, @musicalluna is the one who not only gave me the INCREDIBLE idea, but also flailed over it in approval.

make sure to watch your step, mobile users, there is a read more. or you can read it on the archive.

“I am not disagreeing that allying with the Paladins of Voltron would be a great boon to any resistance efforts, but can we truly trust them when they have a Galra in their midst? In Voltron itself even?”

Keith’s fingers tightened around his glass and he lowered his gaze to the floor. He pressed his lips flat on the sigh that wanted to escape.

He should have stayed in the Castle.


Hard Reboot

Rating: T Warnings: blood Ships: none Summary: After a mission goes bad, Pidge tries to do something good instead of thinking about how much worse it could have been. It does not go as planned and Hunk might be the one that ends up paying for her mistake.

Platonic VLD Week Day 6: Injury/Healing!

@musicalluna is just the best, y'all, and this story is shorter but so much better for her involvement. <3

as always watch your step, mobile users, there is a read more. or you can read it on the archive.

“And now that it’s compiled and debugged…” Pidge’s grin stretched wide in anticipatory triumph as she dramatically pushed the button that would upload the program to the Castle’s network.

The lights dimmed and she snapped her fingers with a—probably overly dramatic—"Tadah!“

Only… the lights didn’t come back up. That was not good.

She arched an eyebrow, then snapped her fingers again. "Tadah?”

The hangar remained dark and she sighed. “Or not. Let’s see what semicolon I forgot this time,” she grumbled.


Break On Me

Rating: T Warnings: violence, captivity, blood, vomiting Ships: none Summary: Captured. Concussed. Crying. Pidge's had better days. But not better friends.

Platonic VLD Week Day 5: Got Your Back/Don't Let Go!

Thanks once again go to @musicalluna for her help with icky things like titles and summaries and endings. *blows kisses*

as always watch your step mobile users there is a read more. or you can read it on the archive.

"Look," Lance said from his place kneeling at the other end of the line. "I know you think this is a great plan, but it's really not. I mean, I get it. I see the appeal: You have four-fifths of the Paladins of Voltron here, in front of you, tied up like stray dogs. You've basically won, right? Only you haven't. Because four-fifths is not five-fifths and that last fifth is a doozy, my friend. A real, kick-in-the-nuts—"

The harsh smack and subsequent sounds of Lance hitting the ground weren't unexpected, but Pidge flinched all the same. She loved Lance like a brother, but sometimes he really needed to learn when to keep his mouth shut. Being the snarky, glib hero was great in a movie. It was a lot more painful and less helpful in real life.

"Be silent or I will make sure I only have three-fourths of the Paladins of Voltron left when the last arrives," the alien guarding them growled.



Rating: T Warnings: violence, captivity, unspecified offscreen torture/medical experimentation Ships: none Summary: It's an old proverb that battle plans never survive first contact with the enemy and rescues aren't much different in that respect. Still if things keep going the way they are, Pidge is going to have to ask Shiro to stop helping.

Platonic VLD Week Day 4: Enemies/Family!

Title and support of this story was provided by @musicalluna​ (and also by viewers like you.)

as always watch your step mobile users there is a read more. or you can read it on the archive.

“It’s going to be okay. We’re going to be just fine, I promise.”

Shiro didn’t make any kind of response, but that was all right. He was still breathing, and that was all Pidge cared about right now. It was probably better that he slept through this part of things. He could wake up after they brought him out of the pod and he’d be fine again.

Hot tears welled up and spilled down her cheeks and she wiped them on her shoulder. Her hands were too busy to spare for such a task, one carding through his hair where his head lay on her collarbone, the other wrapped around his waist to keep him close and also remind him he wasn’t alone.

If it reminded her too, well, that was just efficient.



Rating: T Warnings: offscreen violence and mention of potentially squicky injury Ships: none Summary: Pidge absolutely trusts her family, both blood and not. She just doesn't want to see them hurt. That this might be how she hurts them didn't quite occur to her before now.

Platonic VLD Week Day 3: Bonding/Lions!

kid tested, @musicalluna approved.

as always watch your step mobile users there is a read more. or you can read it on the archive.


She tapped the end of her stylus on the desk as she tried to figure out if this A should have a grave or acute accent in English. She wasn’t actually sure it should have either, but her knowledge of Earth languages was limited to Romantic ones and a tiny smattering of Russian from her one uncle. They were hardly representative of all the possible diacritical marks used on the planet.


Then again, it wasn’t like she was translating this for publication, it was just a set of flash cards. She could make up her own accent for all that it mattered, as long as it helped her remember what sound it should make.


Still, if there was a correct way to transliterate it from Altean, she’d prefer to get it right now than have to relearn it later.

“Hmm.” She frowned, wondering if any of her fellow paladins knew any third or more languages that might help. Japanese and Korean probably weren’t going to help at all since they had to be transliterated too, and Spanish she already knew. Maybe Samoan? She wasn’t familiar enough with it to know for sure, though she didn’t remember seeing any accent types other than the one line thingy. And the apostrophes, but she wasn’t even sure that counted for this scenario.

She stared at the wall, chewing on her lip.

When her name wasn’t called again, she eventually let her shoulders relax a little.


I Knead You To Be Quiet

Rating: G Warnings: none Ships: none Summary: Sometimes everything just gets to be too much. Hunk understands that all too well.

This one only took two attempts for Platonic VLD Week Day 2: Quiet/Chaos! IMROVEMENT! \o/

thanks to @musicalluna for being awesome in general and also introducing me to mochi irl. i haven’t yet had a chance to make it, but i am quite sure she’s right about how lovely a sensory experience it is.

as always watch your step mobile users there is a read more. or you can read it on the archive.

“Get out.”

Lance and Pidge both froze and then turned to stare at Hunk.

“What?” Pidge asked, clearly surprised by the firm order.

“Get out,” he repeated. He moved toward them, shooing them along and using his size to his advantage to give them no opportunity to refuse. “Go. Somewhere else. I don’t care where. Just go. Now.”

“Hunk, what—” Lance started, but Hunk shook his head and crossed his arms, barring them reentry to the kitchen.

“I’ll call you for dinner, but until then find something else to do.”


Sunny With a Chance of Pain

Rating: G Warnings: none Ships: none Summary: A day of fun in the sun doesn’t come without a price when you’re the palest Paladin of Voltron. At least she’s got her friends to pamper her in her time of painfully burning need.

IT’S STILL SUNDAY SOMEWHERE, RIGHT? i hope so because it took me like seven tries but i FINALLY found an idea i could do for the Platonic VLD Week Day 1: Sunlight/Moonlight. huzzah! \o/

also, bless @musicalluna for being the best at titles even when she is freezing and tired. <3 u boo.

lastly watch your step mobile users there is a read more. or you can read it on the archive.


Allura paused in the doorway at the sound from Pidge, who was currently laying out flat on one of the couches. She was on her stomach and covered in damp washcloths that Lance was peeling up, dunking in a bowl of ice water, and reapplying. As each one came up, bright red skin dotted by a myriad of new brown spots was revealed.

“Is… everything all right here?” Allura asked carefully. She didn’t remember hearing of any injuries while they were out on the shore today.

“Oh hey, Allura,” Lance said. He squeezed another cloth and then laid it down over a patch in the middle of Pidge’s back. She flinched and shivered, then gave a sigh of relief. Lance just moved on to the one lower on her back and repeated the process.

“Pidge got a little too much sun out on the water,” he explained. “She’ll be fine, she’s just going to be kind of miserable for a few days.”

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