


prompt list: LIVE | Oct 24 - 31  | gen/multishipping horror and monster festival  | mods: @allslurp & @ethydium


dear ghouls and spooks,

we present to you the prompt list for #bnhahorrorweek2020

this is a non-ship specific horror festival to celebrate Halloween and the spooky season 👻🎃

for more info abt participating, rules, check out our FAQ !

reblogs are highly appreciated !!!

Anonymous asked:

Thank you for horror week!

haha, thank you :) but i have to also thank my co-mod @allslurp who helped me w the prompt, our designer who made the banger graphics and all the participants :))

<3 i’m happy you enjoyed it. we’ll be back next Halloween :)



why not? :) we’ll make another interest check circa September. and if ppl want this to happen, it will :)

Anonymous asked:

Thank you for horror week!

haha, thank you :) but i have to also thank my co-mod @allslurp who helped me w the prompt, our designer who made the banger graphics and all the participants :))

<3 i’m happy you enjoyed it. we’ll be back next Halloween :)


keep it safe

It’s been many years since Shouto carried his heart with him.
After his mother tried to destroy his unsightly half, she had been sent away. Shouto’s heart hurt so much, a near-constant burning in his chest that threatened to sear his lungs, the bones of his ribs, the veins and arteries that pumped blood through the vessel…
Well. One day, he decided he didn’t want it anymore. So he took it out.

my piece for the @bnhahorrorweek prompt “body horror” but like…it turned out fluffier than i expected? how did that happen?

thank you so much kat @sunshineijirou for doin a quick beta!

you can read the fic under the cut or here on ao3! you can also find a masterpost to all my bnha fics here!


Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku Characters: Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Izuku, Sensei | All For One, Garaki Kyuudai | Ujiko Daruma Additional Tags: Human Experimentation, Artificial Life, mention of corpses, Villain Midoriya Inko, Inko is kinda terrible in this, but she outwardly resembles canon Inko, Whumptober 2020 Series: Part 31 of Whumptober 2020, Part 8 of BNHA Horror Week 2020 Summary:

Whumptober 2020, Day 31 TODAY’S SPECIAL: TORTURE Experiment| Whipped | Left for Dead + BNHA Horror Week 31st October: Mad Scientist (Free day) ‘’I have an offer for you, Inko,’’ he’d said. ‘’A fairly simple one, if I say so myself. I give you all the tools and materials you could ever want for your… experiments, and in return you use some of those to benefit me.’’ He’d then gone on to give her examples of what he could give her, what he had to offer, so incredibly detailed she found herself nearly drooling at the thought of having access to that stuff. ‘’What’s the catch?’’ she’d asked.

AKA, AFO hires Midoriya Inko to help doctor Garaki in creating the Nomu and other experiments, and Inko uses these funds and this technology to create a child. She slowly realizes she has a choice to make.

Mind the tags!


My final fic this month, which finishes off both events in one neat package. Full completion, woohoo!


Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Todoroki Shouto & Todoroki Touya, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko & Todoroki Touya & Takami Keigo | Hawks, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko & Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Todoroki Touya Characters: Todoroki Touya, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: BNHA Horror Week 2020, Free day, Alternate Universe - Witchcraft, Witches & Familiars, Alternate Universe - Age Swap, Todoroki Shouto is the Oldest Sibling Series: Part 8 of BNHA Monster/Horror Week 2020 Summary:

BNHA Monster/Horror Week Day 8: Free Day

Todoroki Touya, youngest child of the famous fire witch Todoroki Enji, undergoes a witch’s biggest milestone: the summoning of a familiar.


Her Beating Undead Heart (DekuShield) | BNHA Horror Week Free Day

Fandom: My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia

Pairing: DekuShield (Izuku Midoriya x Melissa Shield)

Rating: T


Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump!

Melissa could still feel every once of electricity pulsing through her stitched body, including her heart. Despite being a mostly man-made creation, she could still feel some pain. The electricity volts pumping in her veins is certainly proof of that.

Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump!

Thousands, if not millions, of volts pulse through her heart, to the point where she wonders how and why her heart hasn't given out from cardiac arrest due to all of that electricity.

She could still remember every shock delivered to her body. Her father and his assistant Mei testing her physical limits with every shock. The voltage increased after each one as does the level of pain she is forced to endure.

She still remembers the heart monitor connected to her beeping erratically. Her heart rate skyrocketing to around 320 beats per minute. Far beyond any normal physical human limits.

She remembers all the times her heart should have flatlined. All the times her eyes roll upward to the back of her head as she gasped for air.

Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump!

Melissa awakens from her dream. Well, it was less of a dream and more like the aforementioned memories of pain. She was sweating like crazy and she was noticeably hyperventilating. "Mel! Are you alright?!" She hears a familiar voice cry out.

The young pale skinned daywalker vampire rushed to Melissa's side. The stitched undead girl looked like she was struggling to breathe properly. His vampiric senses honed in on her heart and lungs going haywire in her chest. He places his hand on her sternum, trying to get her to calm down.

Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump!

"Look at me, Mel. Try to breathe, alright?" Izuku said, rather concerned about Melissa's well-being. He was also worried that, given her heartbeat and breathing were accelerating, he might have to give her CPR.

Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump!

Melissa's heart and lungs eventually did calm down, allowing her to catch her breath. "Are you alright?" Izuku asked, his vampiric senses still focused on Melissa's heart. "Yeah," Melissa panted. "I'm fine." "You're clearly not," Izuku replied. "Did you have another nightmare or something?"

Melissa sighed. "No. It...it was about me and my dad." She would explain her dream and every last painful detail surrounding it. Izuku knew Melissa's relationship with her father was a rocky one to say the least, but this was something much more traumatic.

He can't imagine the kind of pain she went through. All that electricity entering her heart. That must have been the most painful thing in the world for her.

So, Izuku did what anyone would do. He comforted her, placing his hand on Melissa's heart, much to her confusion.

Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump!

"It's ok, Mel," he said softly. "Your heart is beautiful. And I don't want anything bad to happen to it or you." Melissa let out a soft gasp as her face blushed slightly. He really said that he didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

That was the first time her heart pounded from something other than pain: compassion. All the while, Izuku simply listened and felt the strong pulses of Melissa's beating undead heart.

Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump!


Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki Additional Tags: Threat of Starvation, Apocalypse, Loss of Parent(s), accepting death Series: Part 7 of BNHA Horror Week 2020 Summary:

BNHA Horror Week 30th October: Old Gods/Nature | (Post-) Apocalypse

When the world ended the day after Deku’s sixteenth birthday, they’d both been fairly far removed from civilization. Kacchan had taken him hiking as a present and that had saved both of their lives, initially. When the screams had reached them on the way down they’d ran back home, first to Deku’s then to Kacchan’s. No one had been at either residence.

Mind the tags!

Anonymous asked:

What time zone are you in by the way?


Both mods are in GMT +1 (UTC +1). Basically, Central European Time (CET). At times, it can be unfortunate. We are aware that most people are on different continents. 

To try and solve this, we’re going to try and make a master post next week, with all the submissions. But also, late submissions are allowed until the end of November. 


@bnhahorrorweek Post apocalypse prompt/ non-quirk characters. Threw this one-shot together for this prompt. 🙃 Bakudeku. Sorry my edits suck lol.

It’s been two years since the world imploded and left survivors struggling to just stay alive. No one knew exactly how it began, but many suspected it was man made. When the United States declared war on China, and the world sided against the falling superpower, the country retaliated... soon stories began popping up about people becoming zombie-like and attacking with no hesitation as if all conscious reasoning was gone. The coincidence was how it started in areas being bombed by the U.S., first Asia, Europe, but as with most viruses, it spread quickly through the infected until there wasn’t a country on Earth left standing.

Izuku Midoriya was in his senior year of high school at the time, but once the virus hit Japan, chaos broke out. In the dense cities like Tokyo, it was like a wave washing through that quickly jumped to surrounding cities including Shizuoka where he lived with his mother. Within a matter of weeks the entire island country was engulfed by these soulless beings. He’d lost everyone he knew, his classmates, friends, and after a month of running, his mom when they’d been ambushed sneaking through the subway tunnels.

Perhaps it was his smaller size that was to his benefit. Growing up Izuku was teased for being a shorter, gangly kid, but when the goal was hiding, it became an asset. He was smart and a quick learner, who figured out the best ways to stay out of sight from the roving hoards. These things weren’t dead like most zombie movies tended to portray. The virus infected and destroyed the upper portions of the brain leaving just the brain stems that controlled basic life functions. It generally resembled a mutated syphilis strain, but 10 times worse with no cure, and no way to stop it once it took control. All the zombies knew to do was eat, and eat, and eat.

By the end of the first year, Izuku realized that constantly being on the move had some detriment, so when he came across an abandoned apartment building built with brick walls, he decided to create a fortress for himself. It took some time working only when the creatures weren’t around, but he reinforced the second floor apartments with steel and blacked out the windows. Once the outside was secured, Izuku broke through walls to connect the apartments together.

Maybe he’ll run into another survivor one day. There must be others, but since he didn’t travel far from his base camp, it was wholly possible he’d simply never come across one. Even now almost two years later, he was only a stones throw away from his original home is Musutafu. It was a lonely existence and there were many days when he wondered if it was worth it to keep living like this. Working on his new ‘home’ was the only thing that helped to keep his mind from slipping into depression, and he was quite proud of his accomplishments. Breaking through the ceiling, he managed to rig a pipe to the roof that collected rain water and funneled it into a plugged bath tub. Similar venting allowed him to build a make shift hearth for fires, handy during the colder months and to cook with.

They were truly back to the stone ages now. All the skills many take for granted, simple things like how to sew or forage for edible plants, he had to learn. No more electricity, meant no more quick entertainment, so he raided a nearby bookstore for things to read. Over time, Izuku settled in for the long haul, just concerning himself with finding supplies, keeping occupied, and most of all, not losing his sanity.

Until one day, while returning to his home, Izuku heard a noise and ducks low behind a broken down vehicle. It had only been a quick trip to a close by hardware store. He watched, readying his weapon in case of an attack. Crap! He’d left the fire going in the apartment for heating, so had the smoke attracted a zombie?

A human walks out from around some parked vehicles. At first he can’t tell if it’s a zombie or not, because the person’s attire hid their features. But the longer he watched their movements, the way they walked cautiously, with a backpack slung over one shoulder, Izuku started to wonder if it could be a survivor! It was a dangerous move to break cover, but after surveying the area and not seeing anyone else, he decided to get the persons attention. If it was a zombie there was still enough space between them to get away.

Izuku popped his head over the car and whistled once for 10 seconds. The person stopped and turned in his direction, but just stood in place staring. So he whistled a second time, while standing completely upright and clearly visible. He waved, signaling he was a normie, so the man lowers the hoodie of his jacket.

“K-Kacchan?!” He breathes out. No way! Of all the people to run into, but his long lost childhood friend?! The mans hair was a dirtier blonde now, shaggier and disheveled, but those red eyes were unmistakable. Izuku steps forward, slowly moving towards the man. “Kacchan, is that really you?”

“Deku? Pfft, figures you’re the first live human I find.”

Another sound, distant, but real catches Izuku’s alert attention. He grabs the man by the arm. “It’s not safe here,” his voice is low as to not attract attention. “Follow me, I’ve got a safe place.”

Possibly tired of travel, Katsuki Bakugou follows the smaller male into the secured apartment building. He watches in fascination as Izuku takes them through a stairwell with multiple metal gates that looked added on, until they reach the main entrance.

“Welcome to my home,” Izuku smiles and ushers Katsuki inside.

“Tch, not bad nerd,” The blonde surveys his surroundings. “You set this all up yourself?”

“Yup. Took awhile but I reinforced the top half of the building.” He shows Katsuki each room. “An area for cooking, this is where I gather and store rain water. So if you wanna take a towel bath you can. Here’s where I sleep, and finally my storage area. I think I have clothes in your size if you need something fresh to wear.”

“Think I’ll take you up on the bath first.”

“S-Sure!” Izuku grabs his friend a towel and hands it to him along with a fresh set of clothing. “I’ll be working on a dinner in the meantime,” he smiles.

“Thanks Deku.”

Izuku was on cloud nine! It’d been years, long before the apocalypse hit that he’d ever spoken with Katsuki in a civil manner. The man seemed to have mellowed out, but of course an event like this one was bound to change people. He was just thrilled to have found a survivor and even happier it was someone he knew. By the time Katsuki came out of the bath area cleaned and dressed, Izuku had whipped up a small meal for the two of them.

“Hope your hungry,” Izuku smiles and presents a plate to his friend. “I got lucky and caught a wild hare in my trap yesterday.”

Katsuki takes the plate and sits down on a rug. “How do you have fresh vegetables?”

“I grow them on the roof.” Izuku sits down across from the man with his own plate. “Tomatoes, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and onions so far, but I’m working on soybeans too. Tell me Kacchan, where have you been all this time?”

“I was in Osaka visiting an uncle when this shit hit, then the bastards killed my parents last year as we tried to get back home.”

“I’m sorry Kacchan,” Izuku’s voice softened, “I lost my mom too a month after it hit.”

“Looks like you’re doing well though.” Katsuki looks around. “Seems a pretty safe hold out.”

“It’s better than the streets. Luckily the zombies are dumb. You know, you’re welcome to stay. There’s plenty of room for two people.”

“I don’t wanna impose...”

“You’re not imposing Kacchan. It’ll be nice to have someone to talk to aside from myself.”

“Alright, I’ll stick around since it beats the elements. Am I the first person you’ve seen?”

“Yeah, alive any way. I’ve run into people we knew but they’re all zombies now.”

“Tch, I mean to live now, then die as one of the last humans on this plant? This blows.”

“I try not to think about that and rather take any positive thing I can cling to.”

“Always the optimist Deku.” Katsuki laughs. “Even with a disaster you never change.”

As the hours grow late, Izuku suggests they pull out an extra mattress he has in the storage room for his friend to sleep on. But Katsuki points to Izuku’s Queen sized bed. “Why? We both fit, and besides it’s warmer this way, right?”

Izuku stammers as his face turns red. “I-I guess, as long as you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind, do you?”

“No.” He did, but it was just his nervousness over sharing a bed with a guy he once had a crush on.

“Good, cause I’m exhausted.” Katsuki slips under the blanket and pats the bed. “It’s late, let’s get some sleep.”

“O-Okay...” Izuku put out the fire and climbed under the covers, but turns on his side away from the man.

“Pfft,” Katsuki spoons up to Izuku, “supposed to keep each other warm remember,” he wraps his arm around and pulls the man close. “Nite, nerd.”

‘Ahhhh! What is going on?!’ “G’night Kacchan.” If this was how he’ll spend the rest of this apocalypse... guess it wasn’t so bad anymore.


Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi Characters: Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi Additional Tags: unfavourable portrayal of christianity, Religious Themes, Clumsy does BNHA Horror Week, Not Beta Read Series: Part 6 of Clumsy Does BNHA Horror Week 2020 Summary:

Prompt: Old Gods Shinso and Kaminari have been hiking the American Midwest. It gets late, and they find a quaint little village where they can rest for the night.


Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Shinsou Hitoshi & Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto Characters: Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Jirou Kyouka Additional Tags: BNHA Horror Week 2020, Old Gods, Nature, Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Eldritch Midoriya Izuku, Old God Midoriya Izuku Series: Part 7 of BNHA Monster/Horror Week 2020 Summary:

BNHA Monster/Horror Week Day 7: Old Gods/Nature | Post-Apocalypse

Hitoshi finds himself accompanying the newest arrival at the Settlement into the woods, risking certain death at the hands of the megafauna, all in the name of finding some sort of not-human.

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